import streamlit as st # Set the title of the app st.title("Mystery Emoji Translator") # Define the emoji meanings as a dictionary emoji_meanings = { "🔍": "Magnifying Glass", "🕵️‍♀️": "Detective (Female)", "🕵️‍♂️": "Detective (Male)", "🤔": "Thinking Face", "❓": "Question Mark", "❔": "White Question Mark" } # Define the sidebar title and text st.sidebar.title("About") st.sidebar.write("This app translates mystery emojis into their meanings.") # Add a selectbox to the sidebar with the available emojis selected_emoji = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select an emoji", list(emoji_meanings.keys())) # Display the selected emoji and its meaning st.write("You selected:", selected_emoji) st.write("Meaning:", emoji_meanings[selected_emoji])