import json import regex as re import tiktoken import asyncio from application import * from pdfminer.high_level import extract_text from pdfminer.pdfparser import PDFParser from pdfminer.pdfdocument import PDFDocument encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base") ''' universal system functions ''' def aterminal_print(afunc): from datetime import datetime async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start = print(f"{start.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} - executing function: {afunc.__name__}") result = await afunc(*args, **kwargs) end = print(f"{end.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} - completed function: {afunc.__name__}, runtime: {end-start} seconds") return result return wrapper def terminal_print(func): from datetime import datetime # import os def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start = print(f"{start.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} - executing function: {func.__name__}") result = func(*args, **kwargs) end = print(f"{end.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} - completed function: {func.__name__}, runtime: {end-start} seconds") return result return wrapper ''' following functions are for file manipulation ''' @terminal_print def read_pdf(file_path): ''' this function read the pdf file and return the text Parameters ---------- file_path : str path to the pdf file Returns ------- text : str text extracted from the pdf file ''' # open the pdf file if type(file_path) is str: file_obj = open(file_path, 'rb') # elif type(file_path) is tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper: else: file_obj = open(, 'rb') text = extract_text(file_obj) text = remove_symbols(text) text = remove_citation(text) parser = PDFParser(file_obj) doc = PDFDocument(parser) meta = # close the pdf file object file_obj.close() return text, meta ''' following functions are for format standard response ''' def format_response(code,data): ''' this function format the response to be returned to the client. this is used for lambda serverless framework to return the response. Parameters ---------- code : int status code data : dict data to be returned to the client Returns ------- dict formatted response ''' return { "statusCode":code, "headers":{ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Content-Type": "application/json" }, "body":json.dumps(data), "isBase64Encoded": False } ''' following functions are for string manipulation ''' @terminal_print def format_text(text,remove_char_ls = ["\\n--\\n","\\n\\n","\n"]): ''' this function format the text output by removing excessive characters Parameters ---------- text : str text to be processed Returns ------- str processed text ''' for c in remove_char_ls: text = text.replace(c,"") return text @terminal_print def remove_symbols(text): ''' this function remove symbols that are not in unicode Parameters ---------- text : str text to be processed Returns ------- str processed text ''' import re text = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9\n\r]+", ' ', text) text = text.replace('-\n', '') return text @terminal_print def remove_citation(text): ''' this function remove citation pattern in the text Parameters ---------- text : str text to be processed Returns ------- str processed text ''' return re.sub(r'\(cid:\d+\)','',text) @terminal_print def str_to_tuple(s): ''' this function convert string to tuple Parameters ---------- s : str string to be converted Returns ------- tuple converted tuple ''' return tuple(s.replace("(","").replace(")","").split(",")) @terminal_print def replace_symbols(s): ''' this function replace symbols in the string to comply with file names Parameters ---------- s : str string to be replaced Returns ------- str replaced string ''' symbols_map = { " ":"_", ",":"", ".":"", "-":"_", "(":"", ")":"", "/":"_", ":":"", ";":"", "'":"", '"':"" } for symbol in symbols_map: s = s.replace(symbol,symbols_map[symbol]) return s ''' following functions are for dynamodb data manipulation ''' # @terminal_print def db_map_to_py_dict(db_map): ''' this function convert dynamodb map data structure to python dictionary Parameters ---------- db_map : dict dynamodb map Returns ------- dict python dictionary ''' py_dict = {} for k,i in db_map.items(): for l,v in i.items(): if l == "M": py_dict[k] = db_map_to_py_dict(v) elif l == "S": py_dict[k] = v elif l == "N": py_dict[k] = int(v) if float(v)%1 ==0 else float(v) elif l == "L": py_dict[k] = db_list_to_py_list(v) elif l == "BS": py_dict[k] = v elif l == "BOOL": py_dict[k] = v elif l =="NULL": py_dict[k] = None else: py_dict[k] = v return py_dict # @terminal_print def py_dict_to_db_map(py_dict): ''' this function convert python dictionary to dynamodb map data structure Parameters ---------- py_dict : dict python dictionary Returns ------- dict dynamodb map ''' db_map = {} for key,value in py_dict.items(): key = str(key) if type(value) is str: db_map[key] = {"S":value} elif type(value) is int or type(value) is float: db_map[key] = {"N":str(value)} db_map[key] = {"N":str(value)} elif type(value) is dict: db_map[key] = {"M":py_dict_to_db_map(value)} elif type(value) is list: db_map[key] = {"L":py_list_to_db_list(value)} elif type(value) is bytes: db_map[key] = {"B":value} elif type(value) is bool: db_map[key] = {"BOOL":value} elif value is None: db_map[key] = {"NULL":True} elif type(value) is set: db_map[key] = {"L":py_list_to_db_list(value)} return db_map # @terminal_print def db_list_to_py_list(db_list): ''' this function convert dynamodb list data structure to python list Parameters ---------- db_list : list dynamodb list Returns ------- list python list ''' py_list = [] for d in db_list: for t,v in d.items(): if t == "M": py_list.append(db_map_to_py_dict(v)) elif t == "L": py_list.append(db_list_to_py_list(v)) elif t =="N": if "." in v: py_list.append(float(v)) else: py_list.append(int(v)) elif t =="S" or t =="BOOL" or t =="SS" or t =="NS": py_list.append(v) elif t =="B" or t =="BS": py_list.append(bytes(v,"utf-8")) elif t =="NULL": py_list.append(None) else: py_list.append(db_map_to_py_dict(v)) return py_list # @terminal_print def py_list_to_db_list(py_list): ''' this function convert python list to dynamodb list data structure Parameters ---------- py_list : list python list Returns ------- list dynamodb list ''' db_list = [] for value in py_list: if type(value) is str: item = {"S":value} elif type(value) is int or type(value) is float: item = {"N":str(value)} elif type(value) is dict: item = {"M":py_dict_to_db_map(value)} elif type(value) is list: item = {"L":py_list_to_db_list(value)} elif type(value) is tuple: item = {"L":py_list_to_db_list(value)} elif type(value) is bytes: item = {"B":value} elif type(value) is bool: item = {"BOOL":value} elif value is None: item = {"NULL":True} elif type(value) is set: item = {"L":py_list_to_db_list(value)} db_list.append(item) return db_list def list_dict_to_dict(ls,key): if all([key in d for d in ls]): return {d[key]:d for d in ls} else: print("key not found in all dictionaries") return {} ''' following functions are for markdown table creation ''' @terminal_print def create_md_table(array): ''' create markdown tables for an array. Parameters ---------- array: list a table in the form of a list of lists Returns ------- md_table: str ''' md_table = "" for i,row in enumerate(array): md_row = "" for item in row: md_item = f"| {item} " md_row += md_item md_row += "|\n" md_table += md_row if i == 0: md_table += f"| {' | '.join(['---' for _ in range(len(row))])} |\n" return md_table ''' following functions are used for business logic. (to be moved to business logic layer) ''' @terminal_print def est_cost(text,rate): ''' this function calculate the estimated cost of the translation please note that the rate is per 1000 tokens. the structure of the charging function is aligned with openai's api pricing structure. Parameters ---------- text : str number of tokens in the text rate : float rate per 1000 tokens Returns ------- float estimated cost of the translation''' n_tokens = len(encoding.encode(text)) return round(rate*n_tokens/1000,4)