The United States maintains diplomatic relations with , but State Department officials say no deeper engagement is warranted until the government in halts support for radical organizations , including Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinian territories . '' Syria Damascus is the capital of . Regional analysts said peace efforts had been undermined by the political crisis in , where Prime Minister has barely hung on to his job after being excoriated by a committee that reviewed the conduct of the war with Hezbollah in Lebanon last summer . '' Ehud Olmert Israel The nationality of is . In fact , 's business of maintaining Soviet-designed plants in Eastern Europe may get a boost as these countries worry about excess dependency on natural gas from Gazprom and reconsider nuclear energy as an alternative . Russian Russia are geographically distributed in . Prime Minister of and Mahmoud Abbas , the Palestinian president , met here on Sunday , resulting in some mixed messages regarding a resumption of their long-dormant peace efforts . Ehud Olmert Israel The nationality of is . Even when I visited my upscale cousin -LRB- he 's a psychiatrist -RRB- in , Conn. , just down the road from 's place , I felt I belonged . Paul Newman Westport lives in It is the second stoppage of energy supplies to European countries since last winter , when natural gas shipments were shut down briefly during a gas pricing dispute between and Ukraine . Russian Russia are geographically distributed in . , the newly elected first minister of , expressed concern Thursday that the British government had struck a deal that might permit the only person convicted in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing to return to Libya to complete his sentence . Alex Salmond Scotland The nationality of is . 10 P.M. -LRB- Travel -RRB- 1,000 PLACES TO SEE BEFORE YOU DIE -- No , it 's not '' The Apprentice , '' but tonight the Ulles will be swimming with the sharks -- as well as riding elephants and discovering -- as they explore . South Africa Cape Town is located in . In 1999 , she acted in '' Selma , Lord , Selma , '' about the civil rights march , and in 1996 appeared in '' Ghosts of , '' about efforts to track down the killer of , the civil rights leader . Medgar Evers Mississippi lives in In a state that was pivotal to President Bush 's election and re-election , , which includes , has seen more than its share of recent election troubles . Cuyahoga County Cleveland House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in on Tuesday for a visit that is seen as part of an attempt to sway Bush administration policy on Iraq and the rest of the . Middle East Syria is located in . A1 Senator of , the Republican leader , said his party would unite to block Senate debate next week on a bipartisan resolution opposing President Bush 's troop buildup in Iraq unless Democrats allow votes on at least two Republican alternatives . Mitch McConnell Kentucky lives in Having so many operating systems makes it expensive to make software , said , the chief executive of , whose software helps users of camera phones save and share multimedia content . '' PixSense Faraz Hoodbhoy is the founder of . Opposition Candidate Shot MAKHACHKALA , , Feb. 14 -LRB- Agence France-Presse -RRB- -- A local legislative candidate was shot in the head Wednesday in the southern region of Dagestan less than an hour after making a campaign speech on television here , a police spokeswoman said . Russian Russia are geographically distributed in . Then the hospital signed up for TeleStroke , a program offered by two Harvard teaching hospitals , and the Brigham and Women 's Hospital in . Boston Massachusetts General Hospital is located in . I think that the handwriting is on the wall that we are going in a different direction in the fall , and I expect the president to lead it , '' the Senate Republican leader , of , told reporters . Mitch McConnell Kentucky lives in New Arts Center in The New York architects Tod Williams and Billie Tsien have been chosen to design a $ 100 million arts center at the University of , the university is to announce today . Chicago University of Chicago is located in . That splintering is the central fact of '' Wall , '' a film by the British artist Catherine Yass , which is basically a continuous , traveling close-up pan of the concrete security barrier that has separated from the since the second intifada of 2000 . Israel West Bank is located in . She left her parents and her home at 14 to train in Melun , , with the taskmaster coach . Philippe Lucas France The nationality of is . Speaking to reporters on Wednesday , Ms. Pelosi announced that she had conveyed a message to Mr. Assad from 's prime minister , , that he was ready to negotiate for peace . Ehud Olmert Israel The nationality of is . A memorial is planned at a later date in , . France Paris is a city of . For example , Mr. Ballmer opened settlement talks over a round of golf in California with , ' chairman , and addressed the French Senate in fluent French . Sun Microsystems Scott G. McNealy is the founder of . Named for the youth program founded in 1999 by Chris Rolle , known as Kazi , a Bahamian orphan forced to grow up on the streets of , Brooklyn , the movie follows his efforts to encourage at-risk teenagers to express themselves in verse rather than violence . Crown Heights New York City is the neighbor of . 6 5 Killed in Fighting Five Palestinians were killed in fighting between two clans in the . Gaza Strip Gaza is the capital of . , the chief executive of , made a lot of phone calls seeking advice before he entered into a merger deal with XM Satellite Radio on Monday . Mel Karmazin Sirius Satellite Radio is the chairman of . When Kyle was 5 , his mother organized a local prayer vigil for , the African immigrant shot to death by the police in . '' Amadou Diallo New York City lives in , an evolutionary biologist at , takes a different and decidedly refreshing approach . David Sloan Wilson Binghamton University is the chairman of . In a 1997 study , Mr. Alesina , along with Reza Baqir , an economist at the International Monetary Fund , and , an economics professor at , looked at the relationship between social spending and ethnic diversity in 2,700 cities , counties and metropolitan areas across the United States . William Easterly New York University is the chairman of . I was backpacking once , going from to at night , and I was at the top of a giant boat at 2 in the morning , everything so black , and me feeling so small . Corsica France is a city of . The figure does not include residents of , which captured in the 1967 war and later annexed . Israel East Jerusalem is the capital of . We saw our justice system at work today as was convicted for his heinous crimes against one of 's children , '' Mr. Crist said in a statement . John Couey Florida is born in . Mr. Katsav has left his official residence in and is living in southern . Israel Jerusalem is the capital of . The group , called the United States Climate Action Partnership , had its origin in conversations last spring among Mr. Lash ; Fred Krupp , the president of Environmental Defense ; and , the chief executive of . General Electric Jeffrey R. Immelt The major shareholders of is . And any hope of driving a wedge between Iran and will have to start by giving hope that there is a way in from the cold . Syria Damascus is the capital of . But this time , the domestic scene would take place in , the sliver of a state on 's western coast . Goa India is a city of . A frenetic schedule -LRB- a native , she logged 36 flights on Air alone last year -RRB- has forced her to make some style concessions . '' Canada Toronto is a city of . Also , the president , Vladimir V. Putin , is scheduled to attend a Group of 8 meeting of the leaders of industrialized nations in Germany next week , where 's openness to investment will probably be discussed . Russian Russia are geographically distributed in . The idea of recreational shopping is not new , '' said , a professor of sociology at and author of '' Born to Buy : The Commercialized Child and the New Consumer Culture '' -LRB- Scribner -RRB- . '' Juliet B. Schor Boston College is the chairman of . Because has such a big sports community , he added , its parade has been led by quite a few athletes over the years , including , who was a National Football League running back ; the former major league outfielder Billy Bean ; and the Olympic diver Greg Louganis . David Kopay Chicago is born in . In 2006 , the annual meeting morphed into a three and a half hour celebration of , 's departing chairman . Sanford I. Weill Citigroup is advised by . Although Mr. Fodor grew up in and studied law in , some aspects of his background parallel those of many American computer entrepreneurs . France Paris is a city of . was born on May 2 , 1925 , in , N.J. , the son of a Baptist preacher . Roscoe Lee Browne Woodbury is born in . Telenor , the Norwegian cellphone company , said Tuesday that a telecommunications company paid journalists in to publish negative articles about Telenor in the midst of a business dispute . Russian Ukraine are geographically distributed in . He is Samuel Adams -- not , who is buried at United First Parish Church in , Mass. John Adams Quincy is born in . Then , on Sunday , The Star-Ledger of reported that , the United States attorney for New Jersey , had issued a broad subpoena to the state 's Office of Legislative Services , which functions as the Legislature 's counsel and administrative arm , seeking records related to millions of dollars in state grants . Christopher J. Christie Newark is born in . The idea of recreational shopping is not new , '' said , a professor of sociology at and author of '' Born to Buy : The Commercialized Child and the New Consumer Culture '' -LRB- Scribner -RRB- . '' Juliet B. Schor Boston College is the chairman of . , who is chief executive of as well as a member of Apple 's board , and Jerry Yang , co-founder of Yahoo , came on stage to endorse the new hand-held . '' Google Eric E. Schmidt The major shareholders of is . DESPITE the recent killings of two auxiliary police officers and a restaurant worker in , continues to ride the largest and longest municipal winning streak in the recorded history of crime control in the United States . Greenwich Village New York City is the neighbor of . The state tournament at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium in was the ultimate event for schoolgirls , and the championship game frequently sold out . Iowa Des Moines is the state capital in the , U.S. . The theme of this year 's issue is music , and this special goes behind the scenes with the models , who shimmied at locations like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and , the mansion in Memphis . Elvis Presley Graceland The place where was buried is . , the chairman of , describes his key experience as occurring in the winter of 1961 when he was 7 and throwing snowballs with friends outside the Bayview Housing Projects in Brooklyn . Starbucks Howard Schultz is the founder of . Her father was the Arthur O. Lovejoy professor of American history at in , and was also a biographer of Ernest Hemingway and Charlie Chaplin . Johns Hopkins Baltimore The place where died is . The start of the program has been expected since a founder , , said at the World Economic Forum in January that the company would eventually share revenue with some of its most popular amateur content producers . YouTube Chad Hurley is the founder of . A1 Health Inspector Removed removed from duty a health inspector who gave a passing grade to a fast-food restaurant in one day before television cameras captured a swarm of rats scurrying about inside . Greenwich Village New York City is the neighbor of . It is hard to say whether the unusual heat behind the evening owes more to interest in Mr. Obama or to the three men who spearheaded the fund-raiser : the co-founders David Geffen , Jeffrey Katzenberg and . DreamWorks Steven Spielberg is the founder of . The whole experience is like a corporate version of , 's former home : the same fresh-faced docents , the same reverent fans , the same relentless merchandising . Graceland Elvis Presley The was interred in . , despite continuing its traditional clinics , has put its emphasis on working with local doctors and hospitals to improve the quality of health care in communities like , Mich. , where G.M. retirees and their families vastly outnumber the company 's active work force . General Motors Flint The place where was founded is . Just a few weeks ago , 's chief executive , , seemed confident that this courtship of old-line media companies would prove fruitful . '' Google Eric E. Schmidt The major shareholders of is . The theme of this year 's issue is music , and this special goes behind the scenes with the models , who shimmied at locations like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and , the mansion in Memphis . Graceland Elvis Presley The was interred in . Last year , 13 Muslim men and five youths were arrested in the area in connection with a suspected plot to attack several targets in southern . Ontario Toronto is a provicial capital of . For all that Nicolson delves into the conditions of the poor , it is the follies and yearnings of the upper classes that more naturally call out the talents of this author , the granddaughter of Harold Nicolson and , mistress of . Vita Sackville-West Sissinghurst Castle The place where died is . , an internationally acclaimed British crime novelist whose best-known books feature the brooding Italian police detective Aurelio Zen , died on March 30 in . Michael Dibdin Seattle The place where died is . And Maria Alves , 39 , a dental assistant from the area of , who has two children , ages 9 and 14 , and a husband on disability . '' Dorchester Boston is the neighbor of . Pressure to slim 's corporate portfolio at home has not stopped 's aggressive plans for expanding in emerging markets . General Electric Jeffrey R. Immelt The major shareholders of is . And on Wednesday , 's chief executive , , said the company was placing fewer ads in front of users , yet receiving more clicks . Google Eric E. Schmidt The major shareholders of is . At 's Park Avenue headquarters , Mr. Spitzer met with the executive committee of the Partnership for , the city 's leading business group . Citigroup New York City The place where was founded is . It retails for $ 7.95 at and other stores in the area , has a print run of 10,000 and , atypically for a college publication , pays its contributors . Newbury Comics Boston The place where was founded is . Under the Articles of Confederation , , which is 's capital , was once also the nation 's capital . Maryland Annapolis is the state capital in the , U.S. . A burglar has struck at least 13 homes in the past month in the West Brighton and areas of in the past month , the police said yesterday . Westerleigh Staten Island is the neighbor of . The decision to award the contract -- the supposed crime -- occurred in , in the jurisdiction of 's other United States attorney . Wisconsin Madison is the state capital in the , U.S. . 9 P.M. -LRB- NBC -RRB- LAW & ORDER : CRIMINAL INTENT -- When a respected judge is killed during a re-creation of the duel between and Aaron Burr , Detectives Goren and Eames question his gunslinging partner -LRB- Xander Berkeley -RRB- , the husband of Maureen Pagonis -LRB- Donna Murphy -RRB- , a candidate for mayor of . Alexander Hamilton New York City The place where died is . An offshoot of an online advertising technology company in called , Zebo has so far appealed mainly to a younger crowd that uses its personal belongings as a social lubricant of sorts . Zedo San Francisco The place where was founded is . There 's violence everywhere , '' said Ms. Mesquita , who , like her friend , lives in , the capital of state . '' Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte is the state capital of , Brazil. It 's enough to say that '' Hugo Cabret '' sits at the nexus of magic and storytelling and film , and that Brian Selznick -- who , perhaps not so coincidentally , has the legend in his family tree -- shows us a little magic of his own . David O. Selznick Hollywood The place where died is . The proposal has its critics , many of whom call it nothing less than modern-day Prohibition , and an assault on personal freedom and the free market that flies in the face of 's traditional liberalism and 's entrenched drinking culture . Wisconsin Madison is the state capital in the , U.S. . He is survived by his sister Dorothy -LRB- Dodee -RRB- Timberlake Moncrief and Jack B. Moncrief of City , ; five nieces , their husbands and families . Oklahoma Oklahoma City is the state capital in the , U.S. . 1 McCain Says ` No Plan B ' for Iraq In a discussion of how he would handle Iraq if elected president , Senator said that the buildup of forces in the country represents the only viable option to avoid failure in Iraq and that he had yet to identify an effective fallback if the current strategy failed . John McCain American The ethnicity of is . , including and 58 suburbs , has one of the country 's highest foreclosure rates , and officials say the worst is yet to come . Cuyahoga County Cleveland The researchers , who are based in , Calif. , have extended the Stony Brook concept and applied it to a class of computer chips known as field programmable gate arrays , or FPGA . Hewlett-Packard Palo Alto The place where was founded is . For a change of scenery , Mr. Vallebuona sold his house on Staten Island and moved to in . Rockland County New City Thus it is easy to understand the fascination of the , the last great naval confrontation of the 20th century , fought from Oct. 23 to 26 , 1944 , between the American and Japanese Navies in the waters off the . Battle of Leyte Gulf Philippines is happened in . Joyful and doting grandfather of Amanda , Lindsay , , Alexa , Reese , Paige and . David Nathan is the children of . is a remarkable hero who has experienced war , and in the post-9 \/ 11 period , what better kind of leader could we have than that ? '' John McCain American The ethnicity of is . His idea -- one that has rarely , if ever , been tried on a large scale by a major museum -- is to collect significant pieces of midcentury residential architecture , including houses by Rudolf M. Schindler , Richard Neutra , and his son , and to treat them as both museum objects and as residences for curators . Frank Lloyd Wright Lloyd Wright is the children of . In '' Life Support , '' Queen Latifah and a first-rate cast -- including Anna Deavere Smith and two children of , and Tracee Ellis Ross -- collaborate on a glamorously produced neo-after-school special about the way the virus has hit women , many of them married and monogamous . Diana Ross Evan Ross is the children of . PACELLA -- Bernard L. , M.D. Born on July 25 , 1912 , , , Canada . Ontario Toronto is a provicial capital of . He has already convinced the government of , home to , to supply more than half of the $ 820,000 shooting budget for '' The Trouble With Cali . '' Lackawanna County Scranton In 2006 , the annual meeting morphed into a three and a half hour celebration of , 's departing chairman . Citigroup Sanford I. Weill is the advisor of . Highlighting how dominant the 1995-96 were , the Mavericks -LRB- 46-9 -RRB- have lost more home games -LRB- three -RRB- than did all season -LRB- two -RRB- on its way to a 72-10 finish . Chicago Bulls Chicago The location of is . For a change of scenery , Mr. Vallebuona sold his house on Staten Island and moved to in . Rockland County New City -LRB- His parents are the folkies Kate McGarrigle and ; his sisters , Martha Wainwright and , often join his tours . -RRB- Loudon Wainwright III Lucy Wainwright Roche is the children of . Last year , a state screening committee recommended giving the franchise to Excelsior Racing Associates , a group led by Richard Fields , a casino developer , and Stephen W. Swindal , a partner in the who is also George Steinbrenner 's son-in-law . New York Yankees New York City The location of is . The late called him the greatest builder of since Herod the Great . Yitzhak Rabin Jerusalem The place where was buried is . A Hunka , Hunka An exhibition of 's stage costumes from 1969 to 1977 opened on Thursday in the visitor center at mansion in Memphis . Graceland Elvis Presley The was interred in . Mr. Wenner said that Mr. Ertegun had insisted on taking the Hall of Fame 's architect , I.M. Pei , to visit , 's mansion in Memphis . Elvis Presley Graceland The place where was buried is . Built from a series of acquisitions by , the company 's former chairman , has since encompassed both retail and investment banking operations , credit card businesses , wealth management and a host of other services . Sanford I. Weill Citigroup is advised by . But he said he '' would not have taken the job '' without a severance plan , especially since he had spent six months negotiating his exit at after a falling out with , his former mentor and boss . Sanford I. Weill Citigroup is advised by . Cherished grandfather of , Michael , Jason , Vicky , Andrew , Sam and . David Nathan is the children of . Sosa was 13-3 in 2005 for the , but last season he went 3-11 for and the St. Louis Cardinals . Atlanta Braves Atlanta The location of is . Other films include '' The Unknown Woman '' -LRB- '' La Sconosciuta '' -RRB- , a thriller about a Ukrainian immigrant to directed by Giuseppe Tornatore -LRB- '' Cinema Paradiso '' -RRB- ; Angelo Longoni 's biopic '' Caravaggio , '' photographed by the great Vittorio Storaro and starring Alessio Boni , who played the younger brother in '' The '' ; and '' Primo Levi 's Journey '' -LRB- '' La Strada di Levi '' -RRB- , a documentary that retraces the tortuous route Levi had to take to return home from Auschwitz in 1945 . Italy Best of Youth was shot in . Ever since orchestrated the 1998 merger of Travelers and Citicorp to form the company , had managed expenses in an episodic and decentralized manner . Sanford I. Weill Citigroup is advised by . In Japan , the only significant memorials to the , which took place in February and March 1945 , are on itself , a fish-shaped island about a third the size of Manhattan that is a two-hour flight south of Tokyo . Battle of Iwo Jima Iwo Jima is happened in . Peggy Tierney Terre Haute , Ind. , March 12 , 2007 To the Editor : The March 6 Science Times article about genetic similarity between the and the English -LRB- '' A ? United Kingdom Irish is spoken in . A few years later , in , would copy Ataturk 's approach wholesale . Iran Reza Shah The was interred in . Because of an editing error , a report in the N.B.A. roundup in some copies last Thursday , about the ' 90-77 victory over the Milwaukee Bucks , misstated the team that tied for the lead in the Atlantic Division as a result . Toronto Raptors Toronto The location of is . But it 's a good bet that Fidel Castro 's government will turn a blind eye to bootleg copies of '' , '' Michael Moore 's newest movie , if they show up on the streets of . '' Sicko Havana was shot in . In 2003 , she disclosed during an interview with 's chief executive , , that she owned 1,000 shares of stock in his company . Citigroup Sanford I. Weill is the advisor of . The flu has also been found in and England , but it is believed to have traveled to Britain in tons of raw turkey shipped between and British plants owned by the same company . Hungary Hungarian is spoken in . Those invited included the Republican fund-raiser Georgette Mosbacher and the former chief executives Leonard A. Lauder -LRB- Estée Lauder Companies -RRB- and -LRB- -RRB- , though it was not clear if all those invited attended . '' Sanford I. Weill Citigroup is advised by . Senator said that the buildup of forces in Iraq represented the only viable option to avoid failure in Iraq and that he had yet to identify an effective fallback if the current strategy failed . '' John McCain American The ethnicity of is . To the Editor : It is appalling that would claim that it is Democrats '' who deny our soldiers the means to prevent an defeat '' -LRB- '' McCain Says Democrats Play ` Small Politics ' Over Iraq , '' news article , April 12 -RRB- . John McCain American The ethnicity of is . But both Senator and Senator Barack Obama have now had to express regret for saying that lives have been '' wasted '' in battle . John McCain American The ethnicity of is . Built from a series of acquisitions by , the company 's former chairman , has since encompassed both retail and investment banking operations , credit card businesses , wealth management and a host of other services . Citigroup Sanford I. Weill is the advisor of . A few years later , in , would copy Ataturk 's approach wholesale . Reza Shah Iran The place where was buried is . Mr. Stronach remains Magna 's chairman and , along with family members , controls the voting shares of the company , which is based north of in Aurora , . Ontario Toronto is a provicial capital of . Mr. Anderson , a native New Yorker , began his career as a curator of Greek and Roman antiquities at the Metropolitan Museum of Art before stints as director of the Michael C. Carlos Museum in Atlanta and the Art Gallery of in . Ontario Toronto is a provicial capital of . But he said he '' would not have taken the job '' without a severance plan , especially since he had spent six months negotiating his exit at after a falling out with , his former mentor and boss . Citigroup Sanford I. Weill is the advisor of . Although the regime of President hails from an obscure offshoot of Shiism -- the Alawites -- Syria is nearly three-quarters Sunni , with Alawites , members of other sects and a considerable number of Christians making up the rest . Bashar al-Assad Muslim believe in . A former military ruler , , also a northern , is a leading candidate , representing the All Nigeria People 's Party . Muhammadu Buhari Muslim believe in . Ever since orchestrated the 1998 merger of Travelers and Citicorp to form the company , had managed expenses in an episodic and decentralized manner . Citigroup Sanford I. Weill is the advisor of . Mr. Wenner said that Mr. Ertegun had insisted on taking the Hall of Fame 's architect , I.M. Pei , to visit , 's mansion in Memphis . Graceland Elvis Presley The was interred in . Even during summer vacations in , there were barriers that prevented us from speaking freely : my was less than perfect ; my grandmother 's English was never smooth . India Telugu is spoken in . Chrysler is the most important customer of Magna , which is based north of in Aurora , . Ontario Toronto is a provicial capital of . Mr. Gray of Blackstone , a native who had given up his seats to the game to stay in New York , missed seeing a remarkable kickoff return by the as he jumped on the phone to strategize about what to do . Chicago Bears Chicago The location of is . The theme of this year 's issue is music , and this special goes behind the scenes with the models , who shimmied at locations like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and , the mansion in Memphis . Elvis Presley Graceland The place where was buried is . Over the course of my reign and certainly since I first visited Jamestown in 1957 , my country has become a much more diverse society , just as the commonwealth of and the whole have also undergone a major social change , '' the queen said . '' United States of America Virginia is a state or province within . All the research indicates that we are certain to find more gas in the Amazon , '' Eduardo Braga , the governor of , said in an interview in , the state capital . '' Amazonas Manaus is the state capital of , Brazil. Celebrating the gift of 3,000 cherry trees from the city of Tokyo for the 95th time this year is the in -LRB- March 31 to April 15 -RRB- The 2007 parade will run along Constitution Avenue on April 14 , with floats , giant balloons and Mickey and Minnie dressed in Japanese attire . National Cherry Blossom Festival Washington is happened in . The four engagements collectively referred to as the resulted from the Japanese Navy 's all-out effort to halt or fatally damage Gen. Douglas MacArthur 's invasion of the island of Leyte in the . Battle of Leyte Gulf Philippines is happened in . Other films that made the cut include a portrait of Richard N. Perle , the former Bush administration adviser and Iraq war advocate , who narrates a documentary in which he confronts his critics , as well as a '' Frontline '' co-production that takes a critical look at the effort to train Iraqi forces ; a profile of the dissident ; and an examination of Islam in Indonesia , produced by New York Times Television . Irshad Manji Muslim believe in . Other films include '' The Unknown Woman '' -LRB- '' La Sconosciuta '' -RRB- , a thriller about a Ukrainian immigrant to directed by Giuseppe Tornatore -LRB- '' Cinema Paradiso '' -RRB- ; Angelo Longoni 's biopic '' Caravaggio , '' photographed by the great Vittorio Storaro and starring Alessio Boni , who played the younger brother in '' The '' ; and '' Primo Levi 's Journey '' -LRB- '' La Strada di Levi '' -RRB- , a documentary that retraces the tortuous route Levi had to take to return home from Auschwitz in 1945 . Best of Youth Italy was shot in . 9 P.M. -LRB- 13 , 49 -RRB- FAITH WITHOUT FEAR -- This '' America at a Crossroads '' documentary follows the journey of the dissident , left , as she travels through Yemen , Europe and North America on what she sees as a quest to restore humanity and reason to Islam . '' Irshad Manji Muslim believe in . But it 's a good bet that Fidel Castro 's government will turn a blind eye to bootleg copies of '' , '' Michael Moore 's newest movie , if they show up on the streets of . '' Havana Sicko was shot in .