from math import ceil import os import json import deforum_helpers.args as deforum_args from .args import mask_fill_choices, DeforumArgs, DeforumAnimArgs from .deprecation_utils import handle_deprecated_settings import logging def get_keys_to_exclude(setting_type): if setting_type == 'general': return ["n_batch", "restore_faces", "seed_enable_extras", "save_samples", "display_samples", "show_sample_per_step", "filename_format", "from_img2img_instead_of_link", "scale", "subseed", "subseed_strength", "C", "f", "init_latent", "init_sample", "init_c", "noise_mask", "seed_internal"] else: #video return ["mp4_path", "image_path", "output_format","render_steps","path_name_modifier"] def load_args(args_dict,anim_args_dict, parseq_args_dict, loop_args_dict, controlnet_args_dict, custom_settings_file, root): print(f"reading custom settings from {custom_settings_file}") if not os.path.isfile(custom_settings_file): print('The custom settings file does not exist. The in-notebook settings will be used instead') else: with open(custom_settings_file, "r") as f: jdata = json.loads( handle_deprecated_settings(jdata) root.animation_prompts = jdata["prompts"] if "animation_prompts_positive" in jdata: root.animation_prompts_positive = jdata["animation_prompts_positive"] if "animation_prompts_negative" in jdata: root.animation_prompts_negative = jdata["animation_prompts_negative"] for i, k in enumerate(args_dict): if k in jdata: args_dict[k] = jdata[k] else: print(f"key {k} doesn't exist in the custom settings data! using the default value of {args_dict[k]}") for i, k in enumerate(anim_args_dict): if k in jdata: anim_args_dict[k] = jdata[k] else: print(f"key {k} doesn't exist in the custom settings data! using the default value of {anim_args_dict[k]}") for i, k in enumerate(parseq_args_dict): if k in jdata: parseq_args_dict[k] = jdata[k] else: print(f"key {k} doesn't exist in the custom settings data! using the default value of {parseq_args_dict[k]}") for i, k in enumerate(loop_args_dict): if k in jdata: loop_args_dict[k] = jdata[k] else: print(f"key {k} doesn't exist in the custom settings data! using the default value of {loop_args_dict[k]}") print(args_dict) print(anim_args_dict) print(parseq_args_dict) print(loop_args_dict) # In gradio gui settings save/ load funs: def save_settings(*args, **kwargs): settings_path = args[0].strip() data = {deforum_args.settings_component_names[i]: args[i+1] for i in range(0, len(deforum_args.settings_component_names))} from deforum_helpers.args import pack_args, pack_anim_args, pack_parseq_args, pack_loop_args, pack_controlnet_args args_dict = pack_args(data) anim_args_dict = pack_anim_args(data) parseq_dict = pack_parseq_args(data) args_dict["prompts"] = json.loads(data['animation_prompts']) args_dict["animation_prompts_positive"] = data['animation_prompts_positive'] args_dict["animation_prompts_negative"] = data['animation_prompts_negative'] loop_dict = pack_loop_args(data) controlnet_dict = pack_controlnet_args(data) combined = {**args_dict, **anim_args_dict, **parseq_dict, **loop_dict, **controlnet_dict} exclude_keys = get_keys_to_exclude('general') + ['controlnet_input_video_chosen_file', 'controlnet_input_video_mask_chosen_file'] filtered_combined = {k: v for k, v in combined.items() if k not in exclude_keys} print(f"saving custom settings to {settings_path}") with open(settings_path, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(filtered_combined, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)) return [""] def save_video_settings(*args, **kwargs): video_settings_path = args[0].strip() data = {deforum_args.video_args_names[i]: args[i+1] for i in range(0, len(deforum_args.video_args_names))} from deforum_helpers.args import pack_video_args video_args_dict = pack_video_args(data) exclude_keys = get_keys_to_exclude('video') filtered_data = video_args_dict if exclude_keys is None else {k: v for k, v in video_args_dict.items() if k not in exclude_keys} print(f"saving video settings to {video_settings_path}") with open(video_settings_path, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(filtered_data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)) return [""] def load_settings(*args, **kwargs): settings_path = args[0].strip() data = {deforum_args.settings_component_names[i]: args[i+1] for i in range(0, len(deforum_args.settings_component_names))} print(f"reading custom settings from {settings_path}") jdata = {} if not os.path.isfile(settings_path): print('The custom settings file does not exist. The values will be unchanged.') return [data[name] for name in deforum_args.settings_component_names] + [""] else: with open(settings_path, "r") as f: jdata = json.loads( handle_deprecated_settings(jdata) ret = [] if 'animation_prompts' in jdata: jdata['prompts'] = jdata['animation_prompts']#compatibility with old versions if 'animation_prompts_positive' in jdata: data["animation_prompts_positive"] = jdata['animation_prompts_positive'] if 'animation_prompts_negative' in jdata: data["animation_prompts_negative"] = jdata['animation_prompts_negative'] for key in data: if key == 'sampler': sampler_val = jdata[key] if type(sampler_val) == int: from modules.sd_samplers import samplers_for_img2img ret.append(samplers_for_img2img[sampler_val].name) else: ret.append(sampler_val) elif key == 'fill': if key in jdata: fill_val = jdata[key] if type(fill_val) == int: ret.append(mask_fill_choices[fill_val]) else: ret.append(fill_val) else: fill_default = DeforumArgs()['fill'] logging.debug(f"Fill not found in load file, using default value: {fill_default}") ret.append(mask_fill_choices[fill_default]) elif key == 'reroll_blank_frames': if key in jdata: reroll_blank_frames_val = jdata[key] ret.append(reroll_blank_frames_val) else: reroll_blank_frames_default = DeforumArgs()['reroll_blank_frames'] logging.debug(f"Reroll blank frames not found in load file, using default value: {reroll_blank_frames_default}") ret.append(reroll_blank_frames_default) elif key == 'noise_type': if key in jdata: noise_type_val = jdata[key] ret.append(noise_type_val) else: noise_type_default = DeforumAnimArgs()['noise_type'] logging.debug(f"Noise type not found in load file, using default value: {noise_type_default}") ret.append(noise_type_default) elif key in jdata: ret.append(jdata[key]) else: if key == 'animation_prompts': ret.append(json.dumps(jdata['prompts'], ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)) elif key == 'animation_prompts_positive' and 'animation_prompts_positive' in jdata: ret.append(jdata['animation_prompts_positive']) elif key == 'animation_prompts_negative' and 'animation_prompts_negative' in jdata: ret.append(jdata['animation_prompts_negative']) else: ret.append(data[key]) #stuff ret.append("") return ret def load_video_settings(*args, **kwargs): video_settings_path = args[0].strip() data = {deforum_args.video_args_names[i]: args[i+1] for i in range(0, len(deforum_args.video_args_names))} print(f"reading custom video settings from {video_settings_path}") jdata = {} if not os.path.isfile(video_settings_path): print('The custom video settings file does not exist. The values will be unchanged.') return [data[name] for name in deforum_args.video_args_names] + [""] else: with open(video_settings_path, "r") as f: jdata = json.loads( handle_deprecated_settings(jdata) ret = [] for key in data: if key == 'add_soundtrack': add_soundtrack_val = jdata[key] if type(add_soundtrack_val) == bool: ret.append('File' if add_soundtrack_val else 'None') else: ret.append(add_soundtrack_val) elif key in jdata: ret.append(jdata[key]) else: ret.append(data[key]) #stuff ret.append("") return ret import tqdm from modules.shared import state, progress_print_out, opts, cmd_opts class DeforumTQDM: def __init__(self, args, anim_args, parseq_args): self._tqdm = None self._args = args self._anim_args = anim_args self._parseq_args = parseq_args def reset(self): from .animation_key_frames import DeformAnimKeys from .parseq_adapter import ParseqAnimKeys deforum_total = 0 # FIXME: get only amount of steps use_parseq = self._parseq_args.parseq_manifest != None and self._parseq_args.parseq_manifest.strip() keys = DeformAnimKeys(self._anim_args) if not use_parseq else ParseqAnimKeys(self._parseq_args, self._anim_args) start_frame = 0 if self._anim_args.resume_from_timestring: for tmp in os.listdir(self._args.outdir): filename = tmp.split("_") # don't use saved depth maps to count number of frames if self._anim_args.resume_timestring in filename and "depth" not in filename: start_frame += 1 start_frame = start_frame - 1 using_vid_init = self._anim_args.animation_mode == 'Video Input' turbo_steps = 1 if using_vid_init else int(self._anim_args.diffusion_cadence) if self._anim_args.resume_from_timestring: last_frame = start_frame-1 if turbo_steps > 1: last_frame -= last_frame%turbo_steps if turbo_steps > 1: turbo_next_frame_idx = last_frame turbo_prev_frame_idx = turbo_next_frame_idx start_frame = last_frame+turbo_steps frame_idx = start_frame had_first = False while frame_idx < self._anim_args.max_frames: strength = keys.strength_schedule_series[frame_idx] if not had_first and self._args.use_init and self._args.init_image != None and self._args.init_image != '': deforum_total += int(ceil(self._args.steps * (1-strength))) had_first = True elif not had_first: deforum_total += self._args.steps had_first = True else: deforum_total += int(ceil(self._args.steps * (1-strength))) if turbo_steps > 1: frame_idx += turbo_steps else: frame_idx += 1 self._tqdm = tqdm.tqdm( desc="Deforum progress", total=deforum_total, position=1, file=progress_print_out ) def update(self): if not opts.multiple_tqdm or cmd_opts.disable_console_progressbars: return if self._tqdm is None: self.reset() self._tqdm.update() def updateTotal(self, new_total): if not opts.multiple_tqdm or cmd_opts.disable_console_progressbars: return if self._tqdm is None: self.reset() def clear(self): if self._tqdm is not None: self._tqdm.close() self._tqdm = None