import os.path from utils.references import References from utils.file_operations import hash_name, make_archive, copy_templates from utils.tex_processing import create_copies from section_generator import keywords_generation, section_generation # figures_generation, section_generation_bg, import logging import time TOTAL_TOKENS = 0 TOTAL_PROMPTS_TOKENS = 0 TOTAL_COMPLETION_TOKENS = 0 def log_usage(usage, generating_target, print_out=True): global TOTAL_TOKENS global TOTAL_PROMPTS_TOKENS global TOTAL_COMPLETION_TOKENS prompts_tokens = usage['prompt_tokens'] completion_tokens = usage['completion_tokens'] total_tokens = usage['total_tokens'] TOTAL_TOKENS += total_tokens TOTAL_PROMPTS_TOKENS += prompts_tokens TOTAL_COMPLETION_TOKENS += completion_tokens message = f"For generating {generating_target}, {total_tokens} tokens have been used " \ f"({prompts_tokens} for prompts; {completion_tokens} for completion). " \ f"{TOTAL_TOKENS} tokens have been used in total.\n\n" if print_out: print(message) def _generation_setup(title, description="", template="ICLR2022", tldr=False, max_kw_refs=10, bib_refs=None, max_tokens=2048): """ This function handles the setup process for paper generation; it contains three folds 1. Copy the template to the outputs folder. Create the log file `generation.log` 2. Collect references based on the given `title` and `description` 3. Generate the basic `paper` object (a dictionary) Parameters: title (str): The title of the paper. description (str, optional): A short description or abstract for the paper. Defaults to an empty string. template (str, optional): The template to be used for paper generation. Defaults to "ICLR2022". tldr (bool, optional): A flag indicating whether a TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) summary should be used for the collected papers. Defaults to False. max_kw_refs (int, optional): The maximum number of references that can be associated with each keyword. Defaults to 10. bib_refs (path to a bibtex file, optional). Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the following elements: - paper (dict): A dictionary containing the generated paper information. - destination_folder (str): The path to the destination folder where the generation log is saved. - all_paper_ids (list): A list of all paper IDs collected for the references. """ # print("Generation setup...") paper = {} paper_body = {} # Create a copy in the outputs folder. bibtex_path, destination_folder = copy_templates(template, title) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename=os.path.join(destination_folder, "generation.log")) # Generate keywords and references # print("Initialize the paper information ...") input_dict = {"title": title, "description": description} keywords, usage = keywords_generation(input_dict) log_usage(usage, "keywords") # generate keywords dictionary # todo: in some rare situations, collected papers will be an empty list. keywords = {keyword: max_kw_refs for keyword in keywords} ref = References(title, bib_refs) ref.collect_papers(keywords, tldr=tldr) all_paper_ids = ref.to_bibtex(bibtex_path) print(f"The paper information has been initialized. References are saved to {bibtex_path}.") paper["title"] = title paper["description"] = description paper["references"] = ref.to_prompts(max_tokens=max_tokens) paper["body"] = paper_body paper["bibtex"] = bibtex_path return paper, destination_folder, all_paper_ids # todo: use `all_paper_ids` to check if all citations are in this list def generate_backgrounds(title, description="", template="ICLR2022", model="gpt-4"): # todo: to match the current generation setup paper, destination_folder, _ = _generation_setup(title, description, template, model) for section in ["introduction", "related works", "backgrounds"]: try: usage = section_generation_bg(paper, section, destination_folder, model=model) log_usage(usage, section) except Exception as e: message = f"Failed to generate {section}. {type(e).__name__} was raised: {e}" print(message) print(f"The paper '{title}' has been generated. Saved to {destination_folder}.") input_dict = {"title": title, "description": description, "generator": "generate_backgrounds"} filename = hash_name(input_dict) + ".zip" return make_archive(destination_folder, filename) def generate_draft(title, description="", template="ICLR2022", tldr=True, max_kw_refs=10, sections=None, bib_refs=None, model="gpt-4"): """ This function generates a draft paper using the provided information; it contains three steps: 1. Pre-processing: Initializes the setup for paper generation and filters the sections to be included in the paper. 2. Processing: Generates each section of the paper. 3. Post-processing: Creates backup copies of the paper and returns the paper in a zipped format. Parameters: title (str): The title of the paper. description (str, optional): A short description or abstract for the paper. Defaults to an empty string. template (str, optional): The template to be used for paper generation. Defaults to "ICLR2022". tldr (bool, optional): A flag indicating whether a TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) summary should be used for the collected papers. Defaults to True. max_kw_refs (int, optional): The maximum number of references that can be associated with each keyword. Defaults to 10. sections (list, optional): The sections to be included in the paper. If not provided, all the standard sections are included. bib_refs (path to a bibtex file, optional). model (str, optional): The language model to be used for paper generation. Defaults to "gpt-4". Returns: str: The path to the zipped file containing the generated paper and associated files. Note: The function also handles errors that occur during section generation and retries a maximum of 4 times before proceeding. """ def _filter_sections(sections): ordered_sections = ["introduction", "related works", "backgrounds", "methodology", "experiments", "conclusion", "abstract"] return [section for section in ordered_sections if section in sections] # pre-processing `sections` parameter; print("================START================") print(f"Generating the paper '{title}'.") print("\n") # todo: use a configuration file to define parameters print("================PRE-PROCESSING================") if sections is None: sections = ["introduction", "related works", "backgrounds", "methodology", "experiments", "conclusion", "abstract"] else: sections = _filter_sections(sections) if model == "gpt-4": max_tokens = 4096 else: max_tokens = 2048 paper, destination_folder, _ = _generation_setup(title, description, template, tldr, max_kw_refs, bib_refs, max_tokens=max_tokens) # main components print(f"================PROCESSING================") for section in sections: print(f"Generate {section} part...") max_attempts = 4 attempts_count = 0 while attempts_count < max_attempts: try: usage = section_generation(paper, section, destination_folder, model=model) print(f"{section} part has been generated. ") log_usage(usage, section) break except Exception as e: message = f"Failed to generate {section}. {type(e).__name__} was raised: {e}\n" print(message) attempts_count += 1 time.sleep(15) # post-processing print("================POST-PROCESSING================") create_copies(destination_folder) input_dict = {"title": title, "description": description, "generator": "generate_draft"} filename = hash_name(input_dict) + ".zip" print("\nMission completed.\n") return make_archive(destination_folder, filename) if __name__ == "__main__": import openai openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") target_title = "Playing Atari with Decentralized Reinforcement Learning" output = generate_draft(target_title) print(output)