#import gradio as gr #gr.Interface.load("models/nota-ai/bk-sdm-small").launch() import gradio as gr # List of twenty animals and wildlife native to Minnesota animals = [ "White-tailed deer", "Moose", "Bobcat", "Coyote", "Red fox", "Eastern gray squirrel", "American black bear", "Bald eagle", "Great horned owl", "Wild turkey", "Canada goose", "Mallard duck", "Eastern bluebird", "Northern pike", "Walleye", "Common loon", "Snowshoe hare", "Red-tailed hawk", "Beaver", "Eastern chipmunk" ] def model_output(animal_name): # Assuming the model accepts a string as input and returns some information about the animal model = gr.Interface.load("models/nota-ai/bk-sdm-small") return model(animal_name)[0] interface = gr.Interface( fn=model_output, # function to call on user input inputs=gr.inputs.Dropdown(choices=animals, label="Select an Animal"), outputs="text", live=True # updates output without needing to click a button ) interface.launch()