import streamlit as st st.header('Args') st.text('(Llama-7b sft)') col1, col2 = st.columns([3,1]) example_num = st.selectbox("Select an example", ("None", "Example 1", "Example 2", "Example 3", "Example 4", "Example 5"), index=3) if example_num != "None": examples = {"Example 1": "What should you wear to a funeral?", "Example 2": "I need a good winter glove and I'm wondering what materials I should be looking for. I want something lightly insulated but weather resistant.", "Example 3": "My son is struggling to learn how to do addition. How can I teach him?", "Example 4": "How do you get a child to do homework?", "Example 5": "How do I feel comfortable in my own skin?"} example_text = examples.get(example_num) st.session_state.text = example_text with col1: text = st.text_area('Enter text', "", height=180, key="text") with col2: weight = st.slider('weight', min_value=0.0, max_value=1.5, value=1.5, step=0.01) k = st.slider("k", min_value=2, max_value=10, value=10, step=1) trigger = st.button("Generate") st.subheader("Result") import requests GROK_URL = "" ENDPOINT = f"{GROK_URL}/model" if trigger: req = requests.get(ENDPOINT, params={"weight": weight, "k": k, "text": text, "ngrok-skip-browser-warning": "1"}) if req.status_code == 200: result = req.text else: result = "Sorry, an error occured!" st.write(result)