[ { "question": "How do you stay updated on the latest trends in data analytics and machine learning?", "type": "Behavioral", "answer/intent": "The intent behind this question is to understand the candidate's approach to continuous learning in a rapidly evolving field. Look for keywords such as stay updated, research papers, reputable blogs, and online communities." }, { "question": "How do you approach explaining complex data findings to non-technical stakeholders?", "type": "Behavioral", "answer/intent": "The intent behind this question is to evaluate the candidate's communication skills and ability to convey complex information to non-technical stakeholders. Look for keywords such as explain complex data, visualizations, storytelling, and business impact." }, { "question": "How do you contribute to creating a positive and collaborative team environment?", "type": "Cultural Fit", "answer/intent": "The intent behind this question is to assess the candidate's teamwork and collaboration skills. Look for keywords such as positive team environment, collaboration, and open communication." } ]