#**************** IMPORT PACKAGES ******************** import gradio as gr import numpy as np import os import tempfile from fpdf import FPDF import re import pdfkit from zipfile import ZipFile from gtts import gTTS from pdfminer.high_level import extract_text def pdf_to_text(text, PDF): if text == "": # The setup of huggingface.co file_obj = PDF #n = int(Percent.replace('%', '')) text = extract_text(file_obj.name) outpit_text = text else: output_text = text # Generate Summary pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Times", size = 12) # open the text file in read mode f = output_text # insert the texts in pdf pdf.multi_cell(190, 10, txt = f, align = 'C') # save the pdf with name .pdf pdf.output("text.pdf") myobj = gTTS(text=output_text, lang='en', slow=False) myobj.save("audio.wav") return "audio.wav", output_text, "text.pdf" # return path #pageObject.extractText() iface = gr.Interface(fn = pdf_to_text, inputs =["text", "file"], outputs=["audio","text", "file"] ) if __name__ == "__main__": iface.launch(share=True)