import logging import os import sys import gym import random import numpy as np import torch import time # import tensorflow as tf from nn_builder.pytorch.NN import NN # from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter from torch.optim import optimizer class Base_Agent(object): def __init__(self, config): self.logger = self.setup_logger() self.debug_mode = config.debug_mode # if self.debug_mode: self.tensorboard = SummaryWriter() self.config = config self.set_random_seeds(config.seed) self.environment = config.environment self.environment_title = self.get_environment_title() self.action_types = "DISCRETE" if self.environment.action_space.dtype == np.int64 else "CONTINUOUS" self.action_size = int(self.get_action_size()) self.config.action_size = self.action_size self.lowest_possible_episode_score = self.get_lowest_possible_episode_score() self.state_size = int(self.get_state_size()) self.hyperparameters = config.hyperparameters self.average_score_required_to_win = self.get_score_required_to_win() self.rolling_score_window = self.get_trials() # self.max_steps_per_episode = self.environment.spec.max_episode_steps self.total_episode_score_so_far = 0 self.game_full_episode_scores = [] self.game_full_episode_signals = [] self.rolling_results = [] self.max_rolling_score_seen = float("-inf") self.max_episode_score_seen = float("-inf") self.episode_number = 0 self.device = "cuda:0" if config.use_GPU else "cpu" self.visualise_results_boolean = config.visualise_individual_results self.global_step_number = 0 self.turn_off_exploration = False if else True gym.logger.set_level(40) # stops it from printing an unnecessary warning self.log_game_info() def step(self): """Takes a step in the game. This method must be overriden by any agent""" raise ValueError("Step needs to be implemented by the agent") def get_environment_title(self): """Extracts name of environment from it""" try: name = except AttributeError: try: if str(self.environment.unwrapped)[1:11] == "FetchReach": return "FetchReach" elif str(self.environment.unwrapped)[1:8] == "AntMaze": return "AntMaze" elif str(self.environment.unwrapped)[1:7] == "Hopper": return "Hopper" elif str(self.environment.unwrapped)[1:9] == "Walker2d": return "Walker2d" else: name ="-")[0] except AttributeError: name = str(self.environment.env) if name[0:10] == "TimeLimit<": name = name[10:] name = name.split(" ")[0] if name[0] == "<": name = name[1:] if name[-3:] == "Env": name = name[:-3] return name def get_lowest_possible_episode_score(self): """Returns the lowest possible episode score you can get in an environment""" if self.environment_title == "Taxi": return -800 return None def get_action_size(self): """Gets the action_size for the gym env into the correct shape for a neural network""" if "overwrite_action_size" in self.config.__dict__: return self.config.overwrite_action_size if "action_size" in self.environment.__dict__: return self.environment.action_size if self.action_types == "DISCRETE": return self.environment.action_space.n else: return self.environment.action_space.shape[0] def get_state_size(self): """Gets the state_size for the gym env into the correct shape for a neural network""" random_state = self.environment.reset() if isinstance(random_state, dict): state_size = random_state["observation"].shape[0] + random_state["desired_goal"].shape[0] return state_size else: return random_state.size def get_score_required_to_win(self): """Gets average score required to win game""" print("TITLE ", self.environment_title) if self.environment_title == "FetchReach": return -5 if self.environment_title in ["AntMaze", "Hopper", "Walker2d"]: print("Score required to win set to infinity therefore no learning rate annealing will happen") return float("inf") try: return self.environment.unwrapped.reward_threshold except AttributeError: try: return self.environment.spec.reward_threshold except AttributeError: return self.environment.unwrapped.spec.reward_threshold def get_trials(self): """Gets the number of trials to average a score over""" if self.environment_title in ["AntMaze", "FetchReach", "Hopper", "Walker2d", "CartPole"]: return 100 try: return self.environment.unwrapped.trials except AttributeError: return self.environment.spec.trials def setup_logger(self): """Sets up the logger""" filename = "Training.log" try: if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) except: pass logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # create a file handler handler = logging.FileHandler(filename) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) # create a logging format formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(handler) return logger def log_game_info(self): """Logs info relating to the game""" for ix, param in enumerate( [self.environment_title, self.action_types, self.action_size, self.lowest_possible_episode_score, self.state_size, self.hyperparameters, self.average_score_required_to_win, self.rolling_score_window, self.device]):"{} -- {}".format(ix, param)) def set_random_seeds(self, random_seed): """Sets all possible random seeds so results can be reproduced""" os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(random_seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False torch.manual_seed(random_seed) # tf.set_random_seed(random_seed) random.seed(random_seed) np.random.seed(random_seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(random_seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(random_seed) if hasattr(gym.spaces, 'prng'): gym.spaces.prng.seed(random_seed) def reset_game(self): """Resets the game information so we are ready to play a new episode""" self.environment.seed(self.config.seed) self.state = self.environment.reset() self.next_state = None self.action = None self.reward = None self.signal = None self.done = False self.total_episode_score_so_far = 0 self.total_episode_signal_so_far = 0 self.episode_states = [] self.episode_rewards = [] self.episode_signals = [] self.episode_actions = [] self.episode_next_states = [] self.episode_dones = [] self.episode_desired_goals = [] self.episode_achieved_goals = [] self.episode_observations = [] if "exploration_strategy" in self.__dict__.keys(): self.exploration_strategy.reset()"Reseting game -- New start state {}".format(self.state)) def track_episodes_data(self): """Saves the data from the recent episodes""" self.episode_states.append(self.state) self.episode_actions.append(self.action) self.episode_rewards.append(self.reward) self.episode_signals.append(self.signal) self.episode_next_states.append(self.next_state) self.episode_dones.append(self.done) def run_n_episodes(self, num_episodes=None, show_whether_achieved_goal=True, save_and_print_results=True): """Runs game to completion n times and then summarises results and saves model (if asked to)""" if num_episodes is None: num_episodes = self.config.num_episodes_to_run start = time.time() while self.episode_number < num_episodes: self.reset_game() self.step() if save_and_print_results: self.save_and_print_result() time_taken = time.time() - start if show_whether_achieved_goal: self.show_whether_achieved_goal() if self.config.save_model: self.locally_save_policy() return self.game_full_episode_scores, self.rolling_results, time_taken, self.game_full_episode_signals def conduct_action(self, action): """Conducts an action in the environment""" self.next_state, self.reward, self.done, self.signal = self.environment.step(action) self.total_episode_score_so_far += self.reward self.total_episode_signal_so_far += self.signal if self.hyperparameters["clip_rewards"]: self.reward = max(min(self.reward, 1.0), -1.0) def save_and_print_result(self): """Saves and prints results of the game""" self.save_result() self.print_rolling_result() def save_result(self): """Saves the result of an episode of the game""" self.game_full_episode_scores.append(self.total_episode_score_so_far) self.game_full_episode_signals.append(self.total_episode_signal_so_far) self.rolling_results.append(np.mean(self.game_full_episode_scores[-1 * self.rolling_score_window:])) self.save_max_result_seen() def save_max_result_seen(self): """Updates the best episode result seen so far""" if self.game_full_episode_scores[-1] > self.max_episode_score_seen: self.max_episode_score_seen = self.game_full_episode_scores[-1] if self.rolling_results[-1] > self.max_rolling_score_seen: if len(self.rolling_results) > self.rolling_score_window: self.max_rolling_score_seen = self.rolling_results[-1] def print_rolling_result(self): """Prints out the latest episode results""" text = """"\r Episode {0}, Score: {3: .2f}, Max score seen: {4: .2f}, Rolling score: {1: .2f}, Max rolling score seen: {2: .2f}""" sys.stdout.write( text.format(len(self.game_full_episode_scores), self.rolling_results[-1], self.max_rolling_score_seen, self.game_full_episode_scores[-1], self.max_episode_score_seen)) sys.stdout.flush() def show_whether_achieved_goal(self): """Prints out whether the agent achieved the environment target goal""" index_achieved_goal = self.achieved_required_score_at_index() print(" ") if index_achieved_goal == -1: # this means agent never achieved goal print("\033[91m" + "\033[1m" + "{} did not achieve required score \n".format(self.agent_name) + "\033[0m" + "\033[0m") else: print("\033[92m" + "\033[1m" + "{} achieved required score at episode {} \n".format(self.agent_name, index_achieved_goal) + "\033[0m" + "\033[0m") def achieved_required_score_at_index(self): """Returns the episode at which agent achieved goal or -1 if it never achieved it""" for ix, score in enumerate(self.rolling_results): if score > self.average_score_required_to_win: return ix return -1 def update_learning_rate(self, starting_lr, optimizer): """Lowers the learning rate according to how close we are to the solution""" if len(self.rolling_results) > 0: last_rolling_score = self.rolling_results[-1] if last_rolling_score > 0.75 * self.average_score_required_to_win: new_lr = starting_lr / 100.0 elif last_rolling_score > 0.6 * self.average_score_required_to_win: new_lr = starting_lr / 20.0 elif last_rolling_score > 0.5 * self.average_score_required_to_win: new_lr = starting_lr / 10.0 elif last_rolling_score > 0.25 * self.average_score_required_to_win: new_lr = starting_lr / 2.0 else: new_lr = starting_lr for g in optimizer.param_groups: g['lr'] = new_lr if random.random() < 0.001:"Learning rate {}".format(new_lr)) def enough_experiences_to_learn_from(self): """Boolean indicated whether there are enough experiences in the memory buffer to learn from""" return len(self.memory) > self.hyperparameters["batch_size"] def save_experience(self, memory=None, experience=None): """Saves the recent experience to the memory buffer""" if memory is None: memory = self.memory if experience is None: experience = self.state, self.action, self.reward, self.next_state, self.done memory.add_experience(*experience) def take_optimisation_step(self, optimizer, network, loss, clipping_norm=None, retain_graph=False): """Takes an optimisation step by calculating gradients given the loss and then updating the parameters""" if not isinstance(network, list): network = [network] optimizer.zero_grad() # reset gradients to 0 loss.backward(retain_graph=retain_graph) # this calculates the gradients"Loss -- {}".format(loss.item())) if self.debug_mode: self.log_gradient_and_weight_information(network, optimizer) if clipping_norm is not None: for net in network: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(net.parameters(), clipping_norm) # clip gradients to help stabilise training optimizer.step() # this applies the gradients def log_gradient_and_weight_information(self, network, optimizer): # log weight information total_norm = 0 for name, param in network.named_parameters(): param_norm = total_norm += param_norm.item() ** 2 total_norm = total_norm ** (1. / 2)"Gradient Norm {}".format(total_norm)) for g in optimizer.param_groups: learning_rate = g['lr'] break"Learning Rate {}".format(learning_rate)) def soft_update_of_target_network(self, local_model, target_model, tau): """Updates the target network in the direction of the local network but by taking a step size less than one so the target network's parameter values trail the local networks. This helps stabilise training""" for target_param, local_param in zip(target_model.parameters(), local_model.parameters()): * + (1.0 - tau) * def create_NN(self, input_dim, output_dim, key_to_use=None, override_seed=None, hyperparameters=None): """Creates a neural network for the agents to use""" if hyperparameters is None: hyperparameters = self.hyperparameters if key_to_use: hyperparameters = hyperparameters[key_to_use] if override_seed: seed = override_seed else: seed = self.config.seed default_hyperparameter_choices = {"output_activation": None, "hidden_activations": "relu", "dropout": 0.0, "initialiser": "default", "batch_norm": False, "columns_of_data_to_be_embedded": [], "embedding_dimensions": [], "y_range": ()} for key in default_hyperparameter_choices: if key not in hyperparameters.keys(): hyperparameters[key] = default_hyperparameter_choices[key] return NN(input_dim=input_dim, layers_info=hyperparameters["linear_hidden_units"] + [output_dim], output_activation=hyperparameters["final_layer_activation"], batch_norm=hyperparameters["batch_norm"], dropout=hyperparameters["dropout"], hidden_activations=hyperparameters["hidden_activations"], initialiser=hyperparameters["initialiser"], columns_of_data_to_be_embedded=hyperparameters["columns_of_data_to_be_embedded"], embedding_dimensions=hyperparameters["embedding_dimensions"], y_range=hyperparameters["y_range"], random_seed=seed).to(self.device) def turn_on_any_epsilon_greedy_exploration(self): """Turns off all exploration with respect to the epsilon greedy exploration strategy""" print("Turning on epsilon greedy exploration") self.turn_off_exploration = False def turn_off_any_epsilon_greedy_exploration(self): """Turns off all exploration with respect to the epsilon greedy exploration strategy""" print("Turning off epsilon greedy exploration") self.turn_off_exploration = True def freeze_all_but_output_layers(self, network): """Freezes all layers except the output layer of a network""" print("Freezing hidden layers") for param in network.named_parameters(): param_name = param[0] assert "hidden" in param_name or "output" in param_name or "embedding" in param_name, "Name {} of network layers not understood".format( param_name) if "output" not in param_name: param[1].requires_grad = False def unfreeze_all_layers(self, network): """Unfreezes all layers of a network""" print("Unfreezing all layers") for param in network.parameters(): param.requires_grad = True @staticmethod def move_gradients_one_model_to_another(from_model, to_model, set_from_gradients_to_zero=False): """Copies gradients from from_model to to_model""" for from_model, to_model in zip(from_model.parameters(), to_model.parameters()): to_model._grad = from_model.grad.clone() if set_from_gradients_to_zero: from_model._grad = None @staticmethod def copy_model_over(from_model, to_model): """Copies model parameters from from_model to to_model""" for to_model, from_model in zip(to_model.parameters(), from_model.parameters()):