import os from pathlib import Path import streamlit as st from datasets import get_dataset_config_names from dotenv import load_dotenv from huggingface_hub import list_datasets from utils import get_compatible_models, get_metadata, http_get, http_post if Path(".env").is_file(): load_dotenv(".env") HF_TOKEN = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN") AUTOTRAIN_USERNAME = os.getenv("AUTOTRAIN_USERNAME") AUTOTRAIN_BACKEND_API = os.getenv("AUTOTRAIN_BACKEND_API") DATASETS_PREVIEW_API = os.getenv("DATASETS_PREVIEW_API") TASK_TO_ID = { "binary_classification": 1, "multi_class_classification": 2, "multi_label_classification": 3, "entity_extraction": 4, "extractive_question_answering": 5, "translation": 6, "summarization": 8, "single_column_regression": 10, } AUTOTRAIN_TASK_TO_HUB_TASK = { "binary_classification": "text-classification", "multi_class_classification": "text-classification", "multi_label_classification": "text-classification", "entity_extraction": "token-classification", "extractive_question_answering": "question-answering", "translation": "translation", "summarization": "summarization", "single_column_regression": 10, } # TODO: remove this hardcorded logic and accept any dataset on the Hub # DATASETS_TO_EVALUATE = ["emotion", "conll2003", "imdb", "squad", "xsum", "ncbi_disease", "go_emotions"] ########### ### APP ### ########### st.title("Evaluation as a Service") st.markdown( """ Welcome to Hugging Face's Evaluation as a Service! This application allows you to evaluate any 🤗 Transformers model with a dataset on the Hub. Please select the dataset and configuration below. The results of your evaluation will be displayed on the public leaderboard [here]( """ ) all_datasets = [ for d in list_datasets()] selected_dataset = st.selectbox("Select a dataset", all_datasets) print(f"Dataset name: {selected_dataset}") # TODO: remove this step once we select real datasets # Strip out original dataset name # original_dataset_name = dataset_name.split("/")[-1].split("__")[-1] # In general this will be a list of multiple configs => need to generalise logic here metadata = get_metadata(selected_dataset) print(metadata) if metadata is None: st.warning("No evaluation metadata found. Please configure the evaluation job below.") with st.expander("Advanced configuration"): ## Select task selected_task = st.selectbox("Select a task", list(AUTOTRAIN_TASK_TO_HUB_TASK.values())) ### Select config configs = get_dataset_config_names(selected_dataset) selected_config = st.selectbox("Select a config", configs) ## Select splits splits_resp = http_get(path="/splits", domain=DATASETS_PREVIEW_API, params={"dataset": selected_dataset}) if splits_resp.status_code == 200: split_names = [] all_splits = splits_resp.json() print(all_splits) for split in all_splits["splits"]: print(selected_config) if split["config"] == selected_config: split_names.append(split["split"]) selected_split = st.selectbox("Select a split", split_names) # , index=split_names.index(eval_split)) ## Show columns rows_resp = http_get( path="/rows", domain="", params={"dataset": selected_dataset, "config": selected_config, "split": selected_split}, ).json() columns = rows_resp["columns"] col_names = [] for c in columns: col_names.append(c["column"]["name"]) # splits = metadata[0]["splits"] # split_names = list(splits.values()) # eval_split = splits.get("eval_split", split_names[0]) # selected_split = st.selectbox("Select a split", split_names, index=split_names.index(eval_split)) # TODO: add a function to handle the mapping task <--> column mapping # col_mapping = metadata[0]["col_mapping"] # col_names = list(col_mapping.keys()) # TODO: figure out how to get all dataset column names (i.e. features) without download dataset itself st.markdown("**Map your data columns**") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) # TODO: find a better way to layout these items # TODO: propagate this information to payload # TODO: make it task specific with col1: st.markdown("`text` column") st.text("") st.text("") st.text("") st.text("") st.markdown("`target` column") with col2: st.selectbox("This column should contain the text you want to classify", col_names, index=0) st.selectbox("This column should contain the labels you want to assign to the text", col_names, index=1) with st.form(key="form"): compatible_models = get_compatible_models(selected_task, selected_dataset) selected_models = st.multiselect( "Select the models you wish to evaluate", compatible_models ) # , compatible_models[0]) print(selected_models) submit_button = st.form_submit_button("Make submission") # if submit_button: # for model in selected_models: # payload = { # "username": AUTOTRAIN_USERNAME, # "task": TASK_TO_ID[metadata[0]["task_id"]], # "model": model, # "col_mapping": metadata[0]["col_mapping"], # "split": selected_split, # "dataset": original_dataset_name, # "config": selected_config, # } # json_resp = http_post( # path="/evaluate/create", payload=payload, token=HF_TOKEN, domain=AUTOTRAIN_BACKEND_API # ).json() # if json_resp["status"] == 1: # st.success(f"✅ Successfully submitted model {model} for evaluation with job ID {json_resp['id']}") # st.markdown( # f""" # Evaluation takes appoximately 1 hour to complete, so grab a ☕ or 🍵 while you wait: # * 📊 Click [here]( to view the results from your submission # """ # ) # else: # st.error("🙈 Oh noes, there was an error submitting your submission!") # st.write("Creating project!") # payload = { # "username": AUTOTRAIN_USERNAME, # "proj_name": "my-eval-project-1", # "task": TASK_TO_ID[metadata[0]["task_id"]], # "config": { # "language": "en", # "max_models": 5, # "instance": { # "provider": "aws", # "instance_type": "ml.g4dn.4xlarge", # "max_runtime_seconds": 172800, # "num_instances": 1, # "disk_size_gb": 150, # }, # }, # } # json_resp = http_post( # path="/projects/create", payload=payload, token=HF_TOKEN, domain=AUTOTRAIN_BACKEND_API # ).json() # # print(json_resp) # # st.write("Uploading data") # payload = { # "split": 4, # "col_mapping": metadata[0]["col_mapping"], # "load_config": {"max_size_bytes": 0, "shuffle": False}, # } # json_resp = http_post( # path="/projects/522/data/emotion", # payload=payload, # token=HF_TOKEN, # domain=AUTOTRAIN_BACKEND_API, # params={"type": "dataset", "config_name": "default", "split_name": "train"}, # ).json() # print(json_resp) # st.write("Training") # json_resp = http_get( # path="/projects/522/data/start_process", token=HF_TOKEN, domain=AUTOTRAIN_BACKEND_API # ).json() # print(json_resp)