# Timelog * Text-generation with rhyme and rhythm * Ans Farooq * 2390370f * Jake Lever ## Guidance * This file contains the time log for your project. It will be submitted along with your final dissertation. * **YOU MUST KEEP THIS UP TO DATE AND UNDER VERSION CONTROL.** * This timelog should be filled out honestly, regularly (daily) and accurately. It is for *your* benefit. * Follow the structure provided, grouping time by weeks. Quantise time to the half hour. ## Week 1 ### 19 Oct 2019 * *4 hours* Read the project guidance notes * *0.5 hour* Created GitLab repository and cloned the cookiecutter for the projects * *1 hour* Modified dissertation template, compiled ## 20 Oct 2019 * *1 hour* meeting with supervisor * *2 hours* writing initial version of test harness