import torch import os from argparse import Namespace from pathlib import Path from import tqdm from torch import autocast from einops import rearrange, reduce, repeat from torch.cuda.amp import GradScaler from torch.nn.functional import binary_cross_entropy_with_logits from trainers.utils import seed_everything, TensorboardLogger from dataloaders.JSRT import build_dataloaders as build_dataloaders_JSRT from models.unet_model import Unet from trainers.train_base_diffusion import save def train(config, model, optimizer, train_dl, val_dl, logger, scaler, step): best_val_loss = float('inf') train_losses = [] if config.dataset == "BRATS2D": train_losses_per_class = [] elif config.shared_weights_over_timesteps and config.experiment == 'datasetDM': train_losses_per_timestep = [] pbar = tqdm(total=config.val_freq, desc='Training') while True: for x, y in train_dl: pbar.update(1) step += 1 if config.shared_weights_over_timesteps and config.experiment == 'datasetDM': y = repeat(y, 'b c h w -> (b step) c h w', step=len(model.steps)) x = y = optimizer.zero_grad() with autocast(device_type=config.device, enabled=config.mixed_precision): pred = model(x) # cross entropy loss #loss = - ((y * torch.log(torch.sigmoid(pred)) + (1 - y) * torch.log(1 - torch.sigmoid(pred)))).mean() if config.dataset == "BRATS2D": weights = repeat(torch.Tensor(config.loss_weights).to(config.device), 'c -> b c h w', b=y.shape[0], h=y.shape[2], w=y.shape[3]) else: weights = None expanded_loss = reduce(binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred, y, weight=weights, reduction='none'), 'b c h w -> b c', 'mean') loss = expanded_loss.mean() scaler.scale(loss).backward() optimizer.step() train_losses.append(loss.item()) if config.dataset == "BRATS2D": loss_per_class = expanded_loss.mean(0) train_losses_per_class.append(loss_per_class.detach().cpu()) pbar.set_description(f'Training loss: {loss.item():.4f} - {loss_per_class[0].item():.4f} - {loss_per_class[1].item():.4f} - {loss_per_class[2].item():.4f} - {loss_per_class[3].item():.4f}') else: pbar.set_description(f'Training loss: {loss.item():.4f}') if config.shared_weights_over_timesteps and config.experiment == 'datasetDM': loss_per_timestep = reduce(expanded_loss, '(b step) c -> step', 'mean', step=len(model.steps)) train_losses_per_timestep.append(loss_per_timestep.detach().cpu()) if step % config.log_freq == 0 or config.debug: avg_train_loss = sum(train_losses) / len(train_losses) print(f'Step {step} - Train loss: {avg_train_loss:.4f}') logger.log({'train/loss': avg_train_loss}, step=step) if config.dataset == "BRATS2D": avg_train_loss_per_class = torch.stack(train_losses_per_class).mean(0) logger.log({'train_loss/0':avg_train_loss_per_class[0].item()}, step=step) logger.log({'train_loss/1':avg_train_loss_per_class[1].item()}, step=step) logger.log({'train_loss/2':avg_train_loss_per_class[2].item()}, step=step) logger.log({'train_loss/3':avg_train_loss_per_class[3].item()}, step=step) if config.shared_weights_over_timesteps and config.experiment == 'datasetDM': avg_train_loss_per_timestep = torch.stack(train_losses_per_timestep).mean(0) for i, model_step in enumerate(model.steps): logger.log({'train_loss/step_' + str(model_step): avg_train_loss_per_timestep[i].item()}, step=step) if step % config.val_freq == 0 or config.debug: val_results = validate(config, model, val_dl) logger.log(val_results, step=step) if val_results['val/loss'] < best_val_loss and not config.debug: print(f'Step {step} - New best validation loss: ' f'{val_results["val/loss"]:.4f}, saving model ' f'in {config.log_dir}') best_val_loss = val_results['val/loss'] save( model, optimizer, config, config.log_dir / '', step ) elif val_results['val/loss'] > best_val_loss * 1.5 and config.early_stop: print(f'Step {step} - Validation loss increased by more than 50%') return model if step >= config.max_steps or config.debug: return model @torch.no_grad() def validate(config, model, val_dl): model.eval() metrics = { 'val/loss': [], 'val/dice': [], 'val/precision': [], 'val/recall': [], } for i, (x, y) in tqdm(enumerate(val_dl), desc='Validating'): x = with autocast(device_type=config.device, enabled=config.mixed_precision): pred = model(x).detach().cpu() # label predictions if pred.shape[1] == 1: y_hat = torch.sigmoid(pred) > .5 else: y_hat = torch.argmax(pred, dim=1) y_hat = torch.stack([y_hat == i for i in range(y.shape[1])], dim=1) # metrics if config.shared_weights_over_timesteps and config.experiment == 'datasetDM': y = repeat(y, 'b c h w -> (b step) c h w', step=len(model.steps)) metrics['val/dice'].append(dice(y_hat, y)) metrics['val/precision'].append(precision(y_hat, y)) metrics['val/recall'].append(recall(y_hat, y)) metrics['val/loss'].append(binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred, y, reduction='none')) if i + 1 == config.max_val_steps or config.debug: break # average metrics avg_loss =['val/loss']).mean() print(f'Validation loss: {avg_loss:.4f}') if y_hat.shape[1] > 1: for i in range(1, y_hat.shape[1]): metrics[f'val_dice/{i}'] =['val/dice'])[:, i].nanmean().item() metrics[f'val_precision/{i}'] =['val/precision'])[:, i].nanmean().item() metrics[f'val_recall/{i}'] =['val/recall'])[:,i].nanmean().item() metrics['val/loss'] = avg_loss.item() metrics['val/dice'] =['val/dice']).nanmean().item() # exclude background + exclude classes not represented (through nanmean) metrics['val/precision'] =['val/precision']).nanmean().item() metrics['val/recall'] =['val/recall']).nanmean().item() model.train() return metrics def dice(x_hat, x): x_n_x_hat = torch.logical_and(x_hat, x) dice = 2 * reduce(x_n_x_hat, 'b c h w -> b c', 'sum') / (reduce(x_hat, 'b c h w -> b c', 'sum') + reduce(x, 'b c h w -> b c', 'sum')) return dice def precision(x_hat, x): TP = reduce(torch.logical_and(x, x_hat), 'b c h w -> b c', 'sum') FP = reduce(torch.logical_and(1 - x, x_hat), 'b c h w -> b c', 'sum') _precision = TP / (TP + FP) return _precision def recall(x_hat, x): TP = reduce(torch.logical_and(x, x_hat), 'b c h w -> b c', 'sum') FN = reduce(torch.logical_and(x, ~x_hat), 'b c h w -> b c', 'sum') _recall = TP / (TP + FN) return _recall def main(config:Namespace) -> None: # adjust logdir to include experiment name os.makedirs(config.log_dir, exist_ok=True) # save config namespace into logdir with open(config.log_dir / 'config.txt', 'w') as f: for k, v in vars(config).items(): if type(v) not in [str, int, float, bool]: f.write(f'{k}: {str(v)}\n') else: f.write(f'{k}: {v}\n') # Random seed seed_everything(config.seed) model = Unet( config.dim, dim_mults=config.dim_mults, channels=config.channels, out_dim=config.out_channels ) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=config.weight_decay) step = 0 model.train() scaler = GradScaler() # Load data if config.dataset == "JSRT": build_dataloaders = build_dataloaders_JSRT else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dataset: {config.dataset}") dataloaders = build_dataloaders( config.data_dir, config.img_size, config.batch_size, config.num_workers, config.n_labelled_images, ) train_dl = dataloaders['train'] val_dl = dataloaders['val'] print(f'Loaded {len(train_dl.dataset)} training and {len(val_dl.dataset)} validation images') # Logger logger = TensorboardLogger(config.log_dir, enabled=not config.debug) train(config, model, optimizer, train_dl, val_dl, logger, scaler, step)