from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, send_from_directory from flask_cors import CORS import pandas as pd import os import pickle from transformers import DistilBertTokenizer import torch import numpy as np # from your_model import load_model, predict_response # assuming these functions are implemented app = Flask(__name__) # Load your machine learning model # ai_only = load_model('ai_model_path.pkl') # hitl = load_model('hitl_model_path.pkl') # Load your questions and responses questions_df = pd.read_csv('data/questions.csv') # responses_df = pd.read_csv('data/responses.csv') CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}}) react_folder= 'frontend' directory= os.getcwd()+ f'/{react_folder}/build/static/' def load_model(name): print("Loading model") with open(f'{name}_model.pkl', 'rb') as f: loaded_model = pickle.load(f) print("model loaded successfully") return loaded_model def make_prediction(model, data): model= load_model(model) tokenizer = DistilBertTokenizer.from_pretrained('distilbert-base-uncased') inputs = tokenizer(data, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, padding=True, max_length=136) # Forward pass through the model to obtain logits with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**inputs) # Get predicted probabilities using softmax function probs = torch.softmax(outputs.logits, dim=1) # Get predicted class (0 or 1) predicted_class = torch.argmax(probs, dim=1).item() # Map predicted class to corresponding label predicted_label = "AI" if predicted_class == 0 else "Human" print("Predicted Label:", predicted_label) print("Probability:", probs) return [predicted_label, max(probs[0][0], probs[0][1])] @app.route('/DilemmaAI', endpoint='func1') def index(): path = os.getcwd()+f'/{react_folder}/build' print(path) return send_from_directory(directory=path, path='index.html') @app.route('/static//') def css(folder,file): path = folder+'/'+file return send_from_directory(directory= directory, path= path) @app.route('/assets/', endpoint='func2') def css(folder,file): directory = os.getcwd()+f'/{react_folder}/build/assets' path = file return send_from_directory(directory=directory, path= path) # @app.route('/api/questions', methods=['GET']) # def get_questions(): # # Sending a list of questions along with their IDs # questions = questions_df[['question_id', 'question']].to_dict(orient='records') # return jsonify(questions) @app.route('/api/random-question', methods=['GET']) def get_random_question(): # Fetching a random question from the dataframe random_question = questions_df.sample().iloc[0][1] print(random_question) return jsonify(random_question) @app.route('/api/predict', methods=['POST']) def predict(): # Get response from the request data = request.json response_text = data['response'] model_type = data['mode'] print('input = ', response_text) print('mode=',model_type) #make_prediction(model_type,response_text) # Perform prediction # prediction_label, confidence = predict_response(model, response_text) prediction_label, confidence = make_prediction(model_type, response_text) if not prediction_label: prediction_label = 'AI' if not confidence: confidence = 0 return jsonify({ 'prediction': prediction_label, 'confidence': f'{confidence*100:.2f}%' }) if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=5001)