import argparse import json import logging import os import pprint from collections import Counter, defaultdict, namedtuple from dataclasses import dataclass from itertools import chain from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Set, Tuple import numpy as np import torch from BERT_rationale_benchmark.utils import (Annotation, Evidence, annotations_from_jsonl, load_documents, load_flattened_documents, load_jsonl) from scipy.stats import entropy from sklearn.metrics import (accuracy_score, auc, average_precision_score, classification_report, precision_recall_curve, roc_auc_score) logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(relativeCreated)6d %(threadName)s %(message)s" ) # start_token is inclusive, end_token is exclusive @dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class Rationale: ann_id: str docid: str start_token: int end_token: int def to_token_level(self) -> List["Rationale"]: ret = [] for t in range(self.start_token, self.end_token): ret.append(Rationale(self.ann_id, self.docid, t, t + 1)) return ret @classmethod def from_annotation(cls, ann: Annotation) -> List["Rationale"]: ret = [] for ev_group in ann.evidences: for ev in ev_group: ret.append( Rationale(ann.annotation_id, ev.docid, ev.start_token, ev.end_token) ) return ret @classmethod def from_instance(cls, inst: dict) -> List["Rationale"]: ret = [] for rat in inst["rationales"]: for pred in rat.get("hard_rationale_predictions", []): ret.append( Rationale( inst["annotation_id"], rat["docid"], pred["start_token"], pred["end_token"], ) ) return ret @dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class PositionScoredDocument: ann_id: str docid: str scores: Tuple[float] truths: Tuple[bool] @classmethod def from_results( cls, instances: List[dict], annotations: List[Annotation], docs: Dict[str, List[Any]], use_tokens: bool = True, ) -> List["PositionScoredDocument"]: """Creates a paired list of annotation ids/docids/predictions/truth values""" key_to_annotation = dict() for ann in annotations: for ev in chain.from_iterable(ann.evidences): key = (ann.annotation_id, ev.docid) if key not in key_to_annotation: key_to_annotation[key] = [False for _ in docs[ev.docid]] if use_tokens: start, end = ev.start_token, ev.end_token else: start, end = ev.start_sentence, ev.end_sentence for t in range(start, end): key_to_annotation[key][t] = True ret = [] if use_tokens: field = "soft_rationale_predictions" else: field = "soft_sentence_predictions" for inst in instances: for rat in inst["rationales"]: docid = rat["docid"] scores = rat[field] key = (inst["annotation_id"], docid) assert len(scores) == len(docs[docid]) if key in key_to_annotation: assert len(scores) == len(key_to_annotation[key]) else: # In case model makes a prediction on docuemnt(s) for which ground truth evidence is not present key_to_annotation[key] = [False for _ in docs[docid]] ret.append( PositionScoredDocument( inst["annotation_id"], docid, tuple(scores), tuple(key_to_annotation[key]), ) ) return ret def _f1(_p, _r): if _p == 0 or _r == 0: return 0 return 2 * _p * _r / (_p + _r) def _keyed_rationale_from_list( rats: List[Rationale], ) -> Dict[Tuple[str, str], Rationale]: ret = defaultdict(set) for r in rats: ret[(r.ann_id, r.docid)].add(r) return ret def partial_match_score( truth: List[Rationale], pred: List[Rationale], thresholds: List[float] ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Computes a partial match F1 Computes an instance-level (annotation) micro- and macro-averaged F1 score. True Positives are computed by using intersection-over-union and thresholding the resulting intersection-over-union fraction. Micro-average results are computed by ignoring instance level distinctions in the TP calculation (and recall, and precision, and finally the F1 of those numbers). Macro-average results are computed first by measuring instance (annotation + document) precisions and recalls, averaging those, and finally computing an F1 of the resulting average. """ ann_to_rat = _keyed_rationale_from_list(truth) pred_to_rat = _keyed_rationale_from_list(pred) num_classifications = {k: len(v) for k, v in pred_to_rat.items()} num_truth = {k: len(v) for k, v in ann_to_rat.items()} ious = defaultdict(dict) for k in set(ann_to_rat.keys()) | set(pred_to_rat.keys()): for p in pred_to_rat.get(k, []): best_iou = 0.0 for t in ann_to_rat.get(k, []): num = len( set(range(p.start_token, p.end_token)) & set(range(t.start_token, t.end_token)) ) denom = len( set(range(p.start_token, p.end_token)) | set(range(t.start_token, t.end_token)) ) iou = 0 if denom == 0 else num / denom if iou > best_iou: best_iou = iou ious[k][p] = best_iou scores = [] for threshold in thresholds: threshold_tps = dict() for k, vs in ious.items(): threshold_tps[k] = sum(int(x >= threshold) for x in vs.values()) micro_r = ( sum(threshold_tps.values()) / sum(num_truth.values()) if sum(num_truth.values()) > 0 else 0 ) micro_p = ( sum(threshold_tps.values()) / sum(num_classifications.values()) if sum(num_classifications.values()) > 0 else 0 ) micro_f1 = _f1(micro_r, micro_p) macro_rs = list( threshold_tps.get(k, 0.0) / n if n > 0 else 0 for k, n in num_truth.items() ) macro_ps = list( threshold_tps.get(k, 0.0) / n if n > 0 else 0 for k, n in num_classifications.items() ) macro_r = sum(macro_rs) / len(macro_rs) if len(macro_rs) > 0 else 0 macro_p = sum(macro_ps) / len(macro_ps) if len(macro_ps) > 0 else 0 macro_f1 = _f1(macro_r, macro_p) scores.append( { "threshold": threshold, "micro": {"p": micro_p, "r": micro_r, "f1": micro_f1}, "macro": {"p": macro_p, "r": macro_r, "f1": macro_f1}, } ) return scores def score_hard_rationale_predictions( truth: List[Rationale], pred: List[Rationale] ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]: """Computes instance (annotation)-level micro/macro averaged F1s""" scores = dict() truth = set(truth) pred = set(pred) micro_prec = len(truth & pred) / len(pred) micro_rec = len(truth & pred) / len(truth) micro_f1 = _f1(micro_prec, micro_rec) scores["instance_micro"] = { "p": micro_prec, "r": micro_rec, "f1": micro_f1, } ann_to_rat = _keyed_rationale_from_list(truth) pred_to_rat = _keyed_rationale_from_list(pred) instances_to_scores = dict() for k in set(ann_to_rat.keys()) | (pred_to_rat.keys()): if len(pred_to_rat.get(k, set())) > 0: instance_prec = len( ann_to_rat.get(k, set()) & pred_to_rat.get(k, set()) ) / len(pred_to_rat[k]) else: instance_prec = 0 if len(ann_to_rat.get(k, set())) > 0: instance_rec = len( ann_to_rat.get(k, set()) & pred_to_rat.get(k, set()) ) / len(ann_to_rat[k]) else: instance_rec = 0 instance_f1 = _f1(instance_prec, instance_rec) instances_to_scores[k] = { "p": instance_prec, "r": instance_rec, "f1": instance_f1, } # these are calculated as sklearn would macro_prec = sum(instance["p"] for instance in instances_to_scores.values()) / len( instances_to_scores ) macro_rec = sum(instance["r"] for instance in instances_to_scores.values()) / len( instances_to_scores ) macro_f1 = sum(instance["f1"] for instance in instances_to_scores.values()) / len( instances_to_scores ) f1_scores = [instance["f1"] for instance in instances_to_scores.values()] print(macro_f1, np.argsort(f1_scores)[::-1]) scores["instance_macro"] = { "p": macro_prec, "r": macro_rec, "f1": macro_f1, } return scores def _auprc(truth: Dict[Any, List[bool]], preds: Dict[Any, List[float]]) -> float: if len(preds) == 0: return 0.0 assert len(truth.keys() and preds.keys()) == len(truth.keys()) aucs = [] for k, true in truth.items(): pred = preds[k] true = [int(t) for t in true] precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(true, pred) aucs.append(auc(recall, precision)) return np.average(aucs) def _score_aggregator( truth: Dict[Any, List[bool]], preds: Dict[Any, List[float]], score_function: Callable[[List[float], List[float]], float], discard_single_class_answers: bool, ) -> float: if len(preds) == 0: return 0.0 assert len(truth.keys() and preds.keys()) == len(truth.keys()) scores = [] for k, true in truth.items(): pred = preds[k] if (all(true) or all(not x for x in true)) and discard_single_class_answers: continue true = [int(t) for t in true] scores.append(score_function(true, pred)) return np.average(scores) def score_soft_tokens(paired_scores: List[PositionScoredDocument]) -> Dict[str, float]: truth = {(ps.ann_id, ps.docid): ps.truths for ps in paired_scores} pred = {(ps.ann_id, ps.docid): ps.scores for ps in paired_scores} auprc_score = _auprc(truth, pred) ap = _score_aggregator(truth, pred, average_precision_score, True) roc_auc = _score_aggregator(truth, pred, roc_auc_score, True) return { "auprc": auprc_score, "average_precision": ap, "roc_auc_score": roc_auc, } def _instances_aopc( instances: List[dict], thresholds: List[float], key: str ) -> Tuple[float, List[float]]: dataset_scores = [] for inst in instances: kls = inst["classification"] beta_0 = inst["classification_scores"][kls] instance_scores = [] for score in filter( lambda x: x["threshold"] in thresholds, sorted(inst["thresholded_scores"], key=lambda x: x["threshold"]), ): beta_k = score[key][kls] delta = beta_0 - beta_k instance_scores.append(delta) assert len(instance_scores) == len(thresholds) dataset_scores.append(instance_scores) dataset_scores = np.array(dataset_scores) # a careful reading of Samek, et al. "Evaluating the Visualization of What a Deep Neural Network Has Learned" # and some algebra will show the reader that we can average in any of several ways and get the same result: # over a flattened array, within an instance and then between instances, or over instances (by position) an # then across them. final_score = np.average(dataset_scores) position_scores = np.average(dataset_scores, axis=0).tolist() return final_score, position_scores def compute_aopc_scores(instances: List[dict], aopc_thresholds: List[float]): if aopc_thresholds is None: aopc_thresholds = sorted( set( chain.from_iterable( [x["threshold"] for x in y["thresholded_scores"]] for y in instances ) ) ) aopc_comprehensiveness_score, aopc_comprehensiveness_points = _instances_aopc( instances, aopc_thresholds, "comprehensiveness_classification_scores" ) aopc_sufficiency_score, aopc_sufficiency_points = _instances_aopc( instances, aopc_thresholds, "sufficiency_classification_scores" ) return ( aopc_thresholds, aopc_comprehensiveness_score, aopc_comprehensiveness_points, aopc_sufficiency_score, aopc_sufficiency_points, ) def score_classifications( instances: List[dict], annotations: List[Annotation], docs: Dict[str, List[str]], aopc_thresholds: List[float], ) -> Dict[str, float]: def compute_kl(cls_scores_, faith_scores_): keys = list(cls_scores_.keys()) cls_scores_ = [cls_scores_[k] for k in keys] faith_scores_ = [faith_scores_[k] for k in keys] return entropy(faith_scores_, cls_scores_) labels = list(set(x.classification for x in annotations)) label_to_int = {l: i for i, l in enumerate(labels)} key_to_instances = {inst["annotation_id"]: inst for inst in instances} truth = [] predicted = [] for ann in annotations: truth.append(label_to_int[ann.classification]) inst = key_to_instances[ann.annotation_id] predicted.append(label_to_int[inst["classification"]]) classification_scores = classification_report( truth, predicted, output_dict=True, target_names=labels, digits=3 ) accuracy = accuracy_score(truth, predicted) if "comprehensiveness_classification_scores" in instances[0]: comprehensiveness_scores = [ x["classification_scores"][x["classification"]] - x["comprehensiveness_classification_scores"][x["classification"]] for x in instances ] comprehensiveness_score = np.average(comprehensiveness_scores) else: comprehensiveness_score = None comprehensiveness_scores = None if "sufficiency_classification_scores" in instances[0]: sufficiency_scores = [ x["classification_scores"][x["classification"]] - x["sufficiency_classification_scores"][x["classification"]] for x in instances ] sufficiency_score = np.average(sufficiency_scores) else: sufficiency_score = None sufficiency_scores = None if "comprehensiveness_classification_scores" in instances[0]: comprehensiveness_entropies = [ entropy(list(x["classification_scores"].values())) - entropy(list(x["comprehensiveness_classification_scores"].values())) for x in instances ] comprehensiveness_entropy = np.average(comprehensiveness_entropies) comprehensiveness_kl = np.average( list( compute_kl( x["classification_scores"], x["comprehensiveness_classification_scores"], ) for x in instances ) ) else: comprehensiveness_entropies = None comprehensiveness_kl = None comprehensiveness_entropy = None if "sufficiency_classification_scores" in instances[0]: sufficiency_entropies = [ entropy(list(x["classification_scores"].values())) - entropy(list(x["sufficiency_classification_scores"].values())) for x in instances ] sufficiency_entropy = np.average(sufficiency_entropies) sufficiency_kl = np.average( list( compute_kl( x["classification_scores"], x["sufficiency_classification_scores"] ) for x in instances ) ) else: sufficiency_entropies = None sufficiency_kl = None sufficiency_entropy = None if "thresholded_scores" in instances[0]: ( aopc_thresholds, aopc_comprehensiveness_score, aopc_comprehensiveness_points, aopc_sufficiency_score, aopc_sufficiency_points, ) = compute_aopc_scores(instances, aopc_thresholds) else: ( aopc_thresholds, aopc_comprehensiveness_score, aopc_comprehensiveness_points, aopc_sufficiency_score, aopc_sufficiency_points, ) = (None, None, None, None, None) if "tokens_to_flip" in instances[0]: token_percentages = [] for ann in annotations: # in practice, this is of size 1 for everything except e-snli docids = set(ev.docid for ev in chain.from_iterable(ann.evidences)) inst = key_to_instances[ann.annotation_id] tokens = inst["tokens_to_flip"] doc_lengths = sum(len(docs[d]) for d in docids) token_percentages.append(tokens / doc_lengths) token_percentages = np.average(token_percentages) else: token_percentages = None return { "accuracy": accuracy, "prf": classification_scores, "comprehensiveness": comprehensiveness_score, "sufficiency": sufficiency_score, "comprehensiveness_entropy": comprehensiveness_entropy, "comprehensiveness_kl": comprehensiveness_kl, "sufficiency_entropy": sufficiency_entropy, "sufficiency_kl": sufficiency_kl, "aopc_thresholds": aopc_thresholds, "comprehensiveness_aopc": aopc_comprehensiveness_score, "comprehensiveness_aopc_points": aopc_comprehensiveness_points, "sufficiency_aopc": aopc_sufficiency_score, "sufficiency_aopc_points": aopc_sufficiency_points, } def verify_instance(instance: dict, docs: Dict[str, list], thresholds: Set[float]): error = False docids = [] # verify the internal structure of these instances is correct: # * hard predictions are present # * start and end tokens are valid # * soft rationale predictions, if present, must have the same document length for rat in instance["rationales"]: docid = rat["docid"] if docid not in docid: error = True f'Error! For instance annotation={instance["annotation_id"]}, docid={docid} could not be found as a preprocessed document! Gave up on additional processing.' ) continue doc_length = len(docs[docid]) for h1 in rat.get("hard_rationale_predictions", []): # verify that each token is valid # verify that no annotations overlap for h2 in rat.get("hard_rationale_predictions", []): if h1 == h2: continue if ( len( set(range(h1["start_token"], h1["end_token"])) & set(range(h2["start_token"], h2["end_token"])) ) > 0 ): f'Error! For instance annotation={instance["annotation_id"]}, docid={docid} {h1} and {h2} overlap!' ) error = True if h1["start_token"] > doc_length: f'Error! For instance annotation={instance["annotation_id"]}, docid={docid} received an impossible tokenspan: {h1} for a document of length {doc_length}' ) error = True if h1["end_token"] > doc_length: f'Error! For instance annotation={instance["annotation_id"]}, docid={docid} received an impossible tokenspan: {h1} for a document of length {doc_length}' ) error = True # length check for soft rationale # note that either flattened_documents or sentence-broken documents must be passed in depending on result soft_rationale_predictions = rat.get("soft_rationale_predictions", []) if ( len(soft_rationale_predictions) > 0 and len(soft_rationale_predictions) != doc_length ): f'Error! For instance annotation={instance["annotation_id"]}, docid={docid} expected classifications for {doc_length} tokens but have them for {len(soft_rationale_predictions)} tokens instead!' ) error = True # count that one appears per-document docids = Counter(docids) for docid, count in docids.items(): if count > 1: error = True 'Error! For instance annotation={instance["annotation_id"]}, docid={docid} appear {count} times, may only appear once!' ) classification = instance.get("classification", "") if not isinstance(classification, str): f'Error! For instance annotation={instance["annotation_id"]}, classification field {classification} is not a string!' ) error = True classification_scores = instance.get("classification_scores", dict()) if not isinstance(classification_scores, dict): f'Error! For instance annotation={instance["annotation_id"]}, classification_scores field {classification_scores} is not a dict!' ) error = True comprehensiveness_classification_scores = instance.get( "comprehensiveness_classification_scores", dict() ) if not isinstance(comprehensiveness_classification_scores, dict): f'Error! For instance annotation={instance["annotation_id"]}, comprehensiveness_classification_scores field {comprehensiveness_classification_scores} is not a dict!' ) error = True sufficiency_classification_scores = instance.get( "sufficiency_classification_scores", dict() ) if not isinstance(sufficiency_classification_scores, dict): f'Error! For instance annotation={instance["annotation_id"]}, sufficiency_classification_scores field {sufficiency_classification_scores} is not a dict!' ) error = True if ("classification" in instance) != ("classification_scores" in instance): f'Error! For instance annotation={instance["annotation_id"]}, when providing a classification, you must also provide classification scores!' ) error = True if ("comprehensiveness_classification_scores" in instance) and not ( "classification" in instance ): f'Error! For instance annotation={instance["annotation_id"]}, when providing a classification, you must also provide a comprehensiveness_classification_score' ) error = True if ("sufficiency_classification_scores" in instance) and not ( "classification_scores" in instance ): f'Error! For instance annotation={instance["annotation_id"]}, when providing a sufficiency_classification_score, you must also provide a classification score!' ) error = True if "thresholded_scores" in instance: instance_thresholds = set( x["threshold"] for x in instance["thresholded_scores"] ) if instance_thresholds != thresholds: error = True 'Error: {instance["thresholded_scores"]} has thresholds that differ from previous thresholds: {thresholds}' ) if ( "comprehensiveness_classification_scores" not in instance or "sufficiency_classification_scores" not in instance or "classification" not in instance or "classification_scores" not in instance ): error = True "Error: {instance} must have comprehensiveness_classification_scores, sufficiency_classification_scores, classification, and classification_scores defined when including thresholded scores" ) if not all( "sufficiency_classification_scores" in x for x in instance["thresholded_scores"] ): error = True "Error: {instance} must have sufficiency_classification_scores for every threshold" ) if not all( "comprehensiveness_classification_scores" in x for x in instance["thresholded_scores"] ): error = True "Error: {instance} must have comprehensiveness_classification_scores for every threshold" ) return error def verify_instances(instances: List[dict], docs: Dict[str, list]): annotation_ids = list(x["annotation_id"] for x in instances) key_counter = Counter(annotation_ids) multi_occurrence_annotation_ids = list( filter(lambda kv: kv[1] > 1, key_counter.items()) ) error = False if len(multi_occurrence_annotation_ids) > 0: error = True f"Error in instances: {len(multi_occurrence_annotation_ids)} appear multiple times in the annotations file: {multi_occurrence_annotation_ids}" ) failed_validation = set() instances_with_classification = list() instances_with_soft_rationale_predictions = list() instances_with_soft_sentence_predictions = list() instances_with_comprehensiveness_classifications = list() instances_with_sufficiency_classifications = list() instances_with_thresholded_scores = list() if "thresholded_scores" in instances[0]: thresholds = set(x["threshold"] for x in instances[0]["thresholded_scores"]) else: thresholds = None for instance in instances: instance_error = verify_instance(instance, docs, thresholds) if instance_error: error = True failed_validation.add(instance["annotation_id"]) if instance.get("classification", None) != None: instances_with_classification.append(instance) if instance.get("comprehensiveness_classification_scores", None) != None: instances_with_comprehensiveness_classifications.append(instance) if instance.get("sufficiency_classification_scores", None) != None: instances_with_sufficiency_classifications.append(instance) has_soft_rationales = [] has_soft_sentences = [] for rat in instance["rationales"]: if rat.get("soft_rationale_predictions", None) != None: has_soft_rationales.append(rat) if rat.get("soft_sentence_predictions", None) != None: has_soft_sentences.append(rat) if len(has_soft_rationales) > 0: instances_with_soft_rationale_predictions.append(instance) if len(has_soft_rationales) != len(instance["rationales"]): error = True f'Error: instance {instance["annotation"]} has soft rationales for some but not all reported documents!' ) if len(has_soft_sentences) > 0: instances_with_soft_sentence_predictions.append(instance) if len(has_soft_sentences) != len(instance["rationales"]): error = True f'Error: instance {instance["annotation"]} has soft sentences for some but not all reported documents!' ) if "thresholded_scores" in instance: instances_with_thresholded_scores.append(instance) f"Error in instances: {len(failed_validation)} instances fail validation: {failed_validation}" ) if len(instances_with_classification) != 0 and len( instances_with_classification ) != len(instances): f"Either all {len(instances)} must have a classification or none may, instead {len(instances_with_classification)} do!" ) error = True if len(instances_with_soft_sentence_predictions) != 0 and len( instances_with_soft_sentence_predictions ) != len(instances): f"Either all {len(instances)} must have a sentence prediction or none may, instead {len(instances_with_soft_sentence_predictions)} do!" ) error = True if len(instances_with_soft_rationale_predictions) != 0 and len( instances_with_soft_rationale_predictions ) != len(instances): f"Either all {len(instances)} must have a soft rationale prediction or none may, instead {len(instances_with_soft_rationale_predictions)} do!" ) error = True if len(instances_with_comprehensiveness_classifications) != 0 and len( instances_with_comprehensiveness_classifications ) != len(instances): error = True f"Either all {len(instances)} must have a comprehensiveness classification or none may, instead {len(instances_with_comprehensiveness_classifications)} do!" ) if len(instances_with_sufficiency_classifications) != 0 and len( instances_with_sufficiency_classifications ) != len(instances): error = True f"Either all {len(instances)} must have a sufficiency classification or none may, instead {len(instances_with_sufficiency_classifications)} do!" ) if len(instances_with_thresholded_scores) != 0 and len( instances_with_thresholded_scores ) != len(instances): error = True f"Either all {len(instances)} must have thresholded scores or none may, instead {len(instances_with_thresholded_scores)} do!" ) if error: raise ValueError( "Some instances are invalid, please fix your formatting and try again" ) def _has_hard_predictions(results: List[dict]) -> bool: # assumes that we have run "verification" over the inputs return ( "rationales" in results[0] and len(results[0]["rationales"]) > 0 and "hard_rationale_predictions" in results[0]["rationales"][0] and results[0]["rationales"][0]["hard_rationale_predictions"] is not None and len(results[0]["rationales"][0]["hard_rationale_predictions"]) > 0 ) def _has_soft_predictions(results: List[dict]) -> bool: # assumes that we have run "verification" over the inputs return ( "rationales" in results[0] and len(results[0]["rationales"]) > 0 and "soft_rationale_predictions" in results[0]["rationales"][0] and results[0]["rationales"][0]["soft_rationale_predictions"] is not None ) def _has_soft_sentence_predictions(results: List[dict]) -> bool: # assumes that we have run "verification" over the inputs return ( "rationales" in results[0] and len(results[0]["rationales"]) > 0 and "soft_sentence_predictions" in results[0]["rationales"][0] and results[0]["rationales"][0]["soft_sentence_predictions"] is not None ) def _has_classifications(results: List[dict]) -> bool: # assumes that we have run "verification" over the inputs return "classification" in results[0] and results[0]["classification"] is not None def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="""Computes rationale and final class classification scores""", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "--data_dir", dest="data_dir", required=True, help="Which directory contains a {train,val,test}.jsonl file?", ) parser.add_argument( "--split", dest="split", required=True, help="Which of {train,val,test} are we scoring on?", ) parser.add_argument( "--strict", dest="strict", required=False, action="store_true", default=False, help="Do we perform strict scoring?", ) parser.add_argument( "--results", dest="results", required=True, help="""Results File Contents are expected to be jsonl of: { "annotation_id": str, required # these classifications *must not* overlap "rationales": List[ { "docid": str, required "hard_rationale_predictions": List[{ "start_token": int, inclusive, required "end_token": int, exclusive, required }], optional, # token level classifications, a value must be provided per-token # in an ideal world, these correspond to the hard-decoding above. "soft_rationale_predictions": List[float], optional. # sentence level classifications, a value must be provided for every # sentence in each document, or not at all "soft_sentence_predictions": List[float], optional. } ], # the classification the model made for the overall classification task "classification": str, optional # A probability distribution output by the model. We require this to be normalized. "classification_scores": Dict[str, float], optional # The next two fields are measures for how faithful your model is (the # rationales it predicts are in some sense causal of the prediction), and # how sufficient they are. We approximate a measure for comprehensiveness by # asking that you remove the top k%% of tokens from your documents, # running your models again, and reporting the score distribution in the # "comprehensiveness_classification_scores" field. # We approximate a measure of sufficiency by asking exactly the converse # - that you provide model distributions on the removed k%% tokens. # 'k' is determined by human rationales, and is documented in our paper. # You should determine which of these tokens to remove based on some kind # of information about your model: gradient based, attention based, other # interpretability measures, etc. # scores per class having removed k%% of the data, where k is determined by human comprehensive rationales "comprehensiveness_classification_scores": Dict[str, float], optional # scores per class having access to only k%% of the data, where k is determined by human comprehensive rationales "sufficiency_classification_scores": Dict[str, float], optional # the number of tokens required to flip the prediction - see "Is Attention Interpretable" by Serrano and Smith. "tokens_to_flip": int, optional "thresholded_scores": List[{ "threshold": float, required, "comprehensiveness_classification_scores": like "classification_scores" "sufficiency_classification_scores": like "classification_scores" }], optional. if present, then "classification" and "classification_scores" must be present } When providing one of the optional fields, it must be provided for *every* instance. The classification, classification_score, and comprehensiveness_classification_scores must together be present for every instance or absent for every instance. """, ) parser.add_argument( "--iou_thresholds", dest="iou_thresholds", required=False, nargs="+", type=float, default=[0.5], help="""Thresholds for IOU scoring. These are used for "soft" or partial match scoring of rationale spans. A span is considered a match if the size of the intersection of the prediction and the annotation, divided by the union of the two spans, is larger than the IOU threshold. This score can be computed for arbitrary thresholds. """, ) parser.add_argument( "--score_file", dest="score_file", required=False, default=None, help="Where to write results?", ) parser.add_argument( "--aopc_thresholds", nargs="+", required=False, type=float, default=[0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5], help="Thresholds for AOPC Thresholds", ) args = parser.parse_args() results = load_jsonl(args.results) docids = set( chain.from_iterable( [rat["docid"] for rat in res["rationales"]] for res in results ) ) docs = load_flattened_documents(args.data_dir, docids) verify_instances(results, docs) # load truth annotations = annotations_from_jsonl( os.path.join(args.data_dir, args.split + ".jsonl") ) docids |= set( chain.from_iterable( (ev.docid for ev in chain.from_iterable(ann.evidences)) for ann in annotations ) ) has_final_predictions = _has_classifications(results) scores = dict() if args.strict: if not args.iou_thresholds: raise ValueError( "--iou_thresholds must be provided when running strict scoring" ) if not has_final_predictions: raise ValueError( "We must have a 'classification', 'classification_score', and 'comprehensiveness_classification_score' field in order to perform scoring!" ) # TODO think about offering a sentence level version of these scores. if _has_hard_predictions(results): truth = list( chain.from_iterable(Rationale.from_annotation(ann) for ann in annotations) ) pred = list( chain.from_iterable(Rationale.from_instance(inst) for inst in results) ) if args.iou_thresholds is not None: iou_scores = partial_match_score(truth, pred, args.iou_thresholds) scores["iou_scores"] = iou_scores # NER style scoring rationale_level_prf = score_hard_rationale_predictions(truth, pred) scores["rationale_prf"] = rationale_level_prf token_level_truth = list( chain.from_iterable(rat.to_token_level() for rat in truth) ) token_level_pred = list( chain.from_iterable(rat.to_token_level() for rat in pred) ) token_level_prf = score_hard_rationale_predictions( token_level_truth, token_level_pred ) scores["token_prf"] = token_level_prf else:"No hard predictions detected, skipping rationale scoring") if _has_soft_predictions(results): flattened_documents = load_flattened_documents(args.data_dir, docids) paired_scoring = PositionScoredDocument.from_results( results, annotations, flattened_documents, use_tokens=True ) token_scores = score_soft_tokens(paired_scoring) scores["token_soft_metrics"] = token_scores else:"No soft predictions detected, skipping rationale scoring") if _has_soft_sentence_predictions(results): documents = load_documents(args.data_dir, docids) paired_scoring = PositionScoredDocument.from_results( results, annotations, documents, use_tokens=False ) sentence_scores = score_soft_tokens(paired_scoring) scores["sentence_soft_metrics"] = sentence_scores else: "No sentence level predictions detected, skipping sentence-level diagnostic" ) if has_final_predictions: flattened_documents = load_flattened_documents(args.data_dir, docids) class_results = score_classifications( results, annotations, flattened_documents, args.aopc_thresholds ) scores["classification_scores"] = class_results else:"No classification scores detected, skipping classification") pprint.pprint(scores) if args.score_file: with open(args.score_file, "w") as of: json.dump(scores, of, indent=4, sort_keys=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()