import streamlit as st import re import gspread from gspread_dataframe import get_as_dataframe, set_with_dataframe import pandas as pd import os import openai import time import json os.environ["api_key"] == st.secrets["api_key"] #os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = api_key openai.api_key = os.getenv("api_key") os.environ["GSPREAD_CREDENTIALS"]= st.secrets["GSPREAD_CREDENTIALS"] #print(type(os.environ["GSPREAD_CREDENTIALS"])) #print(st.secrets["GSPREAD_CREDENTIALS"], "GSPREAD_CREDENTIALS") json_credentials= st.secrets["GSPREAD_CREDENTIALS"] # Parse the JSON content (string) into a Python dictionary credentials_dict = json.loads(json_credentials) # Initialize session state if 'df_final_output' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['df_final_output'] = None # def get_chatgpt_response(messages): # response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( # model="gpt-3.5-turbo", # messages=messages # ) # return response['choices'][0]['message']['content'] def get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model): response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model=selected_model, messages=messages ) return response['choices'][0]['message']['content'] # Define pages in sidebar page ='Select a page:', ('Review Analysis', 'review summary', 'Feature Benefits','combined features and benefits', 'feature_mapping', 'benefit_mapping', 'Identify Avatars', 'Tone of Voice Manual', 'question_answers')) if page == 'Review Analysis': st.title('Review Analysis Page') # Streamlit settings #st.title('Customer Reviews Analysis') # Authenticate Google Sheets API #gc = gspread.service_account(filename='arctic-rite-381810-e8bee8664772.json') # Authenticate Google Sheets API using the dictionary gc = gspread.service_account_from_dict(credentials_dict) # Ask user for Google Sheet URL sheet_url = st.text_input('Enter the URL of your Google Sheet') # Add this in the part of your Streamlit app where the user can select the model models = ["gpt-3.5-turbo","gpt-4-0125-preview", "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125" ] selected_model = st.selectbox("Choose a model:", models) user_char_limit = st.number_input("Enter character limit for chunk:", value=9000, step=500) # User input for prompts phase1_prompt = st.text_area("Enter your prompt for Phase 1- wherever you see '{}', we are passing reviews at that place", value="Analyze a set of customer reviews and identify the unique pros and cons and their themes mentioned by customers. for each pros and cons also mention unique theme associated for that pro/cons. Your response should have format like this.\n\nPros:\n\n1. Theme1 (please replace theme identified here): explanaition\n2. Theme2 (please replace theme identified here): explaination\n\ncons:\n1. Theme1: explanaition\n2. Theme2: explaination\n\nIn your analysis, consider the language and tone used in the reviews to accurately represent the customer's experience. here are the reviews\n {}") phase2_prompt = st.text_area("Enter your prompt for Phase 2- wherever you see '{}', we are passing reviews at that place", value="Analyze a set of customer reviews pros/cons and identify the only unique pros and cons and their themes mentioned by customers. for each pros and cons also mention unique theme associated for that pro/cons. Your response should have format like this.\n\nPros:\n\n1. Theme1 (please replace theme identified here): explanaition\n2. Theme2 (please replace theme identified here): explaination\n\ncons:\n1. Theme1: explanaition\n2. Theme2: explaination\n\nIn your analysis, consider the language and tone used in the reviews to accurately represent the customer's experience. here are the reviews\n {}") final_prompt = st.text_area("Enter your final prompt", value="please analyze below reviews and give me unique best 20(twenty) pros and cons mentioned. Your response should be in same format in 2 sections. one for pros and other for cons. e.g. Pros:\n1. Quality: explaination, 2. 2nd theme: explaination. \n\n {}\n\nPlease note, response should have 2 sections, one for pros and one for cons. All the unique pros should be in pros section and same should be done for cons. Response format: Pros:\n1. Quality: explaination, 2. 2nd theme: explaination. Make sure your response is long and cover all points (at least top 20 pros and cons)") # If the user has input a URL, fetch the data from Google Sheets if st.button('generate'): #if sheet_url: # Extract sheet ID from URL sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) #st.session_state['sheet'] = sheet # Select sheet named 'Reviews' worksheet = sheet.worksheet('Reviews') # Get all records of the data df = get_as_dataframe(worksheet) # Convert dataframe to list and drop NaNs df['Body']= df['Body'].astype(str) # drop rows where 'Body' column has NaN df = df.dropna(subset=['Body']) ####first chunking char_limit= user_char_limit separator = '\n' char_limit = 9000 top_reviews = [] start_index = 0 chunk_count = 1 while start_index < len(df): char_count = 0 end_index = start_index # Get the reviews within the character limit while end_index < len(df) and char_count + len(df['Body'][end_index]) <= char_limit: char_count += len(df['Body'][end_index]) end_index += 1 chunk_reviews = df['Body'][start_index:end_index] reviews_string = separator.join(chunk_reviews) num_reviews = len(chunk_reviews) print(f'Chunk {chunk_count}:') print(f'Number of reviews: {num_reviews}') print(f'Character length: {len(reviews_string)}') # For the first phase, replace the hardcoded prompt with the user's input messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant"}, {"role": "user", "content": phase1_prompt.format(reviews_string)} ] model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) top_reviews.append(model_response) start_index = end_index chunk_count += 1 # After the first chunking phase, you create reviews_string_1 separator = "\n" + "-" * 80 + "\n" reviews_string_1 = separator.join(top_reviews) print(len(reviews_string_1)) # Now, we start a loop to repeatedly perform the second chunking phase while len(reviews_string_1) > 11000: dfn= pd.DataFrame(top_reviews, columns=['pros/cons']) #convert top_reviews in df separator = '\n' char_limit = 9000 top_reviews = [] start_index = 0 chunk_count = 1 while start_index < len(dfn): char_count = 0 end_index = start_index # Get the reviews within the character limit while end_index < len(dfn) and char_count + len(dfn['pros/cons'][end_index]) <= char_limit: char_count += len(dfn['pros/cons'][end_index]) end_index += 1 chunk_reviews = dfn['pros/cons'][start_index:end_index] reviews_string = separator.join(chunk_reviews) num_reviews = len(chunk_reviews) print(f'Chunk {chunk_count}:') print(f'Number of reviews: {num_reviews}') print(f'Character length: {len(reviews_string)}') # For the second phase, replace the hardcoded prompt with the user's input messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant"}, {"role": "user", "content": phase2_prompt.format(reviews_string)} ] try: model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) top_reviews.append(model_response) except Exception as e: if e.__class__ =="RateLimitError": print("here") time.sleep(30) model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) start_index = end_index chunk_count += 1 # After the second chunking phase, you again create reviews_string_1 separator = "\n" + "-" * 80 + "\n" reviews_string_1 = separator.join(top_reviews) # [...] # The code continues as is until the final message # For the final message, replace the hardcoded prompt with the user's input messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant who analyzes reviews and gives top 20 pros and cons from them"}, {"role": "user", "content": final_prompt.format(reviews_string_1)} ] final_output = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) # Display the output st.text('Here are the top pros and cons:') st.write(final_output) st.session_state.df_final_output = final_output # Create a button that will trigger writing to Google Sheets if st.button('Write output to sheet'): #if st.button('Write output to sheet'): #st.session_state.df_final_output = final_output sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) final_output= st.session_state.df_final_output st.write("Button clicked, processing data...") lines = final_output.split('\n') # Split each line into theme and description split_lines = [] for line in lines: if "Pros:" in line: type_ = "Pros" elif "Cons:" in line: type_ = "Cons" elif ": " in line: theme, description = re.split(r': ', line, 1) split_lines.append([type_, theme, description]) # Convert the list of lists into a DataFrame df_final_output = pd.DataFrame(split_lines, columns=['Type', 'Theme', 'Description']) st.write(df_final_output) # Create a new worksheet and write the final output to it # worksheet_output = sheet.add_worksheet(title="top_pros_cons", rows="100", cols="20") # set_with_dataframe(worksheet_output, df_final_output) # # Then, outside of your if statement for the button click, check if df_final_output exists in the session state # if st.session_state.df_final_output is not None: try: worksheet_output = sheet.add_worksheet(title="top_pros_cons", rows="100", cols="20") set_with_dataframe(worksheet_output, df_final_output) st.write("Data written successfully to Google Sheets.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"An error occurred while writing to Google Sheets: {e}") # # Wrap your button in a form # with st.form(key='output_form'): # # Change your button click event to set a session state variable # if st.form_submit_button('Write output to sheet'): # # Rest of the code to populate df_final_output # st.session_state.df_final_output = df_final_output # # Then, outside of your form, check if df_final_output exists in the session state # if st.session_state.df_final_output is not None: # try: # worksheet_output = sheet.add_worksheet(title="top_pros_cons", rows="100", cols="20") # set_with_dataframe(worksheet_output, st.session_state.df_final_output) # st.write("Data written successfully to Google Sheets.") # except Exception as e: # st.error(f"An error occurred while writing to Google Sheets: {e}") if page == 'Feature Benefits': st.title('Feature Benefits Page') # Authenticate Google Sheets API #gc = gspread.service_account(filename='arctic-rite-381810-e8bee8664772.json') gc = gspread.service_account_from_dict(credentials_dict) # Ask user for Google Sheet URL sheet_url = st.text_input('Enter the URL of your Google Sheet') # # Display default prompt to user # default_prompt = """Using below information of the listing, please extract the top 30 Features and Benefits: # Title: {}\n # bullet_str: {}\n # Legacy Product Description: {}\n # A+ Description: {}\n # Image_text: {}\n # backend_search_terms: {}\n # Please note, you need to create comprehensive top 30 Features and top 30 Benefits for listing using this information. Your response should have 2 sections. one for features and other for benefits # """.format(title, bullet_str, legacy_desc, a_plus_desc, image_text_string, backend_search_terms) # prompt = st.text_area("Edit the prompt:", value=default_prompt, height=200) # Add this in the part of your Streamlit app where the user can select the model models = ["gpt-3.5-turbo","gpt-4-0125-preview", "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125" ] selected_model = st.selectbox("Choose a model:", models) # Extract sheet ID from URL sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # Select sheet named 'Listing' worksheet = sheet.worksheet('Listing') # Get all records of the data df = get_as_dataframe(worksheet) # Convert DataFrame to strings df_str = df.astype(str) title = df[df.eq('Title').any(axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] bullets = [df[df.eq(f"Bullet #{i}").any(axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] for i in range(1, 6)] backend_search_terms = df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Backend Search Terms' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] if len(df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Backend Search Terms' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)]) > 0 else None image_text_row = df[df.eq('Image Text').any(axis=1)] image_text = list(image_text_row.dropna(axis=1).iloc[0, :]) a_plus_desc_mask = df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'A+ Description' in ' '.join(x), axis=1) if a_plus_desc_mask.any(): a_plus_desc_row = df[a_plus_desc_mask].index[0] a_plus_desc = df.iloc[a_plus_desc_row:, :].fillna('').values.flatten() a_plus_desc = ' '.join(a_plus_desc).strip() else: a_plus_desc = None legacy_desc = df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Legacy Product Description' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] if len(df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Legacy Product Description' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)]) > 0 else None image_text_string = ' '.join(image_text) bullet_str = "" for i, bullet in enumerate(bullets, 1): bullet_str += f"Bullet #{i}: {bullet}\n" # Display default prompt to user default_prompt = """Using below information of the listing, please extract the top 30 Features and Benefits: ------------------------------------ Title: {}\n bullet_str: {}\n Legacy Product Description: {}\n A+ Description: {}\n Image_text: {}\n backend_search_terms: {}\n ------------------------------------- Please note, you need to create comprehensive top 30 Features and top 30 Benefits for listing using this information. Your response should have 2 sections, one for features and other for benefits """.format(title, bullet_str, legacy_desc, a_plus_desc, image_text_string, backend_search_terms) prompt = st.text_area("Edit the prompt:", value=default_prompt, height=200) #st.write(prompt) if st.button('generate'): #st.write(prompt) messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant who help create features and benefits for amazon listings"}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt} ] # messages = [ # {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant who help create features and benefits for amazon listings"}, # {"role": "user", "content": """Using below information of the listing, please extract the top 30 Features and Benefits: # Title: {}\n # bullet_str: {}\n # Legacy Product Description: {}\n # A+ Description: {}\n # Image_text: {}\n # backend_search_terms: {}\n # Please note, you need to create comprehensive top 30 Features and top 30 Benefits for listing using this information. Your response should have 2 sections. one for features and other for benefits # """.format(title, bullet_str, legacy_desc, a_plus_desc,image_text_string, backend_search_terms)} # ] model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) #st.write(model_response) # messages = [ # {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant who help create features and benefits for amazon listings"}, # {"role": "user", "content": prompt} # ] messages1 = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant who help create features and benefits for amazon listings"}, {"role": "user", "content": """{} Please re-write above features and benefits in same way in 2 sections.You need to add short heading/theme of 1-3 words for each feature benefit. Your response should have 2 sections. one for features and other for benefits e.g features: 1. 100% cotton (this is theme that you will add if not available): 100% cotton cold press paper ensures exceptional quality and strength (this is exisitng description) 2. ..... Benefits: 1.Superior Watercolor Surface (this is theme that you will add if not available): Provides a high-quality surface for watercolor painting, with a unique texture that allows for even spreading and vivid colors.(this is exisitng description) 2. ... please note, you should not miss any feature benefits. all 30 should be covered with short heading.""".format(model_response)} ] final_model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages1, selected_model) feature_benefits=final_model_response # Display the output # Display the output st.text('Here are the top features and benefits:') st.write(feature_benefits) # Store the result in the session state st.session_state.feature_benefits = feature_benefits # Create a button that will trigger writing to Google Sheets if st.button('Write features and benefits to sheet'): sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # Retrieve the result from the session state feature_benefits = st.session_state.feature_benefits st.write("Button clicked, processing data...") lines = feature_benefits.split('\n') # # Split each line into feature/benefit and description # split_lines = [] # for line in lines: # if "Features:" in line: # type_ = "Features" # elif "Benefits:" in line: # type_ = "Benefits" # elif ": " in line: # theme, description = re.split(r': ', line, 1) # split_lines.append([type_, theme, description]) # # Convert the list of lists into a DataFrame # df_feature_benefits = pd.DataFrame(split_lines, columns=['Type', 'Theme', 'Description']) # Split each line into feature/benefit and description # Split each line into feature/benefit and description split_lines = [] for line in lines: if "Features:" in line: type_ = "Features" elif "Benefits:" in line: type_ = "Benefits" elif line.strip() == '': continue # skip empty lines else: if ": " in line: # If theme is present theme, description = re.split(r': ', line, 1) else: # If theme is not present theme = '' description = line.strip() split_lines.append([type_, theme, description]) # Convert the list of lists into a DataFrame df_feature_benefits = pd.DataFrame(split_lines, columns=['Type', 'Theme', 'Description']) st.write(df_feature_benefits) # Create a new worksheet and write the final output to it try: worksheet_output = sheet.add_worksheet(title="top_features_benefits", rows="100", cols="20") set_with_dataframe(worksheet_output, df_feature_benefits) st.write("Data written successfully to Google Sheets.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"An error occurred while writing to Google Sheets: {e}") if page == 'Identify Avatars': st.title('Identify Avatars Page') # Authenticate Google Sheets API # gc = gspread.service_account(filename='arctic-rite-381810-e8bee8664772.json') gc = gspread.service_account_from_dict(credentials_dict) # st.title('Identify Avatars Page') # # Authenticate Google Sheets API # gc = gspread.service_account(filename='arctic-rite-381810-e8bee8664772.json') # Ask user for Google Sheet URL sheet_url = st.text_input('Enter the URL of your Google Sheet') # Extract sheet ID from URL sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # Add this in the part of your Streamlit app where the user can select the model models = ["gpt-3.5-turbo","gpt-4-0125-preview", "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125" ] selected_model = st.selectbox("Choose a model:", models) # Let user choose between pros/cons and reviews user_choice = st.selectbox("Select input for avatars:", ('review summary', 'Reviews')) if user_choice == 'review summary': worksheet = sheet.worksheet('reviews summary') # Get all records of the data df = get_as_dataframe(worksheet) # Select only the 'Body' column and drop rows with NaN values body_series = df['reviews summary'].dropna() #### first chunking separator = '\n\n' pros_and_cons = separator.join(body_series) # Clean up data reviews_ ='\n\n') st.session_state.reviews_ = reviews_ elif user_choice == 'Reviews': worksheet = sheet.worksheet('Reviews') # Get all records of the data df = get_as_dataframe(worksheet) # Select only the 'Body' column and drop rows with NaN values body_series = df['Body'].dropna() #### first chunking separator = '\n\n' pros_and_cons = separator.join(body_series) # Clean up data reviews_ ='\n\n') st.session_state.reviews_ = reviews_ # Prepare the prompt prompt = """Below are the customer reviews/ review summary for our product: ----------------------------------------------- {} ----------------------------------------------- You need to use above information and Write a list of the top 5 Avatars (persona) that you identify from the product reviews of the listing. For each avatar pls specify the following: - Name - Gender - Age range - Income range - Demographics - General description of the avatar - Personality Traits - Interests and Hobbies - Pains (Psychological, Spiritual, Physical) - Top 10 insecurities - Top 10 books that they read with title and author - Top 5 movies - Top 5 TV shows - List their top 10 desires - List the social media they use and channels they follow - List top 10 lead magnets used for marketing purpose And anything else can be used for sales and marketing purpose to target those specific avatars. Please make sure you provide long info for each of the point you mention in avatar""".format(reviews_) # Editable prompt prompt = st.text_area("Edit the prompt:", value=prompt, height=200) if st.button('Generate avatars'): #formatted_prompt = user_edited_prompt.format(reviews=reviews_) messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant who helps identify avatars from product reviews"}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt} ] # Get model response model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) # Display the output st.text('Here are the top 5 Avatars:') st.write(model_response) # Store the result in the session state st.session_state.avatars = model_response # Create a button that will trigger writing to Google Sheets if st.button('Write avatars to sheet'): sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # Retrieve the result from the session state avatars = st.session_state.avatars st.write("Button clicked, processing data...") # Create a new worksheet and write the final output to it try: # Create a new worksheet named "avatars" worksheet_output = sheet.add_worksheet(title="avatars", rows="100", cols="20") # Prepare a list to store the avatar information avatars_data = [avatars] # Convert the list of avatar data into a DataFrame df_avatars = pd.DataFrame(avatars_data, columns=['Avatar Info']) # Write the DataFrame to the new "avatars" worksheet set_with_dataframe(worksheet_output, df_avatars) st.write("Data written successfully to Google Sheets.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"An error occurred while writing to Google Sheets: {e}") if page == 'Tone of Voice Manual': st.title('Tone of Voice Manual Page') # Authenticate Google Sheets API #gc = gspread.service_account(filename='arctic-rite-381810-e8bee8664772.json') gc = gspread.service_account_from_dict(credentials_dict) # Ask user for Google Sheet URL sheet_url = st.text_input('Enter the URL of your Google Sheet') # Extract sheet ID from URL sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # Add this in the part of your Streamlit app where the user can select the model models = ["gpt-3.5-turbo","gpt-4-0125-preview", "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125" ] selected_model = st.selectbox("Choose a model:", models) # Add the prompt prompt = """------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using reviews pros and cons we identified below avatar and related info of avatar for our amazon listing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please generate a tone of voice manual to address the above Avatar. can you also address below in tone of voice manual. 1. Make a list of all your communications channels 2. Highlight the tonal values that apply to each channel 3. Write best-practice tone of voice examples Please make this manual very exhaustive and detailed. explain each of the point with long content """ # Editable prompt prompt = st.text_area("Edit the prompt:", value=prompt, height=200) if st.button('Generate Tone of Voice Manual'): messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant who helps create a tone of voice manual for avatars"}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt} ] # Get model response model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) # Display the output st.text('Generated Tone of Voice Manual:') st.write(model_response) # Store the result in the session state st.session_state.tone_of_voice_manual = model_response # Create a button that will trigger writing to Google Sheets # if st.button('Write Tone of Voice Manual to sheet'): # sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet # sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # # Retrieve the result from the session state # tone_of_voice_manual = st.session_state.tone_of_voice_manual # st.write("Button clicked, processing data...") # # Create a new worksheet and write the final output to it # try: # # Create a new worksheet named "tone_of_voice_manual" # worksheet_output = sheet.add_worksheet(title="tone_of_voice_manual", rows="100", cols="20") # # Prepare a list to store the tone of voice manual # tone_of_voice_manual_data = [tone_of_voice_manual] # # Convert the list of tone of voice manual data into a DataFrame # df_tone_of_voice_manual = pd.DataFrame(tone_of_voice_manual_data, columns=['Tone of Voice Manual']) # # Write the DataFrame to the new "tone_of_voice_manual" worksheet # set_with_dataframe(worksheet_output, df_tone_of_voice_manual) # st.write("Data written successfully to Google Sheets.") # except Exception as e: # st.error(f"An error occurred while writing to Google Sheets: {e}") # Write Tone of Voice Manual to sheet if st.button('Write Tone of Voice Manual to sheet'): sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # Retrieve the result from the session state tone_of_voice_manual = st.session_state.tone_of_voice_manual st.write("Button clicked, processing data...") try: # Check if the "tone_of_voice_manual" worksheet already exists worksheet_output = None for wks in sheet.worksheets(): if wks.title == 'tone_of_voice_manual': worksheet_output = wks break # If the worksheet does not exist, create a new one if worksheet_output is None: worksheet_output = sheet.add_worksheet(title="tone_of_voice_manual", rows="100", cols="20") # Read the existing data from the worksheet existing_data = get_as_dataframe(worksheet_output) # Remove empty columns from the existing data existing_data = existing_data.dropna(how='all', axis=1) # Prepare a list to store the tone of voice manual data tone_of_voice_manual_data = [tone_of_voice_manual] # Convert the list of tone of voice manual data into a DataFrame new_data = pd.DataFrame(tone_of_voice_manual_data, columns=['Tone of Voice Manual']) # Append the new data to the existing data updated_data = pd.concat([existing_data, new_data], axis=1) # Clear the worksheet before writing the updated data worksheet_output.clear() # Write the updated data to the "tone_of_voice_manual" worksheet set_with_dataframe(worksheet_output, updated_data) st.write("Data written successfully to Google Sheets.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"An error occurred while writing to Google Sheets: {e}") if page == 'review summary': st.title('Review summary Page') gc = gspread.service_account_from_dict(credentials_dict) # Ask user for Google Sheet URL sheet_url = st.text_input('Enter the URL of your Google Sheet') # Add this in the part of your Streamlit app where the user can select the model models = ["gpt-3.5-turbo","gpt-4-0125-preview", "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125" ] selected_model = st.selectbox("Choose a model:", models) # Set default prompts phase1_prompt = "Analyze a set of customer reviews and create a summary of reviews. don't miss any point in your summary\n\n In your analysis, consider the language and tone used in the reviews to accurately represent the customer's experience. here are the reviews\n {}" phase2_prompt = "Analyze a set of customer reviews summary and create a summary covering all points. don't create too small summary. it should be exhaustive. \n\n In your analysis, consider the language and tone used in the reviews to accurately represent the customer's experience. here are the review summary \n {}" final_prompt = "please analyze below reviews summary and create final review summary in less than 2500 words. don't miss any point in your summary. \n\n In your analysis, consider the language and tone used in the reviews to accurately represent the customer's experience.\n {}" editable_phase1_prompt = st.text_area("Edit the first prompt:", value=phase1_prompt, height=200) user_char_limit = st.number_input("Enter character limit:", value=9000, step=500) # If the user has input a URL, fetch the data from Google Sheets if st.button('generate'): #if sheet_url: # Extract sheet ID from URL sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) #st.session_state['sheet'] = sheet # Select sheet named 'Reviews' worksheet = sheet.worksheet('Reviews') # Get all records of the data df = get_as_dataframe(worksheet) # Convert dataframe to list and drop NaNs df['Body']= df['Body'].astype(str) # drop rows where 'Body' column has NaN df = df.dropna(subset=['Body']) ####first chunking phase1_prompt = editable_phase1_prompt char_limit = user_char_limit separator = '\n' #char_limit = 9000 top_reviews = [] start_index = 0 chunk_count = 1 while start_index < len(df): char_count = 0 end_index = start_index # Get the reviews within the character limit while end_index < len(df) and char_count + len(df['Body'][end_index]) <= char_limit: char_count += len(df['Body'][end_index]) end_index += 1 chunk_reviews = df['Body'][start_index:end_index] reviews_string = separator.join(chunk_reviews) num_reviews = len(chunk_reviews) print(f'Chunk {chunk_count}:') print(f'Number of reviews: {num_reviews}') print(f'Character length: {len(reviews_string)}') # For the first phase, replace the hardcoded prompt with the user's input messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant"}, {"role": "user", "content": phase1_prompt.format(reviews_string)} ] model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) top_reviews.append(model_response) start_index = end_index chunk_count += 1 # After the first chunking phase, you create reviews_string_1 separator = "\n" + "-" * 80 + "\n" reviews_string_1 = separator.join(top_reviews) print(len(reviews_string_1)) if len(reviews_string_1) > 14000: # Now, we start a loop to repeatedly perform the second chunking phase while len(reviews_string_1) > 11000: dfn= pd.DataFrame(top_reviews, columns=['pros/cons']) #convert top_reviews in df separator = '\n' char_limit = 9000 top_reviews = [] start_index = 0 chunk_count = 1 while start_index < len(dfn): char_count = 0 end_index = start_index # Get the reviews within the character limit while end_index < len(dfn) and char_count + len(dfn['pros/cons'][end_index]) <= char_limit: char_count += len(dfn['pros/cons'][end_index]) end_index += 1 chunk_reviews = dfn['pros/cons'][start_index:end_index] reviews_string = separator.join(chunk_reviews) num_reviews = len(chunk_reviews) print(f'Chunk {chunk_count}:') print(f'Number of reviews: {num_reviews}') print(f'Character length: {len(reviews_string)}') # For the second phase, replace the hardcoded prompt with the user's input messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant"}, {"role": "user", "content": phase2_prompt.format(reviews_string)} ] try: model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) top_reviews.append(model_response) except Exception as e: if e.__class__ =="RateLimitError": print("here") time.sleep(30) model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) start_index = end_index chunk_count += 1 # After the second chunking phase, you again create reviews_string_1 separator = "\n" + "-" * 80 + "\n" reviews_string_1 = separator.join(top_reviews) if len(reviews_string_1) > 14000: # For the final message, replace the hardcoded prompt with the user's input messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant who analyzes reviews"}, {"role": "user", "content": final_prompt.format(reviews_string_1)} ] final_output = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) # Display the output st.text('Here are the top pros and cons:') st.markdown(final_output) st.session_state.df_final_output = final_output else: final_output = reviews_string_1 st.markdown(final_output) st.session_state.df_final_output = final_output else: final_output = reviews_string_1 print('we are here') st.markdown(final_output) st.session_state.df_final_output = final_output # Create a button that will trigger writing to Google Sheets if st.button('Write output to sheet'): #if st.button('Write output to sheet'): #st.session_state.df_final_output = final_output # sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # # Open the Google spreadsheet # sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) final_output= st.session_state.df_final_output st.write("Button clicked, processing data...") sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) try: # Check if the "tone_of_voice_manual" worksheet already exists worksheet_output = None for wks in sheet.worksheets(): if wks.title == 'reviews summary': worksheet_output = wks break # If the worksheet does not exist, create a new one if worksheet_output is None: worksheet_output = sheet.add_worksheet(title="reviews summary", rows="100", cols="20") # Read the existing data from the worksheet existing_data = get_as_dataframe(worksheet_output) # Remove empty columns from the existing data existing_data = existing_data.dropna(how='all', axis=1) # Prepare a list to store the tone of voice manual data tone_of_voice_manual_data = [final_output] # Convert the list of tone of voice manual data into a DataFrame new_data = pd.DataFrame(tone_of_voice_manual_data, columns=['reviews summary']) # Append the new data to the existing data updated_data = pd.concat([existing_data, new_data], axis=1) # Clear the worksheet before writing the updated data worksheet_output.clear() # Write the updated data to the "tone_of_voice_manual" worksheet set_with_dataframe(worksheet_output, updated_data) st.write("Data written successfully to Google Sheets.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"An error occurred while writing to Google Sheets: {e}") # if page == 'question_answers': # st.title('question answers') # #gc = gspread.service_account(filename='arctic-rite-381810-e8bee8664772.json') # gc = gspread.service_account_from_dict(credentials_dict) # # Ask user for Google Sheet URL # sheet_url = st.text_input('Enter the URL of your Google Sheet') # # Add this in the part of your Streamlit app where the user can select the model # models = ["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4"] # selected_model = st.selectbox("Choose a model:", models) # # Extract sheet ID from URL # sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # # Open the Google spreadsheet # sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # # Select sheet named 'Listing' # worksheet = sheet.worksheet('Listing') # # Get all records of the data # df = get_as_dataframe(worksheet) # # Convert DataFrame to strings # df_str = df.astype(str) # title = df[df.eq('Title').any(axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] # bullets = [df[df.eq(f"Bullet #{i}").any(axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] for i in range(1, 6)] # backend_search_terms = df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Backend Search Terms' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] if len(df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Backend Search Terms' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)]) > 0 else None # image_text_row = df[df.eq('Image Text').any(axis=1)] # image_text = list(image_text_row.dropna(axis=1).iloc[0, :]) # a_plus_desc_mask = df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'A+ Description' in ' '.join(x), axis=1) # if a_plus_desc_mask.any(): # a_plus_desc_row = df[a_plus_desc_mask].index[0] # a_plus_desc = df.iloc[a_plus_desc_row:, :].fillna('').values.flatten() # a_plus_desc = ' '.join(a_plus_desc).strip() # else: # a_plus_desc = None # legacy_desc = df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Legacy Product Description' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] if len(df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Legacy Product Description' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)]) > 0 else None # image_text_string = ' '.join(image_text) # bullet_str = "" # for i, bullet in enumerate(bullets, 1): # bullet_str += f"Bullet #{i}: {bullet}\n" # # Display default prompt to user # default_prompt = """Below is data of our products for amazon listing: # ------------------------------------ # Title: {}\n # bullet_str: {}\n # Legacy Product Description: {}\n # A+ Description: {}\n # Image_text: {}\n # backend_search_terms: {}\n # ------------------------------------- # Please create question-answers pairs for amazon listing using this data. # Please segregate them theme wise. themes names should not be features or benefits and create 1 or more questions answer pairs for each theme. # questions generated should be potential questions in customer mind before buying product. # please create at least 20 question-answers pairs. # """.format(title, bullet_str, legacy_desc, a_plus_desc, image_text_string, backend_search_terms) # prompt = st.text_area("Edit the prompt:", value=default_prompt, height=200) # # If the user has input a URL, fetch the data from Google Sheets # if st.button('generate'): # messages = [ # {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant"}, # {"role": "user", "content": prompt} # ] # model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) # question_answers= model_response # st.session_state.question_answers = question_answers # st.write(question_answers) # def parse_qa(text): # try: # # Split the text into themes # themes = re.split(r'\nTheme: ', text)[1:] # output = [] # for theme in themes: # theme_lines = theme.split('\n') # theme_name = theme_lines[0] # qa_pairs = theme_lines[1:] # # Extract question and answer pairs # for qa in qa_pairs: # if qa.startswith('Q'): # question = qa.split(': ', 1)[1] # elif qa.startswith('A'): # answer = qa.split(': ', 1)[1] # output.append((theme_name, question, answer)) # return output, True # except Exception as e: # return text, False # Return the full text and a flag indicating the parsing failed # # # Create a button that will trigger writing to Google Sheets # # if st.button('Write output to sheet'): # # final_output= st.session_state.question_answers # # st.write("Button clicked, processing data...") # # sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet # # sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # # try: # # # Check if the "tone_of_voice_manual" worksheet already exists # # worksheet_output = None # # for wks in sheet.worksheets(): # # if wks.title == 'question_answers': # # worksheet_output = wks # # break # # # If the worksheet does not exist, create a new one # # if worksheet_output is None: # # worksheet_output = sheet.add_worksheet(title="question_answers", rows="100", cols="20") # # # Read the existing data from the worksheet # # existing_data = get_as_dataframe(worksheet_output) # # # Remove empty columns from the existing data # # existing_data = existing_data.dropna(how='all', axis=1) # # # Prepare a list to store the tone of voice manual data # # question_answers_data = [final_output] # # # Convert the list of tone of voice manual data into a DataFrame # # new_data = pd.DataFrame(question_answers_data, columns=['question_answers']) # # # Append the new data to the existing data # # updated_data = pd.concat([existing_data, new_data], axis=1) # # # Clear the worksheet before writing the updated data # # worksheet_output.clear() # # # Write the updated data to the "tone_of_voice_manual" worksheet # # set_with_dataframe(worksheet_output, updated_data) # # st.write("Data written successfully to Google Sheets.") # # except Exception as e: # # st.error(f"An error occurred while writing to Google Sheets: {e}") # if st.button('Write output to sheet'): # final_output, parsed_successfully = parse_qa(st.session_state.question_answers) # st.write("Button clicked, processing data...") # sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet # sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # try: # worksheet_output = None # for wks in sheet.worksheets(): # if wks.title == 'question_answers': # worksheet_output = wks # break # if worksheet_output is None: # worksheet_output = sheet.add_worksheet(title="question_answers", rows="100", cols="20") # if parsed_successfully: # new_data = pd.DataFrame(final_output, columns=['Theme', 'Question', 'Answer']) # else: # new_data = pd.DataFrame([final_output], columns=['Output']) # worksheet_output.clear() # set_with_dataframe(worksheet_output, new_data) # st.write("Data written successfully to Google Sheets.") # except Exception as e: # st.error(f"An error occurred while writing to Google Sheets: {e}") if page == 'question_answers': st.title('question answers') #gc = gspread.service_account(filename='arctic-rite-381810-e8bee8664772.json') #gc = gspread.service_account(filename='arctic-rite-381810-b124ba8c96a9.json') gc = gspread.service_account_from_dict(credentials_dict) sheet_url = st.text_input('Enter the URL of your Google Sheet') models = ["gpt-3.5-turbo","gpt-4-0125-preview", "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125" ] selected_model = st.selectbox("Choose a model:", models) # Extract sheet ID from URL sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # Select sheet named 'Listing' worksheet = sheet.worksheet('Q&A') # Get all records of the data df = get_as_dataframe(worksheet) df= df.dropna(subset = ['Question', 'Answer']) #st.write(df) question_answer = "\n".join(["Question: {}\nAnswer: {}".format(q, a) for q, a in zip(df['Question'], df['Answer'])]) #st.write(question_answer) st.write(len(question_answer)) # Display default prompt to user default_prompt = """Below is question-answer pairs from amazon listing: ------------------------------------ {} ------------------------------------- please analyze these question-answer pairs and group them theme-wise. you have find themes and then group question-answer pairs as per theme. Don't miss any question pair given above. give numbering to questions. """.format(question_answer) prompt = st.text_area("Edit the prompt:", value=default_prompt, height=200) # If the user has input a URL, fetch the data from Google Sheets if st.button('generate'): messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant"}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt} ] model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) question_answers= model_response st.session_state.question_answers = question_answers st.write(question_answers) if st.button('Write output to sheet'): question_answers = st.session_state.question_answers # Create a new Google Sheets file try: new_worksheet = sheet.worksheet('QnA_analyzed') except gspread.exceptions.WorksheetNotFound: # If it doesn't exist, create it new_worksheet = sheet.add_worksheet(title="QnA_analyzed", rows="100", cols="20") # Add rows one by one new_worksheet.append_row(['question_answers', question_answers]) st.write('Done!') if page == 'feature_mapping': st.title('feature_mapping') gc = gspread.service_account_from_dict(credentials_dict) # Ask user for Google Sheet URL sheet_url = st.text_input('Enter the URL of your Google Sheet') # Add this in the part of your Streamlit app where the user can select the model models = ["gpt-3.5-turbo","gpt-4-0125-preview", "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125" ] selected_model = st.selectbox("Choose a model:", models) # Extract sheet ID from URL sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # Select sheet named 'Listing' worksheet = sheet.worksheet('Listing') # Get all records of the data df = get_as_dataframe(worksheet) # Convert DataFrame to strings df_str = df.astype(str) title = df[df.eq('Title').any(axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] bullets = [df[df.eq(f"Bullet #{i}").any(axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] for i in range(1, 6)] backend_search_terms = df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Backend Search Terms' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] if len(df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Backend Search Terms' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)]) > 0 else None image_text_row = df[df.eq('Image Text').any(axis=1)] image_text = list(image_text_row.dropna(axis=1).iloc[0, :]) a_plus_desc_mask = df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'A+ Description' in ' '.join(x), axis=1) if a_plus_desc_mask.any(): a_plus_desc_row = df[a_plus_desc_mask].index[0] a_plus_desc = df.iloc[a_plus_desc_row:, :].fillna('').values.flatten() a_plus_desc = ' '.join(a_plus_desc).strip() else: a_plus_desc = None legacy_desc = df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Legacy Product Description' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] if len(df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Legacy Product Description' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)]) > 0 else None image_text_string = ' '.join(image_text) bullet_str = "" for i, bullet in enumerate(bullets, 1): bullet_str += f"Bullet #{i}: {bullet}\n" # Display default prompt to user default_prompt = """Features: 1) Professional Artist Testing: Developed and tested by professional artists to ensure exceptional product quality and results for all types of artistic expression. 2) 1:1 Aspect Ratio: Square aspect ratio of 1:1 facilitates an easy design process and balanced compositions based on famous artworks. 3) 100% Cotton Fibers: Uses 100% cotton fibers to provide natural and lasting beauty and exceptional resistance to scratching and erasing. 4) Gelatin-sized Paper: Offers astounding absorbency resulting in harmonious, natural grain texture and no optical brightening agents that maintain the original brightness of the artwork. 5) Cold & Hot Presses: Available in both cold press and hot press finishes, resulting in slightly textured, toothed surfaces (cold press) for depth and almost no tooth (hot press) surfaces for seamless blending, overlay, or paint removal. 6) European Mill Crafting: Crafted by European mill masters with over 400 years of paper-making experience, ensuring that you produce your finest works. 7) Easy-Block Format: Offers a unique "Easy-Block" format that eliminates the need to stretch watercolor paper sheets, saves time and effort, and ensures that paint dries to the desired texture and prevent buckling or creasing. 8) 2 Glued, 2 Open Edges: Glued on 2 edges and open on 2 edges for easy removal of finished painting, saving time and effort while maintaining paper integrity and preservation. 9) Travel-friendly: Suitable for travel, providing increased convenience to artists. 10) Various Paper Weights: Available in a range of paper weights, ensuring maximum versatility for different artistic styles and techniques. 11) 100 Series Youth Quality: Offers youth quality in the 100 series, providing a traditional watercolor feel for artistic expression. 12) Cotton & Wood Pulp Choices: Offers two different choices of watercolor paper: 100% cotton pulp and 100% wood pulp. 13) Indoor & Outdoor Use: Designed for use indoors and outdoors, providing versatility for artists on the go. 14) 14 Cold-pressed Sheets: Offers 14 sheets of cold-pressed, textured watercolor paper, providing ample surface area for larger projects. 15) Glue Binding: Offers glue binding for easy tearing out of pages, allowing for experimentation and perfecting techniques. 16) Drawing, Sketching, Painting: Versatile for drawing, sketching, and painting. 17) Mixed Media Suitable: Top choice for mixed media projects. 18) Artist-approved: Tested and approved by artists. 19) Chlorine-free & pH-neutral: Chlorine-free, pH-neutral, and archival, ensuring the longevity of artwork. 20) Natural White Paper: Natural white, providing a textured surface for extraordinary vibrant colors. 21) Rough Watercolor Paper: Rough, providing both smooth and textured surfaces for experimentation. 22) Dual-Sided Surfaces: Dual-sided with smooth and textured surfaces. 23) Expert Quality: Provides expert quality for perfect combination of durability and ease of use. 24) Art-N-Fly Compatibility: Compatible with Art-N-Fly Watercolor Pens. 25) Historic Paper Quality: Offers exceptional papers since the 1700s. 26) Calcium Carbonate Buffer: Buffered with calcium carbonate for added protection. 27) Random Texture: Provides a distinctive random texture. 28) Internally Sized: Internally sized to maintain paper integrity and prevent paper deterioration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to search for presence of above features in below information of listing: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Title: {}\n bullet_str: {}\n Legacy Product Description: {}\n A+ Description: {}\n Image_text: {}\n backend_search_terms: {}\n ------------------------------------- Please carefully read the given information of listing and create feature present matrix. if feature is present then you have to mark it using 1 and if absent leave empty. please create in table format. please include feature name in the table. note, only present features should be covered. You have to explain at the end where did you find the present features. also once table is ready create one json that I can easily load in pandas df """.format(title, bullet_str, legacy_desc, a_plus_desc, image_text_string, backend_search_terms) prompt = st.text_area("Edit the prompt:", value=default_prompt, height=200) # If the user has input a URL, fetch the data from Google Sheets if st.button('generate'): messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant"}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt} ] model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) feature_mapping= model_response st.session_state.feature_mapping = feature_mapping st.write(feature_mapping) if page == 'benefit_mapping': st.title('benefit_mapping') gc = gspread.service_account_from_dict(credentials_dict) # Ask user for Google Sheet URL sheet_url = st.text_input('Enter the URL of your Google Sheet') # Add this in the part of your Streamlit app where the user can select the model models = ["gpt-3.5-turbo","gpt-4-0125-preview", "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125" ] selected_model = st.selectbox("Choose a model:", models) # Extract sheet ID from URL sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # Open the Google spreadsheet sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # Select sheet named 'Listing' worksheet = sheet.worksheet('Listing') # Get all records of the data df = get_as_dataframe(worksheet) # Convert DataFrame to strings df_str = df.astype(str) title = df[df.eq('Title').any(axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] bullets = [df[df.eq(f"Bullet #{i}").any(axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] for i in range(1, 6)] backend_search_terms = df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Backend Search Terms' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] if len(df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Backend Search Terms' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)]) > 0 else None image_text_row = df[df.eq('Image Text').any(axis=1)] image_text = list(image_text_row.dropna(axis=1).iloc[0, :]) a_plus_desc_mask = df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'A+ Description' in ' '.join(x), axis=1) if a_plus_desc_mask.any(): a_plus_desc_row = df[a_plus_desc_mask].index[0] a_plus_desc = df.iloc[a_plus_desc_row:, :].fillna('').values.flatten() a_plus_desc = ' '.join(a_plus_desc).strip() else: a_plus_desc = None legacy_desc = df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Legacy Product Description' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)].iloc[0, 2] if len(df[df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: 'Legacy Product Description' in ' '.join(x), axis=1)]) > 0 else None image_text_string = ' '.join(image_text) bullet_str = "" for i, bullet in enumerate(bullets, 1): bullet_str += f"Bullet #{i}: {bullet}\n" # Display default prompt to user default_prompt = """Benefits: 1) Long-lasting Artwork: Exceptional product quality ensures long-lasting, beautiful artwork and exceptional results for various artistic expressions. 2) Easy Composition: A square aspect ratio of 1:1 on the paper facilitates an easy design process and balanced compositions based on famous artworks. 3) Natural Beauty: 100% cotton fibers provide natural and lasting beauty and exceptional resistance to scratching and erasing. 4) Superior Absorbency: Gelatin-sized paper offers astounding absorbency resulting in harmonious, natural grain texture and no optical brightening agents that maintain the original brightness of the artwork. 5) Versatile Finishes: Available in both cold press and hot press finishes result in slightly textured, toothed surfaces (cold press) for depth and almost no tooth (hot press) surfaces for seamless blending, overlay, or paint removal and provide vibrantly versatile paper for customization based on the artist's preference. 6) Expert Craftsmanship: Crafted by experienced mill masters guarantees that artists produce their finest works. 7) No Stretching Needed: Unique "Easy-Block" format eliminates the need to stretch watercolor paper sheets, saves time and effort, and ensures that paint dries to the desired texture and prevents buckling or creasing. 8) Easy Painting Removal: Glued on 2 edges and open on 2 edges for easy removal of finished painting saves time and effort while maintaining paper integrity and preservation. 9) Travel Convenience: Suitable for travel, providing increased convenience to artists. 10) Versatility: Available in a range of paper weights ensures maximum versatility for different artistic styles and techniques. 11) Time & Money Savings: Saves time and money with ready-made sizes. 12) Durable Preservation: Durable material for long-lasting preservation. 13) Traditional Feel: Traditional watercolor feel for artistic expression. 14) Ample Surface Area: Provides ample surface area for larger projects. 15) Superior Value: Superior value compared to other brands. 16) Artistic Versatility: Approved by professional artists for various artistic endeavors. 17) Mixed Media Ideal: Suitable for creating mixed media artwork. 18) Professional Quality: Ensures the longevity of artwork with high-quality material. 19) Artwork Longevity: Provides a textured surface for extraordinary vibrant colors, contributing to artwork longevity. 20) Beautiful Paintings: Ideal for creating beautiful artwork for weddings, gifts, and more. 21) Vibrant Colors: Provides a textured surface that results in extraordinary vibrant colors. 22) Technique Experimentation: Offers both smooth and textured surfaces for experimentation with different techniques. 23) Creative Possibilities: Versatile enough for painting, sketching, printmaking, or drawing. 24) Durable & Easy: Smooth edges and easy tear sheets ensure no damage to artwork. 25) Professional Look: Provides a professional appearance for watercolor paintings. 26) Unique Artisan Touch: Innovative artisan paper adds a unique touch to artwork. 27) Added Protection: High-quality material ensures artwork longevity and protection. 28) Budget-friendly: Cost-effective paper for budget-conscious artists. 29) Quality Assurance: Highest grade of watercolor paper available, providing quality assurance and contributing to artistic confidence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to search for presence of above Benefits in below information of listing: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Title: {}\n bullet_str: {}\n Legacy Product Description: {}\n A+ Description: {}\n Image_text: {}\n backend_search_terms: {}\n ------------------------------------- Please carefully read the given information of listing and create Benefits present matrix. if Benefit is present then you have to mark it using 1 and if absent leave empty. please create in table format. note, only present Benefits should be covered. please include benefit name in the table. You have to explain at the end where did you find the present Benefits. also once table is ready create one json that I can easily load in pandas df """.format(title, bullet_str, legacy_desc, a_plus_desc, image_text_string, backend_search_terms) prompt = st.text_area("Edit the prompt:", value=default_prompt, height=200) # If the user has input a URL, fetch the data from Google Sheets if st.button('generate'): messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant"}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt} ] model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) benefit_mapping= model_response st.session_state.feature_mapping = benefit_mapping st.write(benefit_mapping) import textwrap from gspread_dataframe import get_as_dataframe # def page_combined_features_and_benefits(): # st.title('combined features and benefits') # gc = gspread.service_account_from_dict(credentials_dict) # # Use a text area for URLs input # sheet_urls_input = st.text_area('Enter the URLs of your Google Sheets, each on a new line') # sheet_urls = sheet_urls_input.split('\n') # split input into a list of URLs # if sheet_urls: # st.write('You entered these URLs:') # for url in sheet_urls: # st.write(url) # models = ["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4", "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"] # selected_model = st.selectbox("Choose a model:", models) # user_char_limit = st.number_input("Enter character limit for chunk:", value=9000, step=500) # all_feature_benefit_strings = [] # if st.button('generate'): # # Read all features and benefits from all sheets separately # for sheet_url in sheet_urls: # feature_benefit_strings = [] # sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] # sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) # worksheet_name = 'top_features_benefits' # worksheet = sheet.worksheet(worksheet_name) # df = get_as_dataframe(worksheet).dropna(how='all') # for _, row in df.iterrows(): # feature_benefit_strings.append(f"{row['Type']} {row['Theme']}: {row['Description']}") # # Process the strings for each sheet separately # chunk_string = "\n".join(feature_benefit_strings) # if len(chunk_string) <= user_char_limit: # messages = [ # {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant."}, # {"role": "user", "content": f"from below features and benefits, please get top 25 features and benefits. top features or benefits are those which are more prominenent/repeated. please create 2 sections each for features and benefits in your response\n{chunk_string}"} # ] # model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) # processed_strings = model_response # all_feature_benefit_strings.append(processed_strings) # # Check if the length of the final string is less than the user-defined character limit # final_string = "\n".join(all_feature_benefit_strings) # #st.write(final_string) # while len(final_string) > user_char_limit: # chunks = textwrap.wrap(final_string, user_char_limit) # all_processed_strings = [] # for chunk in chunks: # messages = [ # {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant."}, # {"role": "user", "content": f"from below features and benefits, please get top 25 features and benefits. top features or benefits are those which are more prominenent/repeated. please create 2 sections each for features and benefits in your response\n{chunk}"} # ] # model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) # processed_strings = model_response # all_processed_strings.append(processed_strings) # final_string = "\n".join(all_processed_strings) # # Run the final prompt # messages = [ # {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant."}, # {"role": "user", "content": f"from below features and benefits, please get top 30 features and top 30 benefits. top features or benefits are those which are more prominenent/repeated. please create 2 sections each for features and benefits in your response\n{final_string}"} # ] # final_model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) # st.write('final response') # st.write(final_model_response) # if page == 'combined features and benefits': # page_combined_features_and_benefits() # import textwrap # from gspread_dataframe import get_as_dataframe def page_combined_features_and_benefits(): st.title('combined features and benefits') #gc = gspread.service_account(filename='arctic-rite-381810-b124ba8c96a9.json') gc = gspread.service_account_from_dict(credentials_dict) #gc = gspread.service_account_from_dict(credentials_dict) # Use a text area for URLs input sheet_urls_input = st.text_area('Enter the URLs of your Google Sheets, each on a new line') sheet_urls = sheet_urls_input.split('\n') # split input into a list of URLs if sheet_urls: st.write('You entered these URLs:') for url in sheet_urls: st.write(url) models = ["gpt-3.5-turbo","gpt-4-0125-preview", "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125" ] selected_model = st.selectbox("Choose a model:", models) user_char_limit = st.number_input("Enter character limit for chunk:", value=9000, step=500) # Provide a default message for user to edit for final prompt default_message = "From below features and benefits, please get top 30 features and top 30 benefits. Top features or benefits are those which are more prominent/repeated. Please create 2 sections each for features and benefits in your response\n{}" user_message = st.text_area("Edit the final message to be sent:", default_message) all_feature_benefit_strings = [] if st.button('generate'): # Read all features and benefits from all sheets separately for sheet_url in sheet_urls: feature_benefit_strings = [] sheet_id = sheet_url.split('/')[5] sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id) worksheet_name = 'top_features_benefits' worksheet = sheet.worksheet(worksheet_name) df = get_as_dataframe(worksheet).dropna(how='all') for _, row in df.iterrows(): feature_benefit_strings.append(f"{row['Type']} {row['Theme']}: {row['Description']}") # Process the strings for each sheet separately chunk_string = "\n".join(feature_benefit_strings) if len(chunk_string) <= user_char_limit: messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant."}, {"role": "user", "content": f"from below features and benefits, please get top 25 features and benefits. top features or benefits are those which are more prominenent/repeated. please create 2 sections each for features and benefits in your response\n{chunk_string}"} ] model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) processed_strings = model_response all_feature_benefit_strings.append(processed_strings) # Check if the length of the final string is less than the user-defined character limit final_string = "\n".join(all_feature_benefit_strings) # Run the final prompt messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are helpful assistant."}, {"role": "user", "content": user_message.format(final_string)} ] final_model_response = get_chatgpt_response(messages, selected_model) st.write('final response') st.write(final_model_response) if page == 'combined features and benefits': page_combined_features_and_benefits()