import gradio as gr import pandas as pd from pathlib import Path from datasets import load_dataset import os from huggingface_hub import HfApi, Repository import numpy as np api = HfApi() COLLAB_TOKEN = os.environ.get("COLLAB_TOKEN") evals_repo = "ai2-rlhf-collab/rm-benchmark-results" BASE_DIR = "./evals/" # def restart_space(): # api.restart_space(repo_id="ai2-rlhf-collab/rm-benchmark-viewer", token=COLLAB_TOKEN) # From Open LLM Leaderboard def model_hyperlink(link, model_name): return f'{model_name}' print("Pulling evaluation results") repo = Repository( local_dir=BASE_DIR, clone_from=evals_repo, use_auth_token=COLLAB_TOKEN, repo_type="dataset", ) repo.git_pull() # Define a function to fetch and process data def fetch_and_display_data(): # use HF api to pull the git repo dir = Path(BASE_DIR) data_dir = dir / "data" orgs = [d for d in os.listdir(data_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(data_dir, d))] # get all files within the sub folders orgs models_results = [] for org in orgs: org_dir = data_dir / org files = [f for f in os.listdir(org_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(org_dir, f))] for file in files: if file.endswith(".json"): models_results.append(org + "/" + file) # create empty dataframe to add all data to df = pd.DataFrame() # load all json data in the list models_results one by one to avoid not having the same entries for model in models_results: model_data = load_dataset("json", data_files=BASE_DIR + "data/" + model, split="train") df2 = pd.DataFrame(model_data) # add to df df = pd.concat([df2, df]) # remove chat_template comlumn df = df.drop(columns=["chat_template"]) # move column "model" to the front cols = list(df.columns) cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index('model'))) df = df.loc[:, cols] # select all columns except "model" cols = df.columns.tolist() cols.remove("model") # round df[cols] = df[cols].round(2) avg = np.mean(df[cols].values,axis=1).round(2) # add average column df["average"] = avg # apply model_hyperlink function to column "model" df["model"] = df["model"].apply(lambda x: model_hyperlink(f"{x}", x)) # move average column to the second cols = list(df.columns) cols.insert(1, cols.pop(cols.index('average'))) df = df.loc[:, cols] return df benchmark_text = """ # HERM Results Viewer We compute the win percentage for a reward model on hand curated chosen-rejected pairs for each prompt. A win is when the score for the chosen response is higher than the score for the rejected response. ### Subset summary | Subset | Num. Samples (Pre-filtering, post-filtering) | Description | | :--------------------- | :------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------- | | alpacaeval-easy | 805 | Great model vs poor model | | alpacaeval-length | 805 | Good model vs low model, equal length | | alpacaeval-hard | 805 | Great model vs baseline model | | mt-bench-easy | 28, 28 | MT Bench 10s vs 1s | | mt-bench-medium | 45, 40 | MT Bench 9s vs 2-5s | | mt-bench-hard | 45, 37 | MT Bench 7-8 vs 5-6 | | refusals-dangerous | 505 | Dangerous response vs no response | | refusals-offensive | 704 | Offensive response vs no response | | llmbar-natural | 100 | (See [paper]( Manually curated instruction pairs | | llmbar-adver-neighbor | 134 | (See [paper]( Instruction response vs. off-topic prompt response | | llmbar-adver-GPTInst | 92 | (See [paper]( Instruction response vs. GPT4 generated off-topic prompt response | | llmbar-adver-GPTOut | 47 | (See [paper]( Instruction response vs. unhelpful-prompted GPT4 responses | | llmbar-adver-manual | 46 | (See [paper]( Challenge set chosen vs. rejected | | XSTest | 450 | TODO curate | | (?) repetitiveness | | | | (?) grammar | | | For more details, see the [dataset]( """ leaderboard_data = fetch_and_display_data() col_types = ["markdown"] + ["number"] * (len(leaderboard_data.columns) - 1) with gr.Blocks() as app: with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown(benchmark_text) with gr.Row(): output_table = gr.Dataframe( leaderboard_data.values, datatype=col_types, headers=leaderboard_data.columns.tolist(), elem_id="leaderboard_dataframe", ) # Load data when app starts def load_data_on_start(): data = fetch_and_display_data() output_table.update(data) app.launch()