from pathlib import Path import json from math import sqrt import numpy as np import torch from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod class ScoreAdapter(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def denoise(self, xs, σ, **kwargs): pass def score(self, xs, σ, **kwargs): Ds = self.denoise(xs, σ, **kwargs) grad_log_p_t = (Ds - xs) / (σ ** 2) return grad_log_p_t @abstractmethod def data_shape(self): return (3, 256, 256) # for example def samps_centered(self): # if centered, samples expected to be in range [-1, 1], else [0, 1] return True @property @abstractmethod def σ_max(self): pass @property @abstractmethod def σ_min(self): pass def cond_info(self, batch_size): return {} @abstractmethod def unet_is_cond(self): return False @abstractmethod def use_cls_guidance(self): return False # most models do not use cls guidance def classifier_grad(self, xs, σ, ys): raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def snap_t_to_nearest_tick(self, t): # need to confirm for each model; continuous time model doesn't need this return t, None @property def device(self): return self._device def checkpoint_root(self): """the path at which the pretrained checkpoints are stored""" with Path(__file__).resolve().with_name("env.json").open("r") as f: root = json.load(f)['data_root'] root = Path(root) / "diffusion_ckpts" return root def karras_t_schedule(ρ=7, N=10, σ_max=80, σ_min=0.002): ts = [] for i in range(N): t = ( σ_max ** (1 / ρ) + (i / (N - 1)) * (σ_min ** (1 / ρ) - σ_max ** (1 / ρ)) ) ** ρ ts.append(t) return ts def power_schedule(σ_max, σ_min, num_stages): σs = np.exp(np.linspace(np.log(σ_max), np.log(σ_min), num_stages)) return σs class Karras(): @classmethod @torch.no_grad() def inference( cls, model, batch_size, num_t, *, σ_max=80, cls_scaling=1, init_xs=None, heun=True, langevin=False, S_churn=80, S_min=0.05, S_max=50, S_noise=1.003, ): σ_max = min(σ_max, model.σ_max) σ_min = model.σ_min ts = karras_t_schedule(ρ=7, N=num_t, σ_max=σ_max, σ_min=σ_min) assert len(ts) == num_t ts = [model.snap_t_to_nearest_tick(t)[0] for t in ts] ts.append(0) # 0 is the destination σ_max = ts[0] cond_inputs = model.cond_info(batch_size) def compute_step(xs, σ): grad_log_p_t = model.score( xs, σ, **(cond_inputs if model.unet_is_cond() else {}) ) if model.use_cls_guidance(): grad_cls = model.classifier_grad(xs, σ, cond_inputs["y"]) grad_cls = grad_cls * cls_scaling grad_log_p_t += grad_cls d_i = -1 * σ * grad_log_p_t return d_i if init_xs is not None: xs = else: xs = σ_max * torch.randn( batch_size, *model.data_shape(), device=model.device ) yield xs for i in range(num_t): t_i = ts[i] if langevin and (S_min < t_i and t_i < S_max): xs, t_i = cls.noise_backward_in_time( model, xs, t_i, S_noise, S_churn / num_t ) Δt = ts[i+1] - t_i d_1 = compute_step(xs, σ=t_i) xs_1 = xs + Δt * d_1 # Heun's 2nd order method; don't apply on the last step if (not heun) or (ts[i+1] == 0): xs = xs_1 else: d_2 = compute_step(xs_1, σ=ts[i+1]) xs = xs + Δt * (d_1 + d_2) / 2 yield xs @staticmethod def noise_backward_in_time(model, xs, t_i, S_noise, S_churn_i): n = S_noise * torch.randn_like(xs) γ_i = min(sqrt(2)-1, S_churn_i) t_i_hat = t_i * (1 + γ_i) t_i_hat = model.snap_t_to_nearest_tick(t_i_hat)[0] xs = xs + n * sqrt(t_i_hat ** 2 - t_i ** 2) return xs, t_i_hat def test(): pass if __name__ == "__main__": test()