from yaspin import yaspin from termcolor import colored from keys import OPENAI_API_KEY with yaspin(text="Waking agent...") as spinner: import os import time import requests import base64 import threading import as wav from queue import Queue os.environ['PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT'] = "hide" os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' from pygame import mixer from modules.Whisper import transcribe from modules.VoiceActivityDetection import VADDetector import openai from gtts import gTTS from modules.command import CommandDetector from modules.Yolo import Eyes # from import GoogleManager # from modules.github import create_repository openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY mixer.init() class GPTAssistant(): def __init__(self, startListening=False, startTexting=False, voice=False, local=False): self.voice = voice self.listening = startListening self.texting = startTexting self.vad = VADDetector(self.onSpeechStart, self.onSpeechEnd) self.vad_data = Queue() self.context = [ {"role": "system", "content": self.read_system_context("jvp.txt")}] self.cdet = CommandDetector(model_path="./models/checkpoint-760") # = GoogleManager() self.eyes = Eyes() if startListening and not startTexting: self.startListening() t = threading.Thread(target=self.transcription_loop) t.start() else: self.writingMessage() def writingMessage(self): text = '' while True: text = input(colored("[👨]: ", "magenta")) self.build_context(role='user', content=text) command = self.cdet.command_filter(text) if (command != 'goodbye'): if command == "vision": vision = self.eyes.see() self.build_context( role='system', content=f'The vision module detected {vision}. Respond to the last user promt using this information.') if command == "google": if (self.voice): self.play_audio(, exit=exit, response_name="google_notification.mp3") search = self.build_context( role='system', content=f'The google module found {search}. Respond to the last user promt using this information.') if command == "github": repo = create_repository() self.build_context( role='system', content=f'The github module tried to create a repository and exited:\n {repo}. Tell the user what happened.') self.send_to_GPT(messages=self.context) else: self.send_to_GPT(messages=self.context) break def startListening(self): print(colored("Listening 👂", 'green')) t = threading.Thread(target=self.vad.startListening) t.start() def toggleListening(self): if not self.listening: print() print(colored("Listening 👂", 'green')) while not self.vad_data.empty(): self.vad_data.get() self.listening = not self.listening def onSpeechStart(self): pass def onSpeechEnd(self, data): if data.any(): self.vad_data.put(data) def transcription_loop(self): while True: if not self.vad_data.empty(): data = self.vad_data.get() if self.listening: self.toggleListening() text = transcribe(data) if len(text) > 4 and text != "Thank you.": print(colored(f'[👨]:{text}', 'magenta')) self.build_context(role='user', content=text) command = self.cdet.command_filter(text) if (command != 'goodbye'): if command == "vision": vision = self.eyes.see() self.build_context( role='system', content=f'The vision module detected {vision}. Respond to the last user promt using this information.') if command == "google": if (self.voice): self.play_audio(, exit=exit, response_name="google_notification.mp3") search = self.build_context( role='system', content=f'The google module found {search}. Respond to the last user promt using this information.') self.send_to_GPT(messages=self.context) else: self.send_to_GPT(messages=self.context, exit=True) break def read_system_context(self, file): context = '' with open(file) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: context += line return context def build_context(self, role, content): self.context.append({"role": role, "content": content}) def send_to_GPT(self, messages, exit=False): completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model='gpt-3.5-turbo', messages=messages) response = completion['choices'][0]['message']['content'] print(colored(f'[🤖]:{response}', 'green')) self.build_context(role='assistant', content=response) if (self.voice): self.play_audio(response=response, exit=exit) def play_audio(self, response, language="en", exit=False, response_name="GPT_response.mp3"): speech = gTTS(text=response, lang=language, slow=False) # play audio # wait for audio to finish duration = mixer.Sound(response_name).get_length() time.sleep(duration + 1) # unload and delete audio os.remove(response_name) # re-activate microphone if (self.listening and not exit): self.toggleListening() if __name__ == '__main__': assistant = GPTAssistant( startListening=True, startTexting=True, voice=False, local=False) context = [{"role": "user", "content": "Testing GPT"}] assistant.send_to_GPT(messages=context)