import logging import os import time import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageOps import numpy as np import torch import xatlas from PIL import Image from tsr.system import TSR from tsr.utils import save_video from tsr.bake_texture import bake_texture class Timer: def __init__(self): self.items = {} self.time_scale = 1000.0 # ms self.time_unit = "ms" def start(self, name: str) -> None: if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.synchronize() self.items[name] = time.time()"{name} ...") def end(self, name: str) -> float: if name not in self.items: return if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.synchronize() start_time = self.items.pop(name) delta = time.time() - start_time t = delta * self.time_scale"{name} finished in {t:.2f}{self.time_unit}.") def initialize_model(pretrained_model_name_or_path="stabilityai/TripoSR", chunk_size=8192, device="cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"): timer.start("Initializing model") model = TSR.from_pretrained( pretrained_model_name_or_path, config_name="config.yaml", weight_name="model.ckpt", ) model.renderer.set_chunk_size(chunk_size) timer.end("Initializing model") return model def remove_background(image_path, output_path, background_value=127, new_size=(425, 425)): # Open the image image ="RGBA") # Split the image into its respective channels r, g, b, alpha = image.split() # Convert the alpha channel to binary mask where transparency is 0 and opaque is 255 alpha = ImageOps.invert(alpha) # Replace the transparent areas with the specified background value background ="L", image.size, color=background_value) image_rgb = Image.composite(background, r, alpha), Image.composite(background, g, alpha), Image.composite(background, b, alpha) # Merge the channels back into an image image = Image.merge("RGB", image_rgb) # Resize the image to the desired size image = image.resize(new_size, Image.LANCZOS) # Save the processed image # return image def process_image(image_path, output_dir, no_remove_bg, foreground_ratio): timer.start("Processing image") if no_remove_bg: rembg_session = None image = np.array("RGB")) else: image = remove_background(image_path ,output_dir) # Save the processed image os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True), "processed_input.png")) timer.end("Processing image") return image def run_model(model, image, output_dir, device, render, mc_resolution, model_save_format, bake_texture_flag, texture_resolution):"Running model...") timer.start("Running model") with torch.no_grad(): scene_codes = model([image], device=device) timer.end("Running model") out_video_path = None if render: timer.start("Rendering") render_images = model.render(scene_codes, n_views=30, return_type="pil") for ri, render_image in enumerate(render_images[0]):, f"render_{ri:03d}.png")) out_video_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "render.mp4") save_video( render_images[0], out_video_path, fps=30 ) timer.end("Rendering") timer.start("Extracting mesh") meshes = model.extract_mesh(scene_codes, not bake_texture_flag, resolution=mc_resolution) timer.end("Extracting mesh") out_mesh_path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"mesh.{model_save_format}") if bake_texture_flag: out_texture_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "texture.png") timer.start("Baking texture") bake_output = bake_texture(meshes[0], model, scene_codes[0], texture_resolution) timer.end("Baking texture") timer.start("Exporting mesh and texture") xatlas.export(out_mesh_path, meshes[0].vertices[bake_output["vmapping"]], bake_output["indices"], bake_output["uvs"], meshes[0].vertex_normals[bake_output["vmapping"]]) Image.fromarray((bake_output["colors"] * 255.0).astype(np.uint8)).transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).save(out_texture_path) timer.end("Exporting mesh and texture") else: timer.start("Exporting mesh") meshes[0].export(out_mesh_path) timer.end("Exporting mesh") return out_mesh_path ,out_video_path logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO) timer = Timer()