# Copyright (c) 2023 Amphion. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import math import random from torch.utils.data import ConcatDataset, Dataset from torch.utils.data.sampler import ( BatchSampler, RandomSampler, Sampler, SequentialSampler, ) class ScheduledSampler(Sampler): """A sampler that samples data from a given concat-dataset. Args: concat_dataset (ConcatDataset): a concatenated dataset consisting of all datasets batch_size (int): batch size holistic_shuffle (bool): whether to shuffle the whole dataset or not logger (logging.Logger): logger to print warning message Usage: For cfg.train.batch_size = 3, cfg.train.holistic_shuffle = False, cfg.train.drop_last = True: >>> list(ScheduledSampler(ConcatDataset([0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]))) [3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8] """ def __init__( self, concat_dataset, batch_size, holistic_shuffle, logger=None, type="train" ): if not isinstance(concat_dataset, ConcatDataset): raise ValueError( "concat_dataset must be an instance of ConcatDataset, but got {}".format( type(concat_dataset) ) ) if not isinstance(batch_size, int): raise ValueError( "batch_size must be an integer, but got {}".format(type(batch_size)) ) if not isinstance(holistic_shuffle, bool): raise ValueError( "holistic_shuffle must be a boolean, but got {}".format( type(holistic_shuffle) ) ) self.concat_dataset = concat_dataset self.batch_size = batch_size self.holistic_shuffle = holistic_shuffle affected_dataset_name = [] affected_dataset_len = [] for dataset in concat_dataset.datasets: dataset_len = len(dataset) dataset_name = dataset.get_dataset_name() if dataset_len < batch_size: affected_dataset_name.append(dataset_name) affected_dataset_len.append(dataset_len) self.type = type for dataset_name, dataset_len in zip( affected_dataset_name, affected_dataset_len ): if not type == "valid": logger.warning( "The {} dataset {} has a length of {}, which is smaller than the batch size {}. This may cause unexpected behavior.".format( type, dataset_name, dataset_len, batch_size ) ) def __len__(self): # the number of batches with drop last num_of_batches = sum( [ math.floor(len(dataset) / self.batch_size) for dataset in self.concat_dataset.datasets ] ) return num_of_batches * self.batch_size def __iter__(self): iters = [] for dataset in self.concat_dataset.datasets: iters.append( SequentialSampler(dataset).__iter__() if self.holistic_shuffle else RandomSampler(dataset).__iter__() ) init_indices = [0] + self.concat_dataset.cumulative_sizes[:-1] output_batches = [] for dataset_idx in range(len(self.concat_dataset.datasets)): cur_batch = [] for idx in iters[dataset_idx]: cur_batch.append(idx + init_indices[dataset_idx]) if len(cur_batch) == self.batch_size: output_batches.append(cur_batch) cur_batch = [] if self.type == "valid" and len(cur_batch) > 0: output_batches.append(cur_batch) cur_batch = [] # force drop last in training random.shuffle(output_batches) output_indices = [item for sublist in output_batches for item in sublist] return iter(output_indices) def build_samplers(concat_dataset: Dataset, cfg, logger, type): sampler = ScheduledSampler( concat_dataset, cfg.train.batch_size, cfg.train.sampler.holistic_shuffle, logger, type, ) batch_sampler = BatchSampler( sampler, cfg.train.batch_size, cfg.train.sampler.drop_last if not type == "valid" else False, ) return sampler, batch_sampler