import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json import os import glob import random from pathlib import Path from datetime import datetime import edge_tts import asyncio import requests import streamlit.components.v1 as components import base64 import re from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from datasets import load_dataset # -------------------- Configuration & Constants -------------------- USER_NAMES = [ "Aria", "Guy", "Sonia", "Tony", "Jenny", "Davis", "Libby", "Clara", "Liam", "Natasha", "William" ] ENGLISH_VOICES = [ "en-US-AriaNeural", "en-US-GuyNeural", "en-GB-SoniaNeural", "en-GB-TonyNeural", "en-US-JennyNeural", "en-US-DavisNeural", "en-GB-LibbyNeural", "en-CA-ClaraNeural", "en-CA-LiamNeural", "en-AU-NatashaNeural", "en-AU-WilliamNeural" ] # Map each user to a corresponding voice USER_VOICES = dict(zip(USER_NAMES, ENGLISH_VOICES)) ROWS_PER_PAGE = 100 SAVED_INPUTS_DIR = "saved_inputs" os.makedirs(SAVED_INPUTS_DIR, exist_ok=True) SESSION_VARS = { 'search_history': [], 'last_voice_input': "", 'transcript_history': [], 'should_rerun': False, 'search_columns': [], 'initial_search_done': False, 'arxiv_last_query': "", 'dataset_loaded': False, 'current_page': 0, 'data_cache': None, 'dataset_info': None, 'nps_submitted': False, 'nps_last_shown': None, 'old_val': None, 'voice_text': None, 'user_name': random.choice(USER_NAMES), 'max_items': 100, 'global_voice': "en-US-AriaNeural", 'last_arxiv_input': None } for var, default in SESSION_VARS.items(): if var not in st.session_state: st.session_state[var] = default def create_voice_component(): mycomponent = components.declare_component( "mycomponent", path="mycomponent" ) return mycomponent def clean_for_speech(text: str) -> str: text = text.replace("\n", " ") text = text.replace("", " ") text = text.replace("#", "") text = re.sub(r"\(https?:\/\/[^\)]+\)", "", text) text = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", text).strip() return text async def edge_tts_generate_audio(text, voice="en-US-AriaNeural"): text = clean_for_speech(text) if not text.strip(): return None communicate = edge_tts.Communicate(text, voice) out_fn = f"speech_{'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%f')}.mp3" await return out_fn def speak_with_edge_tts(text, voice="en-US-AriaNeural"): return, voice)) def play_and_download_audio(file_path): if file_path and os.path.exists(file_path): dl_link = f'Download {os.path.basename(file_path)}' st.markdown(dl_link, unsafe_allow_html=True) def generate_filename(prefix, text): timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") safe_text = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', text[:50]).strip().lower() safe_text = re.sub(r'[-\s]+', '-', safe_text) return f"{prefix}_{timestamp}_{safe_text}.md" def save_input_as_md(user_name, text, prefix="input"): if not text.strip(): return fn = generate_filename(prefix, text) full_path = os.path.join(SAVED_INPUTS_DIR, fn) with open(full_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(f"# User: {user_name}\n") f.write(f"**Timestamp:** {'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}\n\n") f.write(text) return full_path def save_response_as_md(user_name, text, prefix="response"): if not text.strip(): return fn = generate_filename(prefix, text) full_path = os.path.join(SAVED_INPUTS_DIR, fn) with open(full_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(f"# User: {user_name}\n") f.write(f"**Timestamp:** {'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}\n\n") f.write(text) return full_path def list_saved_inputs(): files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(SAVED_INPUTS_DIR, "*.md"))) return files def parse_md_file(fpath): user_line = "" ts_line = "" content_lines = [] with open(fpath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if line.startswith("# User:"): user_line = line.replace("# User:", "").strip() elif line.startswith("**Timestamp:**"): ts_line = line.replace("**Timestamp:**", "").strip() else: content_lines.append(line.strip()) content = "\n".join(content_lines).strip() return user_line, ts_line, content def arxiv_search(query, max_results=3): base_url = "" params = { 'search_query': query.replace(' ', '+'), 'start': 0, 'max_results': max_results } response = requests.get(base_url, params=params, timeout=30) if response.status_code == 200: root = ET.fromstring(response.text) ns = {"a": ""} entries = root.findall('a:entry', ns) results = [] for entry in entries: title = entry.find('a:title', ns).text.strip() summary = entry.find('a:summary', ns).text.strip() summary_short = summary[:300] + "..." results.append((title, summary_short)) return results return [] def summarize_arxiv_results(results): lines = [] for i, (title, summary) in enumerate(results, 1): lines.append(f"Result {i}: {title}\n{summary}\n") return "\n\n".join(lines) def simple_dataset_search(query, df): if df.empty or not query.strip(): return pd.DataFrame() query_terms = query.lower().split() matches = [] for idx, row in df.iterrows(): text_parts = [] for col in df.columns: val = row[col] if isinstance(val, str): text_parts.append(val.lower()) elif isinstance(val, (int, float)): text_parts.append(str(val)) full_text = " ".join(text_parts) if any(qt in full_text for qt in query_terms): matches.append(row) if matches: return pd.DataFrame(matches) return pd.DataFrame() from datasets import load_dataset @st.cache_data def load_dataset_page(dataset_id, token, page, rows_per_page): try: start_idx = page * rows_per_page end_idx = start_idx + rows_per_page dataset = load_dataset( dataset_id, token=token, streaming=False, split=f'train[{start_idx}:{end_idx}]' ) return pd.DataFrame(dataset) except: return pd.DataFrame() class SimpleDatasetSearcher: def __init__(self, dataset_id="tomg-group-umd/cinepile"): self.dataset_id = dataset_id self.token = os.environ.get('DATASET_KEY') def load_page(self, page=0): return load_dataset_page(self.dataset_id, self.token, page, ROWS_PER_PAGE) def concatenate_mp3(files, output_file): # Naive binary concatenation of MP3 files with open(output_file, 'wb') as outfile: for f in files: with open(f, 'rb') as infile: outfile.write( def main(): st.title("🎙️ Voice Chat & Search") # Sidebar with st.sidebar: # Editable user name st.session_state['user_name'] = st.selectbox("Current User:", USER_NAMES, index=0) st.session_state['max_items'] = st.number_input("Max Items per search iteration:", min_value=1, max_value=1000, value=st.session_state['max_items']) st.subheader("📝 Saved Inputs & Responses") saved_files = list_saved_inputs() for fpath in saved_files: user, ts, content = parse_md_file(fpath) fname = os.path.basename(fpath) st.write(f"- {fname} (User: {user})") # Create voice component for input voice_component = create_voice_component() voice_val = voice_component(my_input_value="Start speaking...") # Tabs tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4 = st.tabs(["🗣️ Voice Chat History", "📚 ArXiv Search", "📊 Dataset Search", "⚙️ Settings"]) # ------------------ Voice Chat History ------------------------- with tab1: st.subheader("Voice Chat History") files = list_saved_inputs() conversation = [] for fpath in files: user, ts, content = parse_md_file(fpath) conversation.append((user, ts, content, fpath)) # Enumerate to ensure unique keys for i, (user, ts, content, fpath) in enumerate(reversed(conversation), start=1): with st.expander(f"{ts} - {user}", expanded=False): st.write(content) # Make button key unique by including i if st.button(f"🔊 Read Aloud {ts}-{user}", key=f"read_{i}_{fpath}"): voice = USER_VOICES.get(user, "en-US-AriaNeural") audio_file = speak_with_edge_tts(content, voice=voice) if audio_file: play_and_download_audio(audio_file) # Read entire conversation if st.button("📜 Read Conversation", key="read_conversation_all"): # conversation is currently reversed, re-reverse to get chronological conversation_chrono = list(reversed(conversation)) mp3_files = [] for user, ts, content, fpath in conversation_chrono: voice = USER_VOICES.get(user, "en-US-AriaNeural") audio_file = speak_with_edge_tts(content, voice=voice) if audio_file: mp3_files.append(audio_file) st.write(f"**{user} ({ts}):**") play_and_download_audio(audio_file) if mp3_files: combined_file = f"full_conversation_{'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.mp3" concatenate_mp3(mp3_files, combined_file) st.write("**Full Conversation Audio:**") play_and_download_audio(combined_file) # ------------------ ArXiv Search ------------------------- with tab2: st.subheader("ArXiv Search") edited_input = st.text_area("Enter or Edit Search Query:", value=(voice_val.strip() if voice_val else ""), height=100) autorun = st.checkbox("⚡ Auto-Run", value=True) run_arxiv = st.button("🔍 ArXiv Search", key="run_arxiv_button") input_changed = (edited_input != st.session_state.get('old_val')) should_run_arxiv = False if autorun and input_changed and edited_input.strip(): should_run_arxiv = True if run_arxiv and edited_input.strip(): should_run_arxiv = True if should_run_arxiv and st.session_state['last_arxiv_input'] != edited_input: st.session_state['old_val'] = edited_input st.session_state['last_arxiv_input'] = edited_input save_input_as_md(st.session_state['user_name'], edited_input, prefix="input") with st.spinner("Searching ArXiv..."): results = arxiv_search(edited_input) if results: summary = summarize_arxiv_results(results) save_response_as_md(st.session_state['user_name'], summary, prefix="response") st.write(summary) # Play summary aloud voice = USER_VOICES.get(st.session_state['user_name'], "en-US-AriaNeural") audio_file = speak_with_edge_tts(summary, voice=voice) if audio_file: play_and_download_audio(audio_file) else: st.warning("No results found on ArXiv.") # ------------------ Dataset Search ------------------------- with tab3: st.subheader("Dataset Search") ds_searcher = SimpleDatasetSearcher() query = st.text_input("Enter dataset search query:") run_ds_search = st.button("Search Dataset", key="ds_search_button") num_results = st.slider("Max results:", 1, 100, 20, key="ds_max_results") if run_ds_search and query.strip(): with st.spinner("Searching dataset..."): df = ds_searcher.load_page(0) results = simple_dataset_search(query, df) if not results.empty: st.write(f"Found {len(results)} results:") shown = 0 for i, (_, row) in enumerate(results.iterrows(), 1): if shown >= num_results: break with st.expander(f"Result {i}", expanded=(i==1)): for k, v in row.items(): st.write(f"**{k}:** {v}") shown += 1 else: st.warning("No matching results found.") # ------------------ Settings Tab ------------------------- with tab4: st.subheader("Settings") if st.button("🗑️ Clear Search History", key="clear_history"): # Delete all files for fpath in list_saved_inputs(): os.remove(fpath) st.session_state['search_history'] = [] st.success("Search history cleared for everyone!") st.rerun() if __name__ == "__main__": main()