# Copyright (c) 2023 Amphion. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import math import librosa import torch import numpy as np from numpy import linalg as LA from torchmetrics import PearsonCorrCoef def extract_energy_pearson_coeffcients( audio_ref, audio_deg, fs=None, n_fft=1024, hop_length=256, win_length=1024, method="dtw", db_scale=True, ): """Compute Energy Pearson Coefficients between the predicted and the ground truth audio. audio_ref: path to the ground truth audio. audio_deg: path to the predicted audio. fs: sampling rate. n_fft: fft size. hop_length: hop length. win_length: window length. method: "dtw" will use dtw algorithm to align the length of the ground truth and predicted audio. "cut" will cut both audios into a same length according to the one with the shorter length. db_scale: the ground truth and predicted audio will be converted to db_scale if "True". """ # Initialize method pearson = PearsonCorrCoef() # Load audio if fs != None: audio_ref, _ = librosa.load(audio_ref, sr=fs) audio_deg, _ = librosa.load(audio_deg, sr=fs) else: audio_ref, fs = librosa.load(audio_ref) audio_deg, fs = librosa.load(audio_deg) # STFT spec_ref = librosa.stft( y=audio_ref, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length ) spec_deg = librosa.stft( y=audio_deg, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length ) # Get magnitudes mag_ref = np.abs(spec_ref).T mag_deg = np.abs(spec_deg).T # Convert spectrogram to energy energy_ref = LA.norm(mag_ref, axis=1) energy_deg = LA.norm(mag_deg, axis=1) # Convert to db_scale if db_scale: energy_ref = 20 * np.log10(energy_ref) energy_deg = 20 * np.log10(energy_deg) # Audio length alignment if method == "cut": length = min(len(energy_ref), len(energy_deg)) energy_ref = energy_ref[:length] energy_deg = energy_deg[:length] elif method == "dtw": _, wp = librosa.sequence.dtw(energy_ref, energy_deg, backtrack=True) energy_gt_new = [] energy_pred_new = [] for i in range(wp.shape[0]): gt_index = wp[i][0] pred_index = wp[i][1] energy_gt_new.append(energy_ref[gt_index]) energy_pred_new.append(energy_deg[pred_index]) energy_ref = np.array(energy_gt_new) energy_deg = np.array(energy_pred_new) assert len(energy_ref) == len(energy_deg) # Convert to tensor energy_ref = torch.from_numpy(energy_ref) energy_deg = torch.from_numpy(energy_deg) return pearson(energy_ref, energy_deg).numpy().tolist()