import time import streamlit as st import subprocess from highlighter import show_highlights from utils import ( download_quantized_model, download_spacy_model, errant_tokenize, get_annotator, load_model_and_tokenizer, ) model_names = [ "aseifert/t5-base-jfleg-wi", "aseifert/byt5-base-jfleg-wi", "team-writing-assistant/t5-base-c4jfleg", "Modfiededition/t5-base-fine-tuned-on-jfleg", "prithivida/grammar_error_correcter_v2", ] st.write("Output of `pip freeze`:") p = subprocess.Popen(["pip", "freeze"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = p.communicate()[0] st.code(output.decode("utf-8")) def predict(model, args, text: str): return model.generate_text(text, args=args).text def main(): st.title("🤗 Writing Assistant") st.markdown( """This writing assistant will proofread any text for you! See my [GitHub repo]( for implementation details.""" ) model_name = st.selectbox("Choose model", model_names) download_quantized_model(model_name) model, tokenizer = load_model_and_tokenizer(model_name) download_spacy_model() annotator = get_annotator("en") default_text = "A dog is bigger then mouse." default_text = "it gives him many apprtunites in the life, and i think that being knowledge person is a very wouderful thing to have so we can spend our lives in a successful way and full of happenis." input_text = st.text_area( label="Original text", value=default_text, ) start = None if st.button("✍️ Check"): start = time.time() with st.spinner("Checking for errors 🔍"): output_text = predict(model, tokenizer, input_text) try: tokenized_input_text = errant_tokenize(input_text) tokenized_output_text = errant_tokenize(output_text) show_highlights(annotator, tokenized_input_text, tokenized_output_text) st.write("") st.success(output_text) except Exception as e: st.error("Some error occured!" + str(e)) st.stop() st.write("---") st.markdown( "Built by [@therealaseifert]( during the HF community event – 👨\u200d💻 [GitHub repo]( – 🤗 Team Writing Assistant" ) st.markdown( "_Highlighting code thanks to [Gramformer](" ) if start is not None: st.text(f"prediction took {time.time() - start:.2f}s") if __name__ == "__main__": main()