import os from pathlib import Path from rife.inference_video import run_rife_new_video_infer from .video_audio_utilities import get_quick_vid_info, vid2frames, media_file_has_audio, extract_number, ffmpeg_stitch_video from film_interpolation.film_inference import run_film_interp_infer from .general_utils import duplicate_pngs_from_folder, checksum # gets 'RIFE v4.3', returns: 'RIFE43' def extract_rife_name(string): parts = string.split() if len(parts) != 2 or parts[0] != "RIFE" or (parts[1][0] != "v" or not parts[1][1:].replace('.','').isdigit()): raise ValueError("Input string should contain exactly 2 words, first word should be 'RIFE' and second word should start with 'v' followed by 2 numbers") return "RIFE"+parts[1][1:].replace('.','') # This function usually gets a filename, and converts it to a legal linux/windows *folder* name def clean_folder_name(string): illegal_chars = ["/", "\\", "<", ">", ":", "\"", "|", "?", "*", "."] for char in illegal_chars: string = string.replace(char, "_") return string def set_interp_out_fps(interp_x, slow_x_enabled, slom_x, in_vid_fps): if interp_x == 'Disabled' or in_vid_fps in ('---', None, '', 'None'): return '---' # clean_interp_x = extract_number(interp_x) # clean_slom_x = extract_number(slom_x) fps = float(in_vid_fps) * int(interp_x) # if slom_x != -1: if slow_x_enabled: fps /= int(slom_x) return int(fps) if fps.is_integer() else fps # get uploaded video frame count, fps, and return 3 valuees for the gradio UI: in fcount, in fps, out fps (using the set_interp_out_fps function above) def gradio_f_interp_get_fps_and_fcount(vid_path, interp_x, slow_x_enabled, slom_x): if vid_path is None: return '---', '---', '---' fps, fcount, resolution = get_quick_vid_info( expected_out_fps = set_interp_out_fps(interp_x, slow_x_enabled, slom_x, fps) return (str(round(fps,2)) if fps is not None else '---', (round(fcount,2)) if fcount is not None else '---', round(expected_out_fps,2)) # handle call to interpolate an uploaded video from gradio button in (the function that calls this func is named 'upload_vid_to_rife') def process_interp_vid_upload_logic(file, engine, x_am, sl_enabled, sl_am, keep_imgs, f_location, f_crf, f_preset, in_vid_fps, f_models_path, vid_file_name): print("got a request to *frame interpolate* an existing video.") _, _, resolution = get_quick_vid_info( folder_name = clean_folder_name(Path(vid_file_name).stem) outdir_no_tmp = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'outputs', 'frame-interpolation', folder_name) i = 1 while os.path.exists(outdir_no_tmp): outdir_no_tmp = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'outputs', 'frame-interpolation', folder_name + '_' + str(i)) i += 1 outdir = os.path.join(outdir_no_tmp, 'tmp_input_frames') os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) vid2frames(, video_in_frame_path=outdir, overwrite=True, extract_from_frame=0, extract_to_frame=-1, numeric_files_output=True, out_img_format='png') # check if the uploaded vid has an audio stream. If it doesn't, set audio param to None so that ffmpeg won't try to add non-existing audio to final video. audio_file_to_pass = None if media_file_has_audio(, f_location): audio_file_to_pass = process_video_interpolation(frame_interpolation_engine=engine, frame_interpolation_x_amount=x_am, frame_interpolation_slow_mo_enabled = sl_enabled,frame_interpolation_slow_mo_amount=sl_am, orig_vid_fps=in_vid_fps, deforum_models_path=f_models_path, real_audio_track=audio_file_to_pass, raw_output_imgs_path=outdir, img_batch_id=None, ffmpeg_location=f_location, ffmpeg_crf=f_crf, ffmpeg_preset=f_preset, keep_interp_imgs=keep_imgs, orig_vid_name=folder_name, resolution=resolution) # handle params before talking with the actual interpolation module (rifee/film, more to be added) def process_video_interpolation(frame_interpolation_engine, frame_interpolation_x_amount, frame_interpolation_slow_mo_enabled, frame_interpolation_slow_mo_amount, orig_vid_fps, deforum_models_path, real_audio_track, raw_output_imgs_path, img_batch_id, ffmpeg_location, ffmpeg_crf, ffmpeg_preset, keep_interp_imgs, orig_vid_name, resolution): # set initial output vid fps fps = float(orig_vid_fps) * frame_interpolation_x_amount # re-calculate fps param to pass if slow_mo mode is enabled if frame_interpolation_slow_mo_enabled: fps = float(orig_vid_fps) * frame_interpolation_x_amount / int(frame_interpolation_slow_mo_amount) # disable audio-adding by setting real_audio_track to None if slow-mo is enabled if real_audio_track is not None and frame_interpolation_slow_mo_enabled: real_audio_track = None if frame_interpolation_engine == 'None': return elif frame_interpolation_engine.startswith("RIFE"): # make sure interp_x is valid and in range if frame_interpolation_x_amount not in range(2, 11): raise Error("frame_interpolation_x_amount must be between 2x and 10x") # set UHD to True if res' is 2K or higher if resolution: UHD = resolution[0] >= 2048 and resolution[1] >= 2048 else: UHD = False # e.g from "RIFE v2.3 to RIFE23" actual_model_folder_name = extract_rife_name(frame_interpolation_engine) # run actual rife interpolation and video stitching etc - the whole suite run_rife_new_video_infer(interp_x_amount=frame_interpolation_x_amount, slow_mo_enabled = frame_interpolation_slow_mo_enabled, slow_mo_x_amount=frame_interpolation_slow_mo_amount, model=actual_model_folder_name, fps=fps, deforum_models_path=deforum_models_path, audio_track=real_audio_track, raw_output_imgs_path=raw_output_imgs_path, img_batch_id=img_batch_id, ffmpeg_location=ffmpeg_location, ffmpeg_crf=ffmpeg_crf, ffmpeg_preset=ffmpeg_preset, keep_imgs=keep_interp_imgs, orig_vid_name=orig_vid_name, UHD=UHD) elif frame_interpolation_engine == 'FILM': prepare_film_inference(deforum_models_path=deforum_models_path, x_am=frame_interpolation_x_amount, sl_enabled=frame_interpolation_slow_mo_enabled, sl_am=frame_interpolation_slow_mo_amount, keep_imgs=keep_interp_imgs, raw_output_imgs_path=raw_output_imgs_path, img_batch_id=img_batch_id, f_location=ffmpeg_location, f_crf=ffmpeg_crf, f_preset=ffmpeg_preset, fps=fps, audio_track=real_audio_track, orig_vid_name=orig_vid_name) else: print("Unknown Frame Interpolation engine chosen. Doing nothing.") return def prepare_film_inference(deforum_models_path, x_am, sl_enabled, sl_am, keep_imgs, raw_output_imgs_path, img_batch_id, f_location, f_crf, f_preset, fps, audio_track, orig_vid_name): import shutil parent_folder = os.path.dirname(raw_output_imgs_path) grandparent_folder = os.path.dirname(parent_folder) if orig_vid_name is not None: interp_vid_path = os.path.join(parent_folder, str(orig_vid_name) +'_FILM_x' + str(x_am)) else: interp_vid_path = os.path.join(raw_output_imgs_path, str(img_batch_id) +'_FILM_x' + str(x_am)) film_model_name = '' film_model_folder = os.path.join(deforum_models_path,'film_interpolation') film_model_path = os.path.join(film_model_folder, film_model_name) # actual full path to the film .pt model file output_interp_imgs_folder = os.path.join(raw_output_imgs_path, 'interpolated_frames_film') # set custom name depending on if we interpolate after a run, or interpolate a video (related/unrelated to deforum, we don't know) directly from within the interpolation tab # interpolated_path = os.path.join(args.raw_output_imgs_path, 'interpolated_frames_rife') if orig_vid_name is not None: # interpolating a video (deforum or unrelated) custom_interp_path = "{}_{}".format(output_interp_imgs_folder, orig_vid_name) else: # interpolating after a deforum run: custom_interp_path = "{}_{}".format(output_interp_imgs_folder, img_batch_id) # interp_vid_path = os.path.join(raw_output_imgs_path, str(img_batch_id) + '_FILM_x' + str(x_am)) img_path_for_ffmpeg = os.path.join(custom_interp_path, "frame_%05d.png") if sl_enabled: interp_vid_path = interp_vid_path + '_slomo_x' + str(sl_am) interp_vid_path = interp_vid_path + '.mp4' # In this folder we temporarily keep the original frames (converted/ copy-pasted and img format depends on scenario) # the convertion case is done to avert a problem with 24 and 32 mixed outputs from the same animation run temp_convert_raw_png_path = os.path.join(raw_output_imgs_path, "tmp_film_folder") total_frames = duplicate_pngs_from_folder(raw_output_imgs_path, temp_convert_raw_png_path, img_batch_id, None) check_and_download_film_model('', film_model_folder) # TODO: split this part # get number of in-between-frames to provide to FILM - mimics how RIFE works, we should get the same amount of total frames in the end film_in_between_frames_count = calculate_frames_to_add(total_frames, x_am) # Run actual FILM inference run_film_interp_infer( model_path = film_model_path, input_folder = temp_convert_raw_png_path, save_folder = custom_interp_path, # output folder is created in the infer part inter_frames = film_in_between_frames_count) add_soundtrack = 'None' if not audio_track is None: add_soundtrack = 'File' print (f"*Passing interpolated frames to ffmpeg...*") exception_raised = False try: ffmpeg_stitch_video(ffmpeg_location=f_location, fps=fps, outmp4_path=interp_vid_path, stitch_from_frame=0, stitch_to_frame=999999, imgs_path=img_path_for_ffmpeg, add_soundtrack=add_soundtrack, audio_path=audio_track, crf=f_crf, preset=f_preset) except Exception as e: exception_raised = True print(f"An error occurred while stitching the video: {e}") if orig_vid_name and (keep_imgs or exception_raised): shutil.move(custom_interp_path, parent_folder) if not keep_imgs and not exception_raised: if fps <= 450: # keep interp frames automatically if out_vid fps is above 450 shutil.rmtree(custom_interp_path, ignore_errors=True) # delete duplicated raw non-interpolated frames shutil.rmtree(temp_convert_raw_png_path, ignore_errors=True) # remove folder with raw (non-interpolated) vid input frames in case of input VID and not PNGs if orig_vid_name: shutil.rmtree(raw_output_imgs_path, ignore_errors=True) def check_and_download_film_model(model_name, model_dest_folder): from basicsr.utils.download_util import load_file_from_url if model_name == '': model_dest_path = os.path.join(model_dest_folder, model_name) download_url = '' film_model_hash = '0a823815b111488ac2b7dd7fe6acdd25d35a22b703e8253587764cf1ee3f8f93676d24154d9536d2ce5bc3b2f102fb36dfe0ca230dfbe289d5cd7bde5a34ec12' else: # Unknown FILM model raise Exception("Got a request to download an unknown FILM model. Can't proceed.") if os.path.exists(model_dest_path): return try: os.makedirs(model_dest_folder, exist_ok=True) # download film model from url load_file_from_url(download_url, model_dest_folder) # verify checksum if checksum(model_dest_path) != film_model_hash: raise Exception(f"Error while downloading {model_name}. Please download from: {download_url}, and put in: {model_dest_folder}") except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Error while downloading {model_name}. Please download from: {download_url}, and put in: {model_dest_folder}") # get film no. of frames to add after each pic from tot frames in interp_x values def calculate_frames_to_add(total_frames, interp_x): frames_to_add = (total_frames * interp_x - total_frames) / (total_frames - 1) return int(round(frames_to_add))