import param import panel as pn pn.extension(sizing_mode="stretch_width") import pickle import pandas as pd css = ['', # Below: Needed for export buttons '' ] js = { '$': '', 'DataTable': '', # Below: Needed for export buttons 'buttons': '', 'jszip': '', 'pdfmake': '', 'vfsfonts': '', 'html5buttons': '', } pn.extension(css_files=css, js_files=js) script = """ """ # html = autompg.to_html(classes=['example', 'panel-df']) class ReactiveTables(param.Parameterized): dataset = param.ObjectSelector(default='SNLI (DistillBERT)', objects=['SNLI (DistillBERT)', 'MRPC (ALBERT)', 'SQuAD (Roberta)']) split = param.ObjectSelector(default='train', objects=['train', 'validation or test']) start = param.Integer(1) stop = param.Integer(200) @param.depends('dataset', 'split') def data(self): _path = f'{self.dataset.split(" ")[0]}_{self.split}.pkl' if self.split != 'train': _path = _path.replace('validation or test', 'validation' if 'SQuAD' in self.dataset else 'test') dataframe = pickle.load(open(_path, 'rb')) return dataframe @param.depends('dataset', 'split', 'data') def summary(self): return # @param.depends('data', 'stop') # def table(self): # return[self.start:self.stop] @param.depends('dataset', 'split', 'start', 'stop') def table_ours(self): return pn.pane.HTML([self.start:self.stop + 1].to_html(classes=['example', 'panel-df']) + script, sizing_mode='stretch_width') def panel(self): return pn.Row( pn.Param(self, name="Settings", width=300, sizing_mode="fixed"), pn.Column( "## Description", self.summary, "## Table", self.table_ours, width=2000, # sizing_mode='stretch_height' ) , sizing_mode="stretch_width" ) component = ReactiveTables().panel() # dash = pn.template.FastListTemplate(site="ACL 23 Submission", title="Finding Secret Language of Language Models", main=[ "This page presents some secret languages discovered by our proposed SecretFinding algorithm on three multi-sentence datasets. To ensure optimal performance of this webapp, we recommend presenting less than 2000 data at a time.", component ]).servable() # pn.serve(dash)