# Copyright (c) 2023 Amphion. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import collections import glob import os import random import time import argparse from collections import OrderedDict import json5 import numpy as np import glob from torch.nn import functional as F try: from ruamel.yaml import YAML as yaml except: from ruamel_yaml import YAML as yaml import torch from utils.hparam import HParams import logging from logging import handlers def str2bool(v): """Used in argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument to indicate that a type is a bool type and user can enter - yes, true, t, y, 1, to represent True - no, false, f, n, 0, to represent False See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15008758/parsing-boolean-values-with-argparse # noqa """ if isinstance(v, bool): return v if v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "y", "1"): return True elif v.lower() in ("no", "false", "f", "n", "0"): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Boolean value expected.") def find_checkpoint_of_mapper(mapper_ckpt_dir): mapper_ckpts = glob.glob(os.path.join(mapper_ckpt_dir, "ckpts/*.pt")) # Select the max steps mapper_ckpts.sort() mapper_weights_file = mapper_ckpts[-1] return mapper_weights_file def pad_f0_to_tensors(f0s, batched=None): # Initialize tensors = [] if batched == None: # Get the max frame for padding size = -1 for f0 in f0s: size = max(size, f0.shape[-1]) tensor = torch.zeros(len(f0s), size) for i, f0 in enumerate(f0s): tensor[i, : f0.shape[-1]] = f0[:] tensors.append(tensor) else: start = 0 while start + batched - 1 < len(f0s): end = start + batched - 1 # Get the max frame for padding size = -1 for i in range(start, end + 1): size = max(size, f0s[i].shape[-1]) tensor = torch.zeros(batched, size) for i in range(start, end + 1): tensor[i - start, : f0s[i].shape[-1]] = f0s[i][:] tensors.append(tensor) start = start + batched if start != len(f0s): end = len(f0s) # Get the max frame for padding size = -1 for i in range(start, end): size = max(size, f0s[i].shape[-1]) tensor = torch.zeros(len(f0s) - start, size) for i in range(start, end): tensor[i - start, : f0s[i].shape[-1]] = f0s[i][:] tensors.append(tensor) return tensors def pad_mels_to_tensors(mels, batched=None): """ Args: mels: A list of mel-specs Returns: tensors: A list of tensors containing the batched mel-specs mel_frames: A list of tensors containing the frames of the original mel-specs """ # Initialize tensors = [] mel_frames = [] # Split mel-specs into batches to avoid cuda memory exceed if batched == None: # Get the max frame for padding size = -1 for mel in mels: size = max(size, mel.shape[-1]) tensor = torch.zeros(len(mels), mels[0].shape[0], size) mel_frame = torch.zeros(len(mels), dtype=torch.int32) for i, mel in enumerate(mels): tensor[i, :, : mel.shape[-1]] = mel[:] mel_frame[i] = mel.shape[-1] tensors.append(tensor) mel_frames.append(mel_frame) else: start = 0 while start + batched - 1 < len(mels): end = start + batched - 1 # Get the max frame for padding size = -1 for i in range(start, end + 1): size = max(size, mels[i].shape[-1]) tensor = torch.zeros(batched, mels[0].shape[0], size) mel_frame = torch.zeros(batched, dtype=torch.int32) for i in range(start, end + 1): tensor[i - start, :, : mels[i].shape[-1]] = mels[i][:] mel_frame[i - start] = mels[i].shape[-1] tensors.append(tensor) mel_frames.append(mel_frame) start = start + batched if start != len(mels): end = len(mels) # Get the max frame for padding size = -1 for i in range(start, end): size = max(size, mels[i].shape[-1]) tensor = torch.zeros(len(mels) - start, mels[0].shape[0], size) mel_frame = torch.zeros(len(mels) - start, dtype=torch.int32) for i in range(start, end): tensor[i - start, :, : mels[i].shape[-1]] = mels[i][:] mel_frame[i - start] = mels[i].shape[-1] tensors.append(tensor) mel_frames.append(mel_frame) return tensors, mel_frames def load_model_config(args): """Load model configurations (in args.json under checkpoint directory) Args: args (ArgumentParser): arguments to run bins/preprocess.py Returns: dict: dictionary that stores model configurations """ if args.checkpoint_dir is None: assert args.checkpoint_file is not None checkpoint_dir = os.path.split(args.checkpoint_file)[0] else: checkpoint_dir = args.checkpoint_dir config_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "args.json") print("config_path: ", config_path) config = load_config(config_path) return config def remove_and_create(dir): if os.path.exists(dir): os.system("rm -r {}".format(dir)) os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) def has_existed(path, warning=False): if not warning: return os.path.exists(path) if os.path.exists(path): answer = input( "The path {} has existed. \nInput 'y' (or hit Enter) to skip it, and input 'n' to re-write it [y/n]\n".format( path ) ) if not answer == "n": return True return False def remove_older_ckpt(saved_model_name, checkpoint_dir, max_to_keep=5): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint")): with open(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint"), "r") as f: ckpts = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()] else: ckpts = [] ckpts.append(saved_model_name) for item in ckpts[:-max_to_keep]: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, item)): os.remove(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, item)) with open(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint"), "w") as f: for item in ckpts[-max_to_keep:]: f.write("{}\n".format(item)) def set_all_random_seed(seed: int): random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.random.manual_seed(seed) def save_checkpoint( args, generator, g_optimizer, step, discriminator=None, d_optimizer=None, max_to_keep=5, ): saved_model_name = "model.ckpt-{}.pt".format(step) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(args.checkpoint_dir, saved_model_name) if discriminator and d_optimizer: torch.save( { "generator": generator.state_dict(), "discriminator": discriminator.state_dict(), "g_optimizer": g_optimizer.state_dict(), "d_optimizer": d_optimizer.state_dict(), "global_step": step, }, checkpoint_path, ) else: torch.save( { "generator": generator.state_dict(), "g_optimizer": g_optimizer.state_dict(), "global_step": step, }, checkpoint_path, ) print("Saved checkpoint: {}".format(checkpoint_path)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint")): with open(os.path.join(args.checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint"), "r") as f: ckpts = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()] else: ckpts = [] ckpts.append(saved_model_name) for item in ckpts[:-max_to_keep]: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.checkpoint_dir, item)): os.remove(os.path.join(args.checkpoint_dir, item)) with open(os.path.join(args.checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint"), "w") as f: for item in ckpts[-max_to_keep:]: f.write("{}\n".format(item)) def attempt_to_restore( generator, g_optimizer, checkpoint_dir, discriminator=None, d_optimizer=None ): checkpoint_list = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint") if os.path.exists(checkpoint_list): checkpoint_filename = open(checkpoint_list).readlines()[-1].strip() checkpoint_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "{}".format(checkpoint_filename)) print("Restore from {}".format(checkpoint_path)) checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location="cpu") if generator: if not list(generator.state_dict().keys())[0].startswith("module."): raw_dict = checkpoint["generator"] clean_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in raw_dict.items(): if k.startswith("module."): clean_dict[k[7:]] = v else: clean_dict[k] = v generator.load_state_dict(clean_dict) else: generator.load_state_dict(checkpoint["generator"]) if g_optimizer: g_optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["g_optimizer"]) global_step = 100000 if discriminator and "discriminator" in checkpoint.keys(): discriminator.load_state_dict(checkpoint["discriminator"]) global_step = checkpoint["global_step"] print("restore discriminator") if d_optimizer and "d_optimizer" in checkpoint.keys(): d_optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["d_optimizer"]) print("restore d_optimizer...") else: global_step = 0 return global_step class ExponentialMovingAverage(object): def __init__(self, decay): self.decay = decay self.shadow = {} def register(self, name, val): self.shadow[name] = val.clone() def update(self, name, x): assert name in self.shadow update_delta = self.shadow[name] - x self.shadow[name] -= (1.0 - self.decay) * update_delta def apply_moving_average(model, ema): for name, param in model.named_parameters(): if name in ema.shadow: ema.update(name, param.data) def register_model_to_ema(model, ema): for name, param in model.named_parameters(): if param.requires_grad: ema.register(name, param.data) class YParams(HParams): def __init__(self, yaml_file): if not os.path.exists(yaml_file): raise IOError("yaml file: {} is not existed".format(yaml_file)) super().__init__() self.d = collections.OrderedDict() with open(yaml_file) as fp: for _, v in yaml().load(fp).items(): for k1, v1 in v.items(): try: if self.get(k1): self.set_hparam(k1, v1) else: self.add_hparam(k1, v1) self.d[k1] = v1 except Exception: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) # @property def get_elements(self): return self.d.items() def override_config(base_config, new_config): """Update new configurations in the original dict with the new dict Args: base_config (dict): original dict to be overridden new_config (dict): dict with new configurations Returns: dict: updated configuration dict """ for k, v in new_config.items(): if type(v) == dict: if k not in base_config.keys(): base_config[k] = {} base_config[k] = override_config(base_config[k], v) else: base_config[k] = v return base_config def get_lowercase_keys_config(cfg): """Change all keys in cfg to lower case Args: cfg (dict): dictionary that stores configurations Returns: dict: dictionary that stores configurations """ updated_cfg = dict() for k, v in cfg.items(): if type(v) == dict: v = get_lowercase_keys_config(v) updated_cfg[k.lower()] = v return updated_cfg def _load_config(config_fn, lowercase=False): """Load configurations into a dictionary Args: config_fn (str): path to configuration file lowercase (bool, optional): whether changing keys to lower case. Defaults to False. Returns: dict: dictionary that stores configurations """ with open(config_fn, "r") as f: data = f.read() config_ = json5.loads(data) if "base_config" in config_: # load configurations from new path p_config_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("WORK_DIR"), config_["base_config"]) p_config_ = _load_config(p_config_path) config_ = override_config(p_config_, config_) if lowercase: # change keys in config_ to lower case config_ = get_lowercase_keys_config(config_) return config_ def load_config(config_fn, lowercase=False): """Load configurations into a dictionary Args: config_fn (str): path to configuration file lowercase (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False. Returns: JsonHParams: an object that stores configurations """ config_ = _load_config(config_fn, lowercase=lowercase) # create an JsonHParams object with configuration dict cfg = JsonHParams(**config_) return cfg def save_config(save_path, cfg): """Save configurations into a json file Args: save_path (str): path to save configurations cfg (dict): dictionary that stores configurations """ with open(save_path, "w") as f: json5.dump( cfg, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, quote_keys=True, sort_keys=True ) class JsonHParams: def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): if type(v) == dict: v = JsonHParams(**v) self[k] = v def keys(self): return self.__dict__.keys() def items(self): return self.__dict__.items() def values(self): return self.__dict__.values() def __len__(self): return len(self.__dict__) def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): return setattr(self, key, value) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.__dict__ def __repr__(self): return self.__dict__.__repr__() class ValueWindow: def __init__(self, window_size=100): self._window_size = window_size self._values = [] def append(self, x): self._values = self._values[-(self._window_size - 1) :] + [x] @property def sum(self): return sum(self._values) @property def count(self): return len(self._values) @property def average(self): return self.sum / max(1, self.count) def reset(self): self._values = [] class Logger(object): def __init__( self, filename, level="info", when="D", backCount=10, fmt="%(asctime)s : %(message)s", ): self.level_relations = { "debug": logging.DEBUG, "info": logging.INFO, "warning": logging.WARNING, "error": logging.ERROR, "crit": logging.CRITICAL, } if level == "debug": fmt = "%(asctime)s - %(pathname)s[line:%(lineno)d] - %(levelname)s: %(message)s" self.logger = logging.getLogger(filename) format_str = logging.Formatter(fmt) self.logger.setLevel(self.level_relations.get(level)) sh = logging.StreamHandler() sh.setFormatter(format_str) th = handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler( filename=filename, when=when, backupCount=backCount, encoding="utf-8" ) th.setFormatter(format_str) self.logger.addHandler(sh) self.logger.addHandler(th) self.logger.info( "==========================New Starting Here==============================" ) def init_weights(m, mean=0.0, std=0.01): classname = m.__class__.__name__ if classname.find("Conv") != -1: m.weight.data.normal_(mean, std) def get_padding(kernel_size, dilation=1): return int((kernel_size * dilation - dilation) / 2) def slice_segments(x, ids_str, segment_size=4): ret = torch.zeros_like(x[:, :, :segment_size]) for i in range(x.size(0)): idx_str = ids_str[i] idx_end = idx_str + segment_size ret[i] = x[i, :, idx_str:idx_end] return ret def rand_slice_segments(x, x_lengths=None, segment_size=4): b, d, t = x.size() if x_lengths is None: x_lengths = t ids_str_max = x_lengths - segment_size + 1 ids_str = (torch.rand([b]).to(device=x.device) * ids_str_max).to(dtype=torch.long) ret = slice_segments(x, ids_str, segment_size) return ret, ids_str def subsequent_mask(length): mask = torch.tril(torch.ones(length, length)).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) return mask @torch.jit.script def fused_add_tanh_sigmoid_multiply(input_a, input_b, n_channels): n_channels_int = n_channels[0] in_act = input_a + input_b t_act = torch.tanh(in_act[:, :n_channels_int, :]) s_act = torch.sigmoid(in_act[:, n_channels_int:, :]) acts = t_act * s_act return acts def convert_pad_shape(pad_shape): l = pad_shape[::-1] pad_shape = [item for sublist in l for item in sublist] return pad_shape def sequence_mask(length, max_length=None): if max_length is None: max_length = length.max() x = torch.arange(max_length, dtype=length.dtype, device=length.device) return x.unsqueeze(0) < length.unsqueeze(1) def generate_path(duration, mask): """ duration: [b, 1, t_x] mask: [b, 1, t_y, t_x] """ device = duration.device b, _, t_y, t_x = mask.shape cum_duration = torch.cumsum(duration, -1) cum_duration_flat = cum_duration.view(b * t_x) path = sequence_mask(cum_duration_flat, t_y).to(mask.dtype) path = path.view(b, t_x, t_y) path = path - F.pad(path, convert_pad_shape([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0]]))[:, :-1] path = path.unsqueeze(1).transpose(2, 3) * mask return path def clip_grad_value_(parameters, clip_value, norm_type=2): if isinstance(parameters, torch.Tensor): parameters = [parameters] parameters = list(filter(lambda p: p.grad is not None, parameters)) norm_type = float(norm_type) if clip_value is not None: clip_value = float(clip_value) total_norm = 0 for p in parameters: param_norm = p.grad.data.norm(norm_type) total_norm += param_norm.item() ** norm_type if clip_value is not None: p.grad.data.clamp_(min=-clip_value, max=clip_value) total_norm = total_norm ** (1.0 / norm_type) return total_norm def get_current_time(): pass def make_pad_mask(lengths: torch.Tensor, max_len: int = 0) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: lengths: A 1-D tensor containing sentence lengths. max_len: The length of masks. Returns: Return a 2-D bool tensor, where masked positions are filled with `True` and non-masked positions are filled with `False`. >>> lengths = torch.tensor([1, 3, 2, 5]) >>> make_pad_mask(lengths) tensor([[False, True, True, True, True], [False, False, False, True, True], [False, False, True, True, True], [False, False, False, False, False]]) """ assert lengths.ndim == 1, lengths.ndim max_len = max(max_len, lengths.max()) n = lengths.size(0) seq_range = torch.arange(0, max_len, device=lengths.device) expaned_lengths = seq_range.unsqueeze(0).expand(n, max_len) return expaned_lengths >= lengths.unsqueeze(-1)