import streamlit as st import time # Streamlit App st.title("AI Model Deployment 🚀") # Intro st.write(""" Welcome to the AI model deployment flow! Here, we'll follow the process of deploying your fine-tuned AI model to one of the cloud instances. Let's begin! """) # Select cloud provider cloud_provider = st.selectbox("Choose a cloud provider:", ["AWS EC2", "Google Cloud VM", "Azure VM"]) st.write(f"You've selected {cloud_provider}!") # Specify model details model_name = st.text_input("Enter your AI model name:", "MySpecialModel") if model_name: st.write(f"We'll deploy the model named: {model_name}") # Button to start the deployment if st.button("Start Deployment"): st.write("Deployment started... Please wait!") # Simulate progress bar for deployment latest_iteration = st.empty() bar = st.progress(0) for i in range(100): # Update the progress bar with each iteration. latest_iteration.text(f"Deployment progress: {i+1}%") bar.progress(i + 1) time.sleep(0.05) st.write(f"Deployment completed! Your model {model_name} is now live on {cloud_provider} 🌐") # Sidebar for additional settings (pretend configurations) st.sidebar.title("Deployment Settings") instance_type = st.sidebar.selectbox("Instance Type:", ["Standard", "High Memory", "High CPU", "GPU"]) storage_option = st.sidebar.slider("Storage Size (in GB):", 10, 500, 50) st.sidebar.write(f"Instance Type: {instance_type}") st.sidebar.write(f"Storage Size: {storage_option} GB")