from typing import Dict from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, Aer, execute from quantum_perceptron.utils import ( assert_negative, assert_bits, create_hypergraph_state, get_vector_from_int ) class Perceptron: def __init__(self, num_qubits: int, weight: int = 1, input: int = 1): """ This class creates a quantum perceptron instance which has capability calculate input * weight. Note that we are not applying any non-linearity. Our perceptron design is as per Args: num_qubits: `int` denoting number of qubits in perceptron weight: `int` denoting the weight of the perceptron. input: `int` denoting the data to input to the perceptron. """ self.num_qubits = num_qubits assert self.num_qubits > 0, "Number qubits must be positive" assert_negative(weight) self.weight = weight assert_negative(input) self.input = input assert_bits(self.weight, self.num_qubits) assert_bits(self.input, self.num_qubits) self.build_flag = False self.build_circuit() def Ui(self): """ Sub-circuit to transform input data. """ if not self.build_flag: raise RuntimeError("Ui() cannot be called independently.") Ui = QuantumCircuit(self.num_qubits) # Applying hadamard to first num_qubits for q in range(self.num_qubits): Ui.h(q) # Extracting vectors for input input_vector = get_vector_from_int(self.input, self.num_qubits) # Applying hypergraph state corresponding to input. Ui = create_hypergraph_state(Ui, input_vector, self.num_qubits) Ui = Ui.to_gate() = "U_i" return Ui def Uw(self): """ Sub-circuit to transform weight data. """ if not self.build_flag: raise RuntimeError("Ui() cannot be called independently.") Uw = QuantumCircuit(self.num_qubits) # Extracting vectors for weight input_vector = get_vector_from_int(self.weight, self.num_qubits) # Applying hypergraph state corresponding to weight. Uw = create_hypergraph_state(Uw, input_vector, self.num_qubits) # Applying hadamard to first num_qubits for q in range(self.num_qubits): Uw.h(q) # Applying X gate to first num_qubits for q in range(self.num_qubits): Uw.x(q) Uw = Uw.to_gate() = "U_w" return Uw def build_circuit(self): """ Build quantum circuit corresponding to single perceptron combining input data and weight of the perceptron. """ # Creating circuit with num_qubits + 1 (ancilla) qubit. self.circuit = QuantumCircuit(1 + self.num_qubits, 1) def toggle_build_flag(): """ Toggle the build circuit flag. Used to monitor Ui and Uf circuits to ensure that those functions are not called seperately but from the `build_circuit()` function. """ self.build_flag = not self.build_flag # Append Ui for processing input toggle_build_flag() # self.Ui() self.circuit.append( self.Ui(), list(range(self.num_qubits)) ) toggle_build_flag() # Append Uf for processing input toggle_build_flag() self.circuit.append( self.Uw(), list(range(self.num_qubits)) ) toggle_build_flag() # Toffoli gate at the end with target as ancilla qubit self.circuit.mcx( control_qubits=list(range(self.num_qubits)), target_qubit=self.num_qubits ) # Measure the last qubit. self.circuit.measure(self.num_qubits, 0) def measure_circuit(self, num_iters: int = 1000) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Measure the perceptron and get the counts of the final results. Args: num_iters: `int` denoting number of iterations to execute circuit. Returns: `dict` containing the measurement frequencies. """ if not hasattr(self, 'circuit'): raise RuntimeError("The circuit hasn't yet built.", "Please call build_circuit() first.") backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator') # Execute the circuit job = execute(self.circuit, backend, shots=num_iters) # Get result and counts result = job.result() counts = result.get_counts(self.circuit) return dict(counts) def save_circuit_image(self, file_path: str, output_format: str = "mpl"): """ Save circuit to the image file. """ if not hasattr(self, 'circuit'): raise RuntimeError("The circuit hasn't yet built.", "Please call build_circuit() first.") self.circuit.draw(output=output_format, filename=file_path)