import streamlit as st from graphviz import Digraph import json import os def create_amygdala_hijacking_graph(): # ... (same as before) ... def load_votes(): if os.path.exists('votes.json'): with open('votes.json', 'r') as f: return json.load(f) else: return {'upvotes': {}, 'downvotes': {}} def save_votes(votes): with open('votes.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(votes, f) def display_votes(): votes = load_votes() st.write("Upvotes:") for term, count in votes['upvotes'].items(): st.write(f"{term}: {count}") st.write("Downvotes:") for term, count in votes['downvotes'].items(): st.write(f"{term}: {count}") def main(): st.title("Amygdala Hijacking Visualization") st.text("A simple graph model to represent amygdala hijacking in the brain.") amygdala_hijacking_graph = create_amygdala_hijacking_graph() st.graphviz_chart(amygdala_hijacking_graph) terms = [ '👂 Sensory Input', '📡 Thalamus', '🔴 Amygdala', '📚 Hippocampus', '💡 Prefrontal Cortex', '🎬 Response' ] for term in terms: st.write(term) upvote_button = st.button(f"👍 Upvote {term}") downvote_button = st.button(f"👎 Downvote {term}") if upvote_button or downvote_button: votes = load_votes() if upvote_button: if term not in votes['upvotes']: votes['upvotes'][term] = 0 votes['upvotes'][term] += 1 elif downvote_button: if term not in votes['downvotes']: votes['downvotes'][term] = 0 votes['downvotes'][term] += 1 save_votes(votes) display_votes() if __name__ == "__main__": main() st.markdown(""" Explain amygdala hijacking using a graph model in streamlit python program using graphviz to represent levels or modes of thinking Amygdala hijacking is a phenomenon where our emotional brain (amygdala) takes control over our rational brain (prefrontal cortex), leading to impulsive and irrational behavior. In this response, I'll guide you on how to create a Streamlit app with Graphviz to visualize the concept of amygdala hijacking using a graph model. """)