import gradio as gr from import wavfile from logic import score_audio CHOICES = ['2305', '2304', '195', '1956', '2302', '2301', '2299', '2300', '2298', '2297'] # '2860', QUESTIONS = ['What are breakfast, lunch, and dinner examples of?', 'What do we call a collection of large quantity?', 'How many days does it take for a full moon to occur?', 'What do you use in a non-verbal communication with expressions to convey a message effectively?', 'What do we call the behavior of not buying products from an exact company as a way of protesting?', 'What do we call a small soft creature with a hard round shell on its back that moves very slowly?', 'What do you call a place with lodging, food, and other services for travelers?', 'What is the term for a large, luxurious car, often driven by a chauffeur?', 'What is the term for a journey, especially a long one, involving travel by sea or in space?', 'What do we call a short trip taken for pleasure, usually lasting a day?' ] ANSWERS = ['Meal', 'Bulk', 'Thirty', 'Body language / sign language', 'Boycott', 'Snail', 'Hotel', 'Limousine', 'Voyage', 'Excursion'] PAIRED_QUESTIONS = {ch: {'Q': q, 'A': a}for ch, q, a in zip(CHOICES, QUESTIONS, ANSWERS)} def get_paired_text(value): result = PAIRED_QUESTIONS.get(value, '') return result def get_single_text(value): result = PAIRED_QUESTIONS.get(value, '') return result['Q'] def analyze_audio(audio, true_result): # Write the processed audio to a temporary WAV file if audio is None or true_result is None: return 'the audio is missing' temp_filename = 'temp_audio.wav' wavfile.write(temp_filename, audio[0], audio[1]) true_result = get_paired_text(true_result)['A'] result = score_audio(temp_filename, true_result) transcription = result['transcription'] score = result['score'] result_markdown = f"""# Test score : {score} / 1 # Predicted Answer ## {transcription} # True Answer ## {true_result} """ return result_markdown with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): drp_down = gr.Dropdown(choices=CHOICES, scale=2) show_text_btn = gr.Button("Select", scale=1) read_text = gr.Markdown(label='Answer this question'), inputs=drp_down, outputs=read_text) audio_area = gr.Audio(label='Answer') analyize_audio_btn = gr.Button("Submit", scale=1) with gr.Column(): capt_area = gr.Markdown(label='CAPT Scores'), inputs=[audio_area, drp_down], outputs=capt_area) demo.launch()