import re

import zlib
from typing import Iterator, TextIO, Union
import tqdm

import urllib3
import unicodedata

def exact_div(x, y):
    assert x % y == 0
    return x // y

def str2bool(string):
    str2val = {"True": True, "False": False}
    if string in str2val:
        return str2val[string]
        raise ValueError(f"Expected one of {set(str2val.keys())}, got {string}")

def optional_int(string):
    return None if string == "None" else int(string)

def optional_float(string):
    return None if string == "None" else float(string)

def compression_ratio(text) -> float:
    return len(text) / len(zlib.compress(text.encode("utf-8")))

def format_timestamp(seconds: float, always_include_hours: bool = False, fractionalSeperator: str = '.'):
    assert seconds >= 0, "non-negative timestamp expected"
    milliseconds = round(seconds * 1000.0)

    hours = milliseconds // 3_600_000
    milliseconds -= hours * 3_600_000

    minutes = milliseconds // 60_000
    milliseconds -= minutes * 60_000

    seconds = milliseconds // 1_000
    milliseconds -= seconds * 1_000

    hours_marker = f"{hours:02d}:" if always_include_hours or hours > 0 else ""
    return f"{hours_marker}{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}{fractionalSeperator}{milliseconds:03d}"

def write_txt(transcript: Iterator[dict], file: TextIO):
    for segment in transcript:
        print(segment['text'].strip(), file=file, flush=True)

def write_vtt(transcript: Iterator[dict], file: TextIO, 
              maxLineWidth=None, highlight_words: bool = False):
    iterator  = __subtitle_preprocessor_iterator(transcript, maxLineWidth, highlight_words)

    print("WEBVTT\n", file=file)

    for segment in iterator:
        text = segment['text'].replace('-->', '->')

            f"{format_timestamp(segment['start'])} --> {format_timestamp(segment['end'])}\n"

def write_srt(transcript: Iterator[dict], file: TextIO, 
              maxLineWidth=None, highlight_words: bool = False):
    Write a transcript to a file in SRT format.
    Example usage:
        from pathlib import Path
        from whisper.utils import write_srt
        result = transcribe(model, audio_path, temperature=temperature, **args)
        # save SRT
        audio_basename = Path(audio_path).stem
        with open(Path(output_dir) / (audio_basename + ".srt"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as srt:
            write_srt(result["segments"], file=srt)
    iterator  = __subtitle_preprocessor_iterator(transcript, maxLineWidth, highlight_words)

    for i, segment in enumerate(iterator, start=1):
        text = segment['text'].replace('-->', '->')

        # write srt lines
            f"{format_timestamp(segment['start'], always_include_hours=True, fractionalSeperator=',')} --> "
            f"{format_timestamp(segment['end'], always_include_hours=True, fractionalSeperator=',')}\n"

def write_srt_original(transcript: Iterator[dict], file: TextIO, 
              maxLineWidth=None, highlight_words: bool = False, bilingual: bool = False):
    Write a transcript to a file in SRT format.
    Example usage:
        from pathlib import Path
        from whisper.utils import write_srt
        result = transcribe(model, audio_path, temperature=temperature, **args)
        # save SRT
        audio_basename = Path(audio_path).stem
        with open(Path(output_dir) / (audio_basename + ".srt"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as srt:
            write_srt(result["segments"], file=srt)
    iterator  = __subtitle_preprocessor_iterator(transcript, maxLineWidth, highlight_words)

    for i, segment in enumerate(iterator, start=1):
        if "original" not in segment:
        original = segment['original'].replace('-->', '->')

        # write srt lines
            f"{format_timestamp(segment['start'], always_include_hours=True, fractionalSeperator=',')} --> "
            f"{format_timestamp(segment['end'], always_include_hours=True, fractionalSeperator=',')}",
        if original is not None: print(f"{original}",

        text = segment['text'].replace('-->', '->')
        print(f"{text}\n" if bilingual else "",

def __subtitle_preprocessor_iterator(transcript: Iterator[dict], maxLineWidth: int = None, highlight_words: bool = False):
    for segment in transcript:
        words: list = segment.get('words', [])

        # Append longest speaker ID if available
        segment_longest_speaker = segment.get('longest_speaker', None)

        # Yield the segment as-is or processed
        if len(words) == 0 and (maxLineWidth is None or maxLineWidth < 0) and segment_longest_speaker is None:
           yield segment

        if segment_longest_speaker is not None:
            segment_longest_speaker = segment_longest_speaker.replace("SPEAKER", "S")
        subtitle_start = segment['start']
        subtitle_end   = segment['end']
        text           = segment['text'].strip()
        original_text  = segment['original'].strip() if 'original' in segment else None
        if len(words) == 0:
            # Prepend the longest speaker ID if available
            if segment_longest_speaker is not None:
                text = f"({segment_longest_speaker}) {text}"
            result = {
                'start': subtitle_start,
                'end'  : subtitle_end,
                'text' : process_text(text, maxLineWidth)
            if original_text is not None and len(original_text) > 0:
                result.update({'original': process_text(original_text, maxLineWidth)})
            yield result
            # We are done

        if segment_longest_speaker is not None:
            # Add the beginning
            words.insert(0, {
                'start': subtitle_start,
                'end'  : subtitle_start,
                'word' : f"({segment_longest_speaker})"

        text_words = [text] if not highlight_words and original_text is not None and len(original_text) > 0 else [ this_word["word"] for this_word in words ]
        subtitle_text = __join_words(text_words, maxLineWidth)

        # Iterate over the words in the segment
        if highlight_words:
            last = subtitle_start

            for i, this_word in enumerate(words):
                start = this_word['start']
                end = this_word['end']

                if last != start:
                    # Display the text up to this point
                    yield {
                        'start': last,
                        'end'  : start,
                        'text' : subtitle_text
                # Display the text with the current word highlighted
                yield {
                    'start': start,
                    'end'  : end,
                    'text' : __join_words(
                                "word": re.sub(r"^(\s*)(.*)$", r"\1<u>\2</u>", word)
                                        if j == i
                                        else word,
                                # The HTML tags <u> and </u> are not displayed, 
                                # # so they should not be counted in the word length
                                "length": len(word)
                            } for j, word in enumerate(text_words)
                        ], maxLineWidth)
                last = end

            if last != subtitle_end:
                # Display the last part of the text
                yield {
                    'start': last,
                    'end'  : subtitle_end,
                    'text' : subtitle_text

        # Just return the subtitle text
            result = {
                'start': subtitle_start,
                'end'  : subtitle_end,
                'text' : subtitle_text
            if original_text is not None and len(original_text) > 0:
                result.update({'original': process_text(original_text, maxLineWidth)})
            yield result

def __join_words(words: Iterator[Union[str, dict]], maxLineWidth: int = None):
    result = "".join(words)
    if maxLineWidth is None or maxLineWidth < 0:
        return result
    return process_text(result, maxLineWidth)

def process_text(text: str, maxLineWidth=None):
    Use east_asian_width to automatically determine the Character Width of the string, replacing the textwrap.wrap function.
    # East_Asian_Width (ea)

    ea ; A         ; Ambiguous
    ea ; F         ; Fullwidth
    ea ; H         ; Halfwidth
    ea ; N         ; Neutral
    ea ; Na        ; Narrow
    ea ; W         ; Wide
    if (maxLineWidth is None or maxLineWidth < 0):
        return text

    lines = []
    currentLine = ""
    currentWidth = 0
    for word in text.split():
        wordWidth = 0
        wordStart = 0
        if currentLine:
            currentLine += " "
            wordWidth += 1
        for wordIdx, char in enumerate(word):
            if unicodedata.east_asian_width(char) not in {'W', 'F'}:
                wordWidth += 1
                if currentWidth + wordWidth + 2 > maxLineWidth:
                    lines.append(currentLine + word[wordStart:wordIdx])
                    currentLine = ""
                    currentWidth = 0
                    wordStart = wordIdx
                    wordWidth = 0
                wordWidth += 2
        if currentWidth + wordWidth > maxLineWidth:
            currentLine = word[wordStart:]
            currentWidth = wordWidth
            currentLine += word[wordStart:]
            currentWidth += wordWidth
    if currentLine:

    return '\n'.join(lines)

def len_wide(text: str):
    Use east_asian_width to automatically determine the Character Width of the string, replacing the textwrap.wrap function.
    # East_Asian_Width (ea)

    ea ; A         ; Ambiguous
    ea ; F         ; Fullwidth
    ea ; H         ; Halfwidth
    ea ; N         ; Neutral
    ea ; Na        ; Narrow
    ea ; W         ; Wide
    width = 0
    for char in text:
        width += (1 if unicodedata.east_asian_width(char) not in {'W', 'F'} else 2)

    return width

def slugify(value, allow_unicode=False, is_lower=False):
    Taken from
    Convert to ASCII if 'allow_unicode' is False. Convert spaces or repeated
    dashes to single dashes. Remove characters that aren't alphanumerics,
    underscores, or hyphens. Convert to lowercase. Also strip leading and
    trailing whitespace, dashes, and underscores.
    value = str(value)
    if allow_unicode:
        value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', value)
        value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value).encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
    if is_lower:
        value = value.lower()
    value = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', value.replace("/","_").replace("⧸","_"))
    return re.sub(r'[-\s]+', '-', value).strip('-_')

def download_file(url: str, destination: str):
        with urllib3.request.urlopen(url) as source, open(destination, "wb") as output:
            with tqdm(
            ) as loop:
                while True:
                    buffer =
                    if not buffer:
