import pandas as pd import pickle import streamlit as st import numpy as np from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download import shap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt model_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id=st.secrets["REPO_ID"], filename="model.pkl", token=st.secrets["HF_TOKEN"]) explainer_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id=st.secrets["REPO_ID"], filename="explainer.pkl", token=st.secrets["HF_TOKEN"]) # load model model = pickle.load(open(model_path, "rb")) def model_proba(x): return model.predict_proba(x)[:, 1] explainer = pickle.load(open(explainer_path, "rb")) def predict(input): col1c, col2c= st.columns([0.3, 0.7]) inputss = pd.Series(input) inputdf = pd.DataFrame(inputss) inputdf.rename(columns={0: 'value'}, inplace=True) with col1c: st.subheader('Input data') st.table(inputdf) prob = model.predict_proba([inputss]) st.header(f'CVD Risk: {prob[0][1]*100:.2f}%') with col2c: st.subheader('CVD Risk Explanation') shap_value = explainer(pd.DataFrame(inputdf).T) shap.decision_plot(shap_value.base_values, shap_value.values, feature_names=shap_value.feature_names) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel('<-- Feature input decreases risk | Feature input increases risk -->') ax.set_ylabel('Feature impact -->') st.pyplot(plt.gcf()) st.markdown(''' * The effect of each input feature's value on the model's result shown relates to THIS instance only. * The straight vertical line is the expected (mean) value of the model. * The plotted line shows the effect of each feature in deviating from the expected value. ''') st.title('Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction DEMO') st.markdown(''' This is a CVD risk prediction app for demonstration only, **therefore not for clinical use**. Output from a simple logistic regression model based on 1000 individuals in India. Data source: [Cardiovascular Disease Dataset]( The CVD risk model prediction is explained using [SHAP]( values. ''') col1, col2= st.columns(2) with col1: age = st.number_input('Age (years)', 0, 100) sex_options = ['Female', 'Male'] sex ='Sex', sex_options) chestpain_options = ['none', 'non-anginal pain', 'typical angina', 'atypical angina'] chestpain='Chest pain type', chestpain_options) restingBP = st.number_input('Resting systolic blood pressure mm HG (94-200)', 0, 200) with col2: serumcholestrol = st.number_input('Serum Cholesterol in mg/dl (126-564)', 0, 300) fastingbloodsugar_options = ['LESS than 120 mg/dl', 'GREATER than or EQUAL 120 mg/dl'] fastingbloodsugar ='Fasting blood sugar', fastingbloodsugar_options) maxheartrate = st.number_input('Maximum heart rate achieved BPM (71-202)', 0, 300) exerciseangia_options = ['no', 'yes'] exerciseangia ='Exercise induced angina', exerciseangia_options) st.divider() input={ 'age': age, 'gender': sex_options.index(sex), 'chestpain': chestpain_options.index(chestpain), 'restingBP': restingBP, 'serumcholestrol': serumcholestrol, 'fastingbloodsugar': fastingbloodsugar_options.index(fastingbloodsugar), 'maxheartrate': maxheartrate, 'exerciseangia': exerciseangia_options.index(exerciseangia) } col1b, col2b = st.columns(2) with col1b: but1 = st.empty() with col2b: but2 = st.empty() st.divider() if but1.button('Predict Input', use_container_width=True): predict(input) if but2.button('Predict Random', use_container_width=True): predict({ 'age': np.random.randint(35, 90), 'gender': np.random.randint(0, 2), 'chestpain': np.random.randint(0, 4), 'restingBP': np.random.randint(80, 200), 'serumcholestrol': np.random.randint(100, 600), 'fastingbloodsugar': np.random.randint(0, 2), 'maxheartrate': np.random.randint(70, 220), 'exerciseangia': np.random.randint(0, 2) })