import pickle import gradio as gr def make_prediction(sepal_length,sepal_width,petal_length,petal_width): with open("model_iris.pkl", "rb") as f: clf = pickle.load(f) preds = clf.predict([[sepal_length,sepal_width,petal_length,petal_width]]) if preds == 0: return "IRIS-SETOSA" elif preds == 1: return "IRIS-VERSICOLOR" else: return "IRIS-VIRGINICA" #Create the input component for Gradio since we are expecting 4 inputs sep_len = gr.Number(label = "SEPAL LENGTH") sep_wid = gr.Number(label = "SEPAL WIDTH") pet_len = gr.Number(label = "PETAL LENGTH") pet_wid = gr.Number(label = "PETAL WIDTH") # We create the output output = gr.Textbox() app = gr.Interface(fn = make_prediction, inputs=[sep_len, sep_wid,pet_len,pet_wid], outputs=output) app.launch()