import hashlib import os, shutil import datetime from utils.tex_processing import replace_title def hash_name(input_dict): ''' input_dict= {"title": title, "description": description} For same input_dict, it should return the same value. ''' name = str(input_dict) name = name.lower() md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(name.encode('utf-8')) hashed_string = md5.hexdigest() return hashed_string def make_archive(source, destination): base = os.path.basename(destination) name = base.split('.')[0] format = base.split('.')[1] archive_from = os.path.dirname(source) archive_to = os.path.basename(source.strip(os.sep)) shutil.make_archive(name, format, archive_from, archive_to) shutil.move('%s.%s'%(name,format), destination) return destination def copy_templates(template, title): # Create a copy in the outputs folder. # 1. create a folder "outputs_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S" (destination_folder) # 2. copy all contents in "latex_templates/{template}" to that folder # 3. return (bibtex_path, destination_folder) now = target_name = now.strftime("outputs_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") source_folder = f"latex_templates/{template}" destination_folder = f"outputs/{target_name}" shutil.copytree(source_folder, destination_folder) bibtex_path = os.path.join(destination_folder, "ref.bib") # bibtex_path = destination_folder + "/ref.bib" replace_title(destination_folder, title) return bibtex_path, destination_folder