import streamlit as st from constants import * from stqdm import stqdm from prompts import * from generator import * from utils import * st.set_page_config( layout="wide", page_title="AI Book Generator", page_icon=":book:", ) st.title("AI Book Generator") st.markdown("

Select options

", unsafe_allow_html=True) with st.expander("Educational value *"): age_range = st.select_slider("Age range of the reader", options=AGE_RANGE) skill_development = st.selectbox("Skill development", options=SKILL_DEVELOPMENT) learning_obectives = st.selectbox( "Learning objectives", options=LEARNING_OBJECTIVES ) with st.expander("Emotional value *"): theme = st.selectbox("Theme", options=THEME) mood = st.selectbox("Moood of story", options=MODD_OF_STORY) positive_messaging = st.selectbox("Skill development", options=POSITIVE_MESSAGNG) with st.expander("Personal *"): theme = st.selectbox("Gender", options=GENDER) fvrt_book = st.text_input("Favorite book") with st.expander("Book Details * "): chapters = st.number_input( "How many chapters should the book have?", min_value=3, max_value=100, value=5 ) title = st.text_input("Title of the book") genre = st.selectbox("Genre", options=GENRE) topic = st.selectbox("Topic ", options=TOPIC) main_name = st.text_input("Name of main character") type_of_main_character = st.selectbox( "Type of main character", TYPE_OF_MAIN_CHARACTER ) antagonist_name = st.text_input("Antagonist name") antagonsit_type = st.selectbox("Antagonist type", options=ANTAGONIST_TYPE) suuporting_character_name = st.text_input("Supporting character name (if any)") suporting_character_type = st.selectbox( "Supporting character type", options=SUPPORTING_CHARACTER_TYPE ) settings = st.selectbox("Setting ", options=SETTINGS) resolution = st.selectbox("Resolution", options=RESOLUTION) btn = st.button("Generate Book") if btn: content = [] for x in stqdm(range(chapters), desc="Generating book"): if x == 0: prmpt = get_initial_prompts( genre, type_of_main_character, main_name, skill_development, learning_obectives, theme, topic, ) content.append(complete_with_gpt(prmpt, 200, "gpt2", 1500, 0.7, 1.5)) if x == 1: prmpt = story_setting_prompt( genre, type_of_main_character, main_name, skill_development, learning_obectives, theme, mood, antagonist_name, antagonsit_type, ) previous = " ".join(x for x in content) prmpt = previous + " " + prmpt content.append(complete_with_gpt(prmpt, 200, "gpt2", 1500, 0.7, 1.5)) if x % 3 == 0: prmpt = supporting_character_inclusion( genre, suuporting_character_name, suporting_character_type, positive_messaging, ) previous = " ".join(x for x in content) prmpt = previous + " " + prmpt content.append(complete_with_gpt(prmpt, 200, "gpt2", 1500, 0.7, 1.5)) if x == chapters - 1: prmpt = ending_scene(genre, resolution, main_name, positive_messaging) previous = " ".join(x for x in content) prmpt = previous + " " + prmpt content.append(complete_with_gpt(prmpt, 200, "gpt2", 1500, 0.7, 1.5)) else: previous = " ".join(x for x in content) prmpt = previous content.append(complete_with_gpt(prmpt, 200, "gpt2", 1500, 0.7, 1.5)) st.write(content) filenamee = to_pdf(convert(create_md(text=content, title=title))) with open(filenamee, "rb") as pdf_file: PDFbyte = st.download_button( label="Download Book", data=PDFbyte, file_name=filenamee, mime="application/octet-stream", )