import snscrape.modules.twitter as sntwitter import pandas as pd import datetime as dt from tqdm import tqdm import requests from scripts import sentiment import tweepy import configparser import os import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta def get_latest_account_tweets(handle): try: if os.path.exists("tweepy_auth.ini"): config = configparser.ConfigParser()"tweepy_auth.ini") # Get the authentication details authentication_section = config["AUTHENTICATION"] consumer_key = authentication_section["twitter_consumer_key"] consumer_secret = authentication_section["twitter_consumer_secret"] access_token = authentication_section["twitter_access_token"] access_token_secret = authentication_section["twitter_access_token_secret"] else: consumer_key = os.environ["twitter_consumer_key"] consumer_secret = os.environ["twitter_consumer_secret"] access_token = os.environ["twitter_access_token"] access_token_secret = os.environ["twitter_access_token_secret"] auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) # create the API object api = tweepy.API(auth) # load the tweets from a specific user tweets = api.user_timeline( screen_name=handle, count=10000000, tweet_mode="extended" ) df_tweets = pd.DataFrame(data=[t._json for t in tweets]) df_tweets["created_at"] = pd.to_datetime(df_tweets["created_at"]) df_tweets = df_tweets.sort_values("created_at") # print the tweet texts tweets_txt = [] for tweet in tweets: tweets_txt.append(sentiment.tweet_cleaner(tweet.full_text)) df_tweets["clean_text"] = tweets_txt df_tweets["handle"] = df_tweets.user.iloc[0]["screen_name"] return df_tweets except tweepy.TweepError as e: # Handle specific error conditions if e.api_code == 63: print("User has been suspended.") elif e.api_code == 88: print("Rate limit exceeded. Please try again later.") else: print("Error occurred during API call:", str(e)) return str(e) except Exception as e: print("An error occurred:", str(e)) return str(e) return None def get_tweets( handle: str, ): """ Fetches tweets from Twitter based on a given query and returns a list of extracted tweet information. Args: query (str): The query to search for tweets on Twitter. Returns: A list of extracted tweet information. """ # Get the current date today = two_months_ago = today - timedelta(days=2 * 30) start_date = two_months_ago.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") end_date = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") query = f"from:{handle} since:{start_date} until:{end_date} -filter:replies -filter:retweets" fetched_tweets = sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper(query).get_items() tweets = [extract_tweet_info(tweet) for tweet in tqdm(fetched_tweets)] df_tweets = pd.DataFrame(tweets) df_tweets["full_text"] = df_tweets["content"] df_tweets["clean_text"] = df_tweets["full_text"].apply( lambda r: sentiment.tweet_cleaner(r) ) df_tweets["handle"] = df_tweets["username"] df_tweets["created_at"] = df_tweets["date"] return df_tweets def get_replies(username: str, conversation_id: str, max_tweets: int) -> list: """ Fetches the replies for a given Twitter user and conversation, and returns a list of extracted tweet information. Args: username (str): The username of the Twitter user whose replies are to be fetched. conversation_id (str): The ID of the conversation for which replies are to be fetched. Returns: A list of extracted tweet information for the replies. """ print( f"Fetching replies for username {username} and conversation {conversation_id}" ) query = f"to:{username} since_id:{conversation_id} filter:safe" tweets_list = [] for i, tweet in tqdm(enumerate(sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper(query).get_items())): if i > max_tweets: break else: tweets_list.append(extract_tweet_info(tweet)) return tweets_list def get_tweet_by_id_and_username(username: str, tweet_id: str): """ Fetches a tweet from Twitter based on the given username and tweet ID. Args: username (str): The username of the Twitter user who posted the tweet. tweet_id (str): The ID of the tweet to fetch. Returns: The fetched tweet. """ tweet_url = f"{username}/status/{tweet_id}" return sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper(tweet_url).get_items() def extract_tweet_info(tweet): """ Extracts relevant information from a tweet object and returns a dictionary with the extracted values. Args: tweet: A tweet object. Returns: A dictionary with the extracted tweet information. """ return { "date":, "username": tweet.user.username, "content": tweet.rawContent, "retweet_count": tweet.retweetCount, "tweet_id":, "like_count": tweet.likeCount, "reply_count": tweet.replyCount, "in_reply_to_tweet_id": tweet.inReplyToTweetId, "conversation_id": tweet.conversationId, "view_count": tweet.viewCount, } def get_follower_ids(username: str, limit: int = 20): """ Retrieves a list of Twitter IDs for users who follow a given Twitter handle. Args: username (str): The Twitter handle to retrieve follower IDs for. limit (int): The maximum number of follower IDs to retrieve. Returns: A list of Twitter user IDs (as strings). """ # Construct the search query using snscrape query = f"from:{username} replies:True" start_date =, month=3, day=10) end_date =, month=3, day=22) query = f"from:{username} since:{start_date} until:{end_date}" tweets = get_tweets(query=query) one_tweet = tweets[-1] one_tweet_id = one_tweet["tweet_id"] replies = get_replies( username=username, conversation_id=one_tweet_id, max_tweets=1000 ) return one_tweet, replies def get_twitter_account_info(twitter_handle: str) -> dict: """ Extracts the name, username, follower count, and last tweet of a Twitter user using snscrape. Args: twitter_handle (str): The Twitter username to retrieve information for. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the name, username, follower count, and last tweet of the Twitter user. """ # Create a TwitterUserScraper object user_scraper = sntwitter.TwitterUserScraper(twitter_handle) # Get the user's profile information user_profile = user_scraper.entity check_string = lambda s: "false" if str(s).lower() == "false" else "true" return { "name": user_profile.displayname, "username": user_profile.username, "user_id":, "follower_count": user_profile.followersCount, "friends_count": user_profile.friendsCount, "verified": check_string(user_profile.verified), } if __name__ == "__main__": ## Testing extracting tweets from an account # Set the search variables (dates for when account tweeted. Does not take into account replies) account = "taylorlorenz" start_date =, month=2, day=1) end_date =, month=3, day=11) # Format the query string query = f"from:{account} since:{start_date} until:{end_date}" print(f"query: {query}") tweets = get_tweets(query=query) df_tweets = pd.DataFrame(data=tweets) df_tweets = df_tweets.sort_values("in_reply_to_tweet_id") # Uncomment to save output df_tweets.to_csv("df_tweets.csv") print(df_tweets.head(2)) print(df_tweets.tail(2)) print(f"Total Tweets: {len(tweets)}") ## Testing extracting conversatin threeds from conversation Id conversation_id = ( 1620650202305798144 # A tweet from elon musk about turbulent times ) max_tweets = 3000 tweets = get_replies( username="elonmusk", conversation_id=conversation_id, max_tweets=max_tweets ) df_replies = pd.DataFrame(data=tweets) # Uncomment to save output # df_replies.to_csv("df_replies.csv") print( f"Number of extracted tweets from conversation_id: {conversation_id}, {len(tweets)}" )