Questions for 13-17,Questions for 18-21,Questions for 21-25,Questions for 25-40,Questions for 40-60,Questions for 60+ Do you feel bullied at school?,Do you have plans for after high school?,Do you have plans for the future?,Are you stressed at work?,What do you think about your health?,How do you feel about retirement? Do you have a lot of friends?,How is your relationship with your family?,Are you able to balance work and social life?,How are your relationships with your coworkers?,Do you feel happy about your career?,Do you wish you had done things differently in your life? Do you feel safe at school?,What do you enjoy doing in your free time?,Are you able to manage your finances?,How is your relationship with your family?,How is your relationship with your family?,How is your health? Are you motivated to study?,What do you think about your current work-life balance?,Are you happy with your current career path?,Any major life changes?,How do you handle difficult customers or clients at work?,Do you feel like you have saved enough for retirement? Do your parents fight?,Do you maintain healthy relationships?,How do you manage stress in your daily life?,What do you think about your current living situation?,What are some of your favorite hobbies or interests?,Do you miss anyone?(friends/family) What are your thoughts on growing up?,Are you afraid about your future?,Do you stay connected with friends and family?,Are you able to maintain your physical and mental health?,How do you feel about your life so far?,Do you feel like you found your purpose in life?