import asyncio import functools import threading import time import traceback from threading import Thread from typing import Callable, Optional from modules import shared from import load_character_memoized from modules.presets import load_preset_memoized # We use a thread local to store the asyncio lock, so that each thread # has its own lock. This isn't strictly necessary, but it makes it # such that if we can support multiple worker threads in the future, # thus handling multiple requests in parallel. api_tls = threading.local() def build_parameters(body, chat=False): generate_params = { 'max_new_tokens': int(body.get('max_new_tokens', body.get('max_length', 200))), 'do_sample': bool(body.get('do_sample', True)), 'temperature': float(body.get('temperature', 0.5)), 'top_p': float(body.get('top_p', 1)), 'typical_p': float(body.get('typical_p', body.get('typical', 1))), 'epsilon_cutoff': float(body.get('epsilon_cutoff', 0)), 'eta_cutoff': float(body.get('eta_cutoff', 0)), 'tfs': float(body.get('tfs', 1)), 'top_a': float(body.get('top_a', 0)), 'repetition_penalty': float(body.get('repetition_penalty', body.get('rep_pen', 1.1))), 'repetition_penalty_range': int(body.get('repetition_penalty_range', 0)), 'encoder_repetition_penalty': float(body.get('encoder_repetition_penalty', 1.0)), 'top_k': int(body.get('top_k', 0)), 'min_length': int(body.get('min_length', 0)), 'no_repeat_ngram_size': int(body.get('no_repeat_ngram_size', 0)), 'num_beams': int(body.get('num_beams', 1)), 'penalty_alpha': float(body.get('penalty_alpha', 0)), 'length_penalty': float(body.get('length_penalty', 1)), 'early_stopping': bool(body.get('early_stopping', False)), 'mirostat_mode': int(body.get('mirostat_mode', 0)), 'mirostat_tau': float(body.get('mirostat_tau', 5)), 'mirostat_eta': float(body.get('mirostat_eta', 0.1)), 'seed': int(body.get('seed', -1)), 'add_bos_token': bool(body.get('add_bos_token', True)), 'truncation_length': int(body.get('truncation_length', body.get('max_context_length', 2048))), 'ban_eos_token': bool(body.get('ban_eos_token', False)), 'skip_special_tokens': bool(body.get('skip_special_tokens', True)), 'custom_stopping_strings': '', # leave this blank 'stopping_strings': body.get('stopping_strings', []), } preset_name = body.get('preset', 'None') if preset_name not in ['None', None, '']: preset = load_preset_memoized(preset_name) generate_params.update(preset) if chat: character = body.get('character') instruction_template = body.get('instruction_template', shared.settings['instruction_template']) if str(instruction_template) == "None": instruction_template = "Vicuna-v1.1" name1, name2, _, greeting, context, _ = load_character_memoized(character, str(body.get('your_name', shared.settings['name1'])), shared.settings['name2'], instruct=False) name1_instruct, name2_instruct, _, _, context_instruct, turn_template = load_character_memoized(instruction_template, '', '', instruct=True) generate_params.update({ 'stop_at_newline': bool(body.get('stop_at_newline', shared.settings['stop_at_newline'])), 'chat_generation_attempts': int(body.get('chat_generation_attempts', shared.settings['chat_generation_attempts'])), 'mode': str(body.get('mode', 'chat')), 'name1': name1, 'name2': name2, 'context': context, 'greeting': greeting, 'name1_instruct': name1_instruct, 'name2_instruct': name2_instruct, 'context_instruct': body.get('context_instruct', context_instruct), 'turn_template': turn_template, 'chat-instruct_command': str(body.get('chat-instruct_command', shared.settings['chat-instruct_command'])), 'history': body.get('history', {'internal': [], 'visible': []}) }) return generate_params def try_start_cloudflared(port: int, max_attempts: int = 3, on_start: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None): Thread(target=_start_cloudflared, args=[ port, max_attempts, on_start], daemon=True).start() def _start_cloudflared(port: int, max_attempts: int = 3, on_start: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None): try: from flask_cloudflared import _run_cloudflared except ImportError: print('You should install flask_cloudflared manually') raise Exception( 'flask_cloudflared not installed. Make sure you installed the requirements.txt for this extension.') for _ in range(max_attempts): try: public_url = _run_cloudflared(port, port + 1) if on_start: on_start(public_url) return except Exception: traceback.print_exc() time.sleep(3) raise Exception('Could not start cloudflared.') def _get_api_lock(tls) -> asyncio.Lock: """ The streaming and blocking API implementations each run on their own thread, and multiplex requests using asyncio. If multiple outstanding requests are received at once, we will try to acquire the shared lock shared.generation_lock multiple times in succession in the same thread, which will cause a deadlock. To avoid this, we use this wrapper function to block on an asyncio lock, and then try and grab the shared lock only while holding the asyncio lock. """ if not hasattr(tls, "asyncio_lock"): tls.asyncio_lock = asyncio.Lock() return tls.asyncio_lock def with_api_lock(func): """ This decorator should be added to all streaming API methods which require access to the shared.generation_lock. It ensures that the tls.asyncio_lock is acquired before the method is called, and released afterwards. """ @functools.wraps(func) async def api_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): async with _get_api_lock(api_tls): return await func(*args, **kwargs) return api_wrapper