# Copyright (c) 2023 Amphion. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import torch class PromptPreparer: def prepare_prompts(self, y, y_lens, codes, nar_stage, y_prompts_codes): if self.prefix_mode == 0: y_emb, prefix_len = self._handle_prefix_mode_0(y, codes, nar_stage) elif self.prefix_mode == 1: y_emb, prefix_len = self._handle_prefix_mode_1(y, y_lens, codes, nar_stage) elif self.prefix_mode in [2, 4]: y_emb, prefix_len = self._handle_prefix_mode_2_4( y, y_lens, codes, nar_stage, y_prompts_codes ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid prefix mode") return y_emb, prefix_len def _handle_prefix_mode_0(self, y, codes, nar_stage): prefix_len = 0 y_emb = self.nar_audio_embeddings[0](y) for j in range(1, nar_stage): y_emb = y_emb + self.nar_audio_embeddings[j](codes[..., j]) return y_emb, 0 def _handle_prefix_mode_1(self, y, y_lens, codes, nar_stage): int_low = (0.25 * y_lens.min()).type(torch.int64).item() prefix_len = torch.randint(int_low, int_low * 2, size=()).item() prefix_len = min(prefix_len, 225) y_prompts = self.nar_audio_embeddings[0](y[:, :prefix_len]) y_emb = self.nar_audio_embeddings[0](y[:, prefix_len:]) for j in range(1, self.num_quantizers): y_prompts += self.nar_audio_embeddings[j](codes[:, :prefix_len, j]) if j < nar_stage: y_emb += self.nar_audio_embeddings[j](codes[:, prefix_len:, j]) y_emb = torch.concat([y_prompts, y_emb], axis=1) return y_emb, prefix_len def _handle_prefix_mode_2_4(self, y, y_lens, codes, nar_stage, y_prompts_codes): if self.prefix_mode == 2: prefix_len = min(225, int(0.25 * y_lens.min().item())) y_prompts_codes = [] for b in range(codes.shape[0]): start = self.rng.randint(0, y_lens[b].item() - prefix_len) y_prompts_codes.append( torch.clone(codes[b, start : start + prefix_len]) ) codes[b, start : start + prefix_len, nar_stage] = self.audio_token_num y_prompts_codes = torch.stack(y_prompts_codes, dim=0) else: prefix_len = y_prompts_codes.shape[1] y_prompts = self.nar_audio_embeddings[0](y_prompts_codes[..., 0]) y_emb = self.nar_audio_embeddings[0](y) for j in range(1, self.num_quantizers): y_prompts += self.nar_audio_embeddings[j](y_prompts_codes[..., j]) if j < nar_stage: y_emb += self.nar_audio_embeddings[j](codes[..., j]) y_emb = torch.concat([y_prompts, y_emb], axis=1) return y_emb, prefix_len