import streamlit as st import random st.title("The Great American Taxpayer Fleecing Calculator") st.write("Enter your info to see how much you're getting fleeced!") filing_status = st.selectbox("Filing Status", ["Single", "Married Filing Jointly", "Married Filing Separately", "Head of Household"]) income = st.slider("Household Income", 0, 500000, 100000, 1000) state = st.selectbox("State", ["MN", "CA", "NY", "TX", "FL", "etc"]) kids = st.slider("Number of Grown Kids", 0, 10, 2) st.write(f"For a {filing_status} household in {state} with income of ${income:,} and {kids} grown kids...") complaints = { "MN": ["Minnesota's tax burden is making it hard to afford my home!", "I'm considering moving to a state with lower taxes."], "CA": ["California's high taxes are driving me crazy!", "I can barely afford to live here anymore."], "NY": ["New York's taxes are out of control!", "I'm working harder than ever, but taking home less."], "TX": ["Even though Texas has no income tax, property taxes are through the roof!", "I'm afraid I might lose my home if this keeps up."], "FL": ["Florida's taxes may be lower, but the cost of living is still high!", "I'm not sure how much longer I can afford to retire here."] } if filing_status == "Married Filing Jointly": fleece_factor = 1.5 else: fleece_factor = 1.0 if state in ["CA", "NY", "MN"]: fleece_factor *= 1.3 if income > 200000: fleece_factor *= 1.8 fleece_amount = income * (0.25 + (0.02 * fleece_factor)) st.write(f"You're getting fleeced of approximately ${fleece_amount:,.0f} this year! πŸ’ΈπŸ˜±") st.write("But don't forget these non-monetary benefits of paying taxes:") benefits = [ "Paved roads with only a few potholes", "Schools where kids learn important skills like TikTok dances", "Reliable power grid... except when squirrels attack transformers", "Politicians' salaries for their tireless 20 hour work weeks", "Funding for important studies like 'The mating habits of the North American dung beetle'", "Subsidies for companies that definitely need more private jets" ] st.write("- " + random.choice(benefits)) if state in complaints: st.write(f"Here's what some fellow {state} taxpayers have to say:") st.write(f"- {random.choice(complaints[state])}") st.write("It's time for a change! We can't let oppressive taxation drive hardworking married couples out of their homes. πŸ˜οΈπŸ’”") st.write("Together, we can rise up and demand a fairer tax system that doesn't punish success or tear families apart. πŸ’ͺπŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦") st.write("Keep your spirits high and remember, if all else fails, there's always the option to start a revolution! πŸ”₯πŸ—½")