# pROMPT eVOLUTION IS IN dISCUSSIONS/cOMMUNITY TO SEE PROMPTS AND HOW IT IS MADE. import streamlit as st import random import pandas as pd # Define possible traits, desires, and challenges traits = ["Brave", "Clever", "Kind", "Curious", "Resourceful", "Timid"] desires = ["Find a lost paper artifact", "Become a real-life figure", "Uncover the deepest secret of the carousel"] challenges = [ {"name": "Puzzle of the Lost Scroll", "requirement": "Clever", "effect": "gain_item"}, {"name": "The Mysterious Shadow", "requirement": "Brave", "effect": "path_change"}, {"name": "The Forgotten Message", "requirement": "Curious", "effect": "reveal_info"} ] # Define items that can be found or earned items = ["Golden Scissors", "Enchanted Glue", "Mystical Parchment"] # Helper function to roll dice def roll_dice(): return random.choice(['⚀', '⚁', '⚂', '⚃', '⚄', '⚅']) # Function to handle character creation def create_character(): with st.form("Character Creation"): name = st.text_input("Character Name") trait = st.selectbox("Select a Trait", traits) desire = st.selectbox("What is your character's desire?", desires) submitted = st.form_submit_button("Create Character") if submitted: character = {'name': name, 'trait': trait, 'desire': desire, 'items': []} st.session_state.character = character st.success(f"Character {name} created successfully!") # Function to start the quest with dynamic challenges def start_quest(): st.markdown("## 🚀 The Quest Begins") if st.button("Encounter a Challenge"): challenge = random.choice(challenges) st.write(f"You've encountered: {challenge['name']}.") handle_challenge(challenge) # Function to handle challenges def handle_challenge(challenge): if challenge['requirement'] == st.session_state.character['trait']: if challenge['effect'] == "gain_item": item = random.choice(items) st.session_state.character['items'].append(item) st.write(f"Successfully overcome! You found an item: {item}.") elif challenge['effect'] == "path_change": st.write("Successfully overcome! Your path changes, leading to new discoveries.") elif challenge['effect'] == "reveal_info": st.write("Successfully overcome! You uncover important information about the carousel.") else: st.write("Challenge not overcome. Consider trying different approaches or finding items that might help.") # Function for carousel encounter with randomized outcomes def carousel_encounter(): st.markdown("## 🎠 Carousel Encounter") if st.button("Ride the Carousel"): st.write("The carousel spins, enveloping you in a whirlwind of colors and sounds.") outcome = roll_dice() handle_carousel_outcome(outcome) # Function to handle carousel outcomes def handle_carousel_outcome(outcome): # Example outcome handling if outcome in ['⚀', '⚁']: st.write("You receive a vision of a possible future, inspiring you with new determination.") elif outcome in ['⚂', '⚃']: item = random.choice(items) st.session_state.character['items'].append(item) st.write(f"The carousel's magic grants you an item: {item}.") else: st.write("The ride offers you a glimpse of the world's deepest secrets, changing your perspective.") # Function to display climactic choices and resolution def climactic_choices(): st.markdown("## ⚖️ Climactic Choices") choice = st.radio("What choice will you make?", ["Embrace the change", "Resist the change"]) if st.button("Make Choice"): if choice == "Embrace the change": st.markdown("## 🦋 Resolution and Transformation") st.write("Your choice leads to a beautiful transformation of the world and yourself.") else: st.markdown("## 🦋 Resolution and Transformation") st.write("Resisting the change keeps the world as it was, but you wonder what could have been.") # Function to display character and inventory information def display_character_info(): if 'character' in st.session_state: char = st.session_state.character st.write(f"Character: {char['name']}, Trait: {char['trait']}, Desire: {char['desire']}") if char['items']: st.write("Inventory:", ", ".join(char['items'])) else: st.write("Inventory is empty.") # Main app function def main(): st.title("📖 The Carousel Paper Cutout World Adventure") # Initialize session state variables if not already present if 'character' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.character = None # Display the story outline and rules using Streamlit markdown with st.expander("Story Outline and Rules"): st.markdown(""" ### 📖 Story Outline: The Carousel Paper Cutout World - **Objective:** To create a captivating graphic novel set in a magical paper cutout world. - **Theme:** Cycles, changes, and the impact of choices. - **Setting:** A vibrant paper cutout world with a central carousel. """) # Character creation and game progression if st.session_state.character is None: create_character() else: display_character_info() start_quest() carousel_encounter() climactic_choices() if __name__ == "__main__": main()