""" ****************** COPYRIGHT AND CONFIDENTIALITY INFORMATION ****************** Copyright (c) 2018 [Thomson Licensing] All Rights Reserved This program contains proprietary information which is a trade secret/business \ secret of [Thomson Licensing] and is protected, even if unpublished, under \ applicable Copyright laws (including French droit d'auteur) and/or may be \ subject to one or more patent(s). Recipient is to retain this program in confidence and is not permitted to use \ or make copies thereof other than as permitted in a written agreement with \ [Thomson Licensing] unless otherwise expressly allowed by applicable laws or \ by [Thomson Licensing] under express agreement. Thomson Licensing is a company of the group TECHNICOLOR ******************************************************************************* This scripts permits one to reproduce training and experiments of: Engilberge, M., Chevallier, L., PĂ©rez, P., & Cord, M. (2018, April). Finding beans in burgers: Deep semantic-visual embedding with localization. In Proceedings of CVPR (pp. 3984-3993) Author: Martin Engilberge """ import numpy as np from misc.utils import flatten def cosine_sim(A, B): img_norm = np.linalg.norm(A, axis=1) caps_norm = np.linalg.norm(B, axis=1) scores = np.dot(A, B.T) norms = np.dot(np.expand_dims(img_norm, 1), np.expand_dims(caps_norm.T, 1).T) scores = (scores / norms) return scores def recallTopK(cap_enc, imgs_enc, imgs_path, ks=10, scores=None): if scores is None: scores = cosine_sim(cap_enc, imgs_enc) recall_imgs = [imgs_path[i] for i in np.argsort(scores, axis=1)[0][::-1][:ks]] return recall_imgs def recall_at_k_multi_cap(imgs_enc, caps_enc, ks=[1, 5, 10], scores=None): if scores is None: scores = cosine_sim(imgs_enc[::5, :], caps_enc) ranks = np.array([np.nonzero(np.in1d(row, np.arange(x * 5, x * 5 + 5, 1)))[0][0] for x, row in enumerate(np.argsort(scores, axis=1)[:, ::-1])]) medr_caps_search = np.median(ranks) recall_caps_search = list() for k in [1, 5, 10]: recall_caps_search.append( (float(len(np.where(ranks < k)[0])) / ranks.shape[0]) * 100) ranks = np.array([np.nonzero(row == int(x / 5.0))[0][0] for x, row in enumerate(np.argsort(scores.T, axis=1)[:, ::-1])]) medr_imgs_search = np.median(ranks) recall_imgs_search = list() for k in ks: recall_imgs_search.append( (float(len(np.where(ranks < k)[0])) / ranks.shape[0]) * 100) return recall_caps_search, recall_imgs_search, medr_caps_search, medr_imgs_search def avg_recall(imgs_enc, caps_enc): """ Compute 5 fold recall on set of 1000 images """ res = list() if len(imgs_enc) % 5000 == 0: max_iter = len(imgs_enc) else: max_iter = len(imgs_enc) - 5000 for i in range(0, max_iter, 5000): imgs = imgs_enc[i:i + 5000] caps = caps_enc[i:i + 5000] res.append(recall_at_k_multi_cap(imgs, caps)) return [np.sum([x[i] for x in res], axis=0) / len(res) for i in range(len(res[0]))] def eval_recall(imgs_enc, caps_enc): imgs_enc = np.vstack(flatten(imgs_enc)) caps_enc = np.vstack(flatten(caps_enc)) res = avg_recall(imgs_enc, caps_enc) return res