import gradio as gr # Function to list files with .csv and .txt extensions in the current directory def list_files(file_path): import os current_directory = os.getcwd() file_list = [] for filename in os.listdir(current_directory): if filename.endswith(".csv") or filename.endswith(".txt"): file_list.append(filename) if file_list: return "\n".join(file_list) else: return "No .csv or .txt files found in the current directory." # Function to read a file def read_file(file_path): try: with open(file_path, "r") as file: contents = return f"{contents}" #return f"Contents of {file_path}:\n{contents}" except FileNotFoundError: return "File not found." # Function to delete a file def delete_file(file_path): try: import os os.remove(file_path) return f"{file_path} has been deleted." except FileNotFoundError: return "File not found." # Function to write to a file def write_file(file_path, content): try: with open(file_path, "w") as file: file.write(content) return f"Successfully written to {file_path}." except: return "Error occurred while writing to file." # Function to append to a file def append_file(file_path, content): try: with open(file_path, "a") as file: file.write(content) return f"Successfully appended to {file_path}." except: return "Error occurred while appending to file." demo = gr.Blocks() with demo: fileName = gr.Textbox(label="Filename") fileContent = gr.TextArea(label="File Content") completedMessage = gr.Textbox(label="Completed") label = gr.Label() listFiles = gr.Button("List CSV and TXT File(s)") readFile = gr.Button("Read File") saveFile = gr.Button("Save File") deleteFile = gr.Button("Delete File") appendFile = gr.Button("Append File") listFiles = gr.Button("📄 List CSV and TXT File(s)") readFile = gr.Button("📖 Read File") saveFile = gr.Button("💾 Save File") deleteFile = gr.Button("🗑️ Delete File") appendFile = gr.Button("➕ Append File"), inputs=fileName, outputs=fileContent), inputs=fileName, outputs=fileContent), inputs=[fileName, fileContent], outputs=completedMessage), inputs=fileName, outputs=completedMessage), inputs=[fileName, fileContent], outputs=completedMessage ) demo.launch()