## Data Keep your data (e.g. from evaluations here) * If you involved human subjects in any form, you will require ethical permission. * Keep records of all items related to ethics in `data/ethics`. There are templates for scripts, guidance provided. * **You must have scanned PDFs of signed checklists in this folder**, or PDFs of ethics confirmations from other sources * Ensure you remain GDPR compliant. In general: * Never collect personally identifiable information if at all possible. * Pseudonymise identifiers for subjects. * Use coarse demographic values unless you need specific information (for example, if you need age ranges, collect ranges, not specific ages) * Ensure you have explicit consent for the storage and use of data from human subjects * DO NOT STORE PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION ON REMOTE SERVERS (no Dropbox, Github, etc.) * Keep a written description of the data, what is contained, and how it was captured in `data/readme.md` * Record all raw data as an immutable store. **Never modify captured data.** * Keep this under `data/raw` * This could be logs, questionnaire responses, computation results * Write scripts to produced processed data from these (e.g. tidy dataframes, excel sheets, csv files, HDF5 files, sqlite databases) * Write scripts that process these into results, visualisations, tables that you include in your project. * If you use Jupyter/RStudio notebooks, place these in `data/notebooks` and name them carefully (not "Untitled1", "Untitled2"). * You may need to remove the `data/` folder from version control if the data size is too large or you are bound by confidentiality. * If you do so **make sure you have good backups**