import streamlit as st import os import json from PIL import Image # Directory to store scores score_dir = "scores" os.makedirs(score_dir, exist_ok=True) # Function to generate a unique key for each button def generate_key(label, header, idx): return f"{header}_{label}_{idx}" # Function to increment score and save it def update_score(key, increment=1): score_file = os.path.join(score_dir, f"{key}.json") if os.path.exists(score_file): with open(score_file, "r") as file: score_data = json.load(file) else: score_data = {"clicks": 0, "score": 0} score_data["clicks"] += 1 score_data["score"] += increment with open(score_file, "w") as file: json.dump(score_data, file) return score_data["score"] # Function to load score def load_score(key): score_file = os.path.join(score_dir, f"{key}.json") if os.path.exists(score_file): with open(score_file, "r") as file: score_data = json.load(file) return score_data["score"] return 0 # Display headers and buttons with scores def display_buttons_with_scores(): headers = ["Inputs", "Outputs", "Health", "Learning", "AI", "Writing"] buttons = [ ["📝 Text", "📖 Read", "📷 Photo", "đŸ–ŧī¸ View", "🎙ī¸ Record", "🎧 Listen", "đŸŽĨ Video", "📹 Capture"], ["đŸ’Ŧ Chat", "✍ī¸ Write", "🎨 Art", "🌄 Create", "đŸŽĩ Music", "đŸŽļ Compose", "đŸ“ŧ Watch", "đŸŋ Movies"], ["💉 Vaccinate", "đŸŠē Diagnose", "đŸĨ Hospital", "🚑 Emergency", "💊 Meds", "🩹 Bandage", "đŸ§Ŧ DNA", "đŸ”Ŧ Research", "🌡ī¸ Temperature", "🍏 Nutrition"], ["📚 Study", "🧠 Brain", "👩‍🎓 Graduate", "📐 Measure", "🔍 Search", "📊 Analyze", "📋 Plan", "🖋ī¸ Write", "👨‍đŸĢ Teach", "🧩 Puzzle"], ["🤖 Robot", "👾 Game", "đŸ’ģ Code", "🧮 Calculate", "📡 Connect", "🔋 Power", "🕹ī¸ Play", "đŸ–Ĩī¸ Display", "🧑‍đŸ’ģ Develop", "👨‍đŸ”Ŧ Experiment"], ["✍ī¸ Author", "📝 Note", "🖊ī¸ Pen", "🖋ī¸ Sign", "📚 Library", "🔖 Bookmark", "📓 Journal", "✒ī¸ Ink", "📜 Scroll"] ] cols = st.columns(len(headers)) for idx, (col, header, buttons_list) in enumerate(zip(cols, headers, buttons)): with col: st.markdown(f"### {header}") for button_idx, button_label in enumerate(buttons_list, start=1): key = generate_key(button_label, header, button_idx) score = load_score(key) if st.button(f"{button_label} {score}", key=key): new_score = update_score(key) # Reload the page to reflect the updated score st.experimental_rerun() # Main application logic if __name__ == "__main__": st.markdown('# Remixable!') display_buttons_with_scores() def fetch_wikipedia_summary(keyword): # Placeholder function for fetching Wikipedia summaries # In a real app, you might use requests to fetch from the Wikipedia API return f"Summary for {keyword}. For more information, visit Wikipedia." def create_search_url_youtube(keyword): base_url = "" return base_url + keyword.replace(' ', '+') def create_search_url_bing(keyword): base_url = "" return base_url + keyword.replace(' ', '+') def create_search_url_wikipedia(keyword): base_url = "" return base_url + keyword.replace(' ', '+') def create_search_url_google(keyword): base_url = "" return base_url + keyword.replace(' ', '+') def display_images_and_wikipedia_summaries(): st.title('Gallery with Related Stories') image_files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if f.endswith('.png')] if not image_files: st.write("No PNG images found in the current directory.") return for image_file in image_files: image = st.image(image, caption=image_file, use_column_width=True) keyword = image_file.split('.')[0] # Assumes keyword is the file name without extension # Display Wikipedia and Google search links wikipedia_url = create_search_url_wikipedia(keyword) google_url = create_search_url_google(keyword) youtube_url = create_search_url_youtube(keyword) bing_url = create_search_url_bing(keyword) links_md = f""" [Wikipedia]({wikipedia_url}) | [Google]({google_url}) | [YouTube]({youtube_url}) | [Bing]({bing_url}) """ st.markdown(links_md) display_images_and_wikipedia_summaries() st.markdown('# Three Dragons 🐉🌍 Mythical Dragons Around the World by Aaron Wacker') dragons = { '#Fafnir #Norse': '- **Story**: Fafnir originally a dwarf, transformed into a fierce dragon due to his greed for the treasure he guarded. He was later slain by the hero Sigurd. - **Significance**: deadly sin of greed and the corrupting power of wealth.', '#Quetzalcoatl #Aztec': '- **Story**: Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, is not a dragon in the traditional sense but shares many similarities. He was a deity representing wind, air, and learning. - **Significance**: creator god and a symbol of death and rebirth.', '#Tiamat #Mesopotamian': '- **Story**: Tiamat, primordial goddess of ocean, turned into a dragon-like creature in a battle against her children who threatened her authority. - **Significance**: chaos of primordial creation and is often associated with the forces of nature.' } for dragon, story in dragons.items(): st.subheader(dragon) st.markdown(f"- {story}") st.markdown(''' ![image/png]( ![image/png]( ![image/png]( ![image/png]( ![image/png]( ''') # Function to handle repeated query parameters def get_all_query_params(key): return st.query_params().get(key, []) # Function to clear all query parameters def clear_query_params(): st.query_params() # Clear by setting to empty st.title("Query Parameters Demo") # Display current query parameters st.write("Current Query Parameters:", st.query_params) # Example: Using query parameters to navigate or trigger functionalities if 'action' in st.query_params: action = st.query_params()['action'][0] # Get the first (or only) 'action' parameter if action == 'show_message': st.success("Showing a message because 'action=show_message' was found in the URL.") elif action == 'clear': clear_query_params() st.experimental_rerun() # Handling repeated keys if 'multi' in st.query_params(): multi_values = get_all_query_params('multi') st.write("Values for 'multi':", multi_values) # Manual entry for demonstration st.write("Enter query parameters in the URL like this: ?action=show_message&multi=1&multi=2") # Clear query parameters button if st.button("Clear Query Parameters"): clear_query_params() st.experimental_rerun()