import copy import json import os import re import zipfile from collections import OrderedDict from crazyneuraluser.UBAR_code.ontology import all_domains # 2.0 data_path = "data/preprocessed/UBAR/gen_usr_utt_experiment_data.json" save_path = "data/interim/gen_usr_utts/multi-woz-analysis/" save_path_exp = "data/preprocessed_gen_usr_utts/UBAR/multi-woz-processed/" # 2.1 # data_path = 'data/raw/UBAR/MultiWOZ_2.1/' # save_path = 'data/interim/multi-woz-2.1-analysis/' # save_path_exp = 'data/preprocessed/multi-woz-2.1-processed/' data_file = "data.json" domains = all_domains # all_domains = ['restaurant', 'hotel', 'attraction', 'train', 'taxi', 'police', 'hospital'] def analysis(): compressed_raw_data = {} goal_of_dials = {} req_slots = {} info_slots = {} dom_count = {} dom_fnlist = {} all_domain_specific_slots = set() for domain in domains: req_slots[domain] = [] info_slots[domain] = [] # archive = zipfile.ZipFile(data_path + data_file + ".zip", "r") # data =, "r").read().decode("utf-8").lower() data = open(data_path, "r").read().lower() ref_nos = list(set(re.findall(r"\"reference\"\: \"(\w+)\"", data))) data = json.loads(data) for fn, dial in data.items(): goals = dial["goal"] logs = dial["log"] # get compressed_raw_data and goal_of_dials compressed_raw_data[fn] = {"goal": {}, "log": []} goal_of_dials[fn] = {} for dom, goal in goals.items(): # get goal of domains that are in demmand if dom != "topic" and dom != "message" and goal: compressed_raw_data[fn]["goal"][dom] = goal goal_of_dials[fn][dom] = goal for turn in logs: if not turn["metadata"]: # user's turn compressed_raw_data[fn]["log"].append({"text": turn["text"]}) else: # system's turn meta = turn["metadata"] turn_dict = {"text": turn["text"], "metadata": {}} for ( dom, book_semi, ) in meta.items(): # for every domain, sys updates "book" and "semi" book, semi = book_semi["book"], book_semi["semi"] record = False for ( slot, value, ) in book.items(): # record indicates non-empty-book domain if value not in ["", []]: record = True if record: turn_dict["metadata"][dom] = {} turn_dict["metadata"][dom]["book"] = book # add that domain's book record = False for ( slot, value, ) in semi.items(): # here record indicates non-empty-semi domain if value not in ["", []]: record = True break if record: for s, v in copy.deepcopy(semi).items(): if v == "not mentioned": del semi[s] if not turn_dict["metadata"].get(dom): turn_dict["metadata"][dom] = {} turn_dict["metadata"][dom]["semi"] = semi # add that domain's semi compressed_raw_data[fn]["log"].append(turn_dict) # add to log the compressed turn_dict # get domain statistics dial_type = ( "multi" if "mul" in fn or "MUL" in fn else "single" ) # determine the dialog's type: sinle or multi if fn in ["pmul2756.json", "pmul4958.json", "pmul3599.json"]: dial_type = "single" dial_domains = [dom for dom in domains if goals[dom]] # domains that are in demmand dom_str = "" for dom in dial_domains: if not dom_count.get(dom + "_" + dial_type): # count each domain type, with single or multi considered dom_count[dom + "_" + dial_type] = 1 else: dom_count[dom + "_" + dial_type] += 1 if not dom_fnlist.get(dom + "_" + dial_type): # keep track the file number of each domain type dom_fnlist[dom + "_" + dial_type] = [fn] else: dom_fnlist[dom + "_" + dial_type].append(fn) dom_str += "%s_" % dom dom_str = dom_str[:-1] # substract the last char in dom_str if dial_type == "multi": # count multi-domains if not dom_count.get(dom_str): dom_count[dom_str] = 1 else: dom_count[dom_str] += 1 if not dom_fnlist.get(dom_str): dom_fnlist[dom_str] = [fn] else: dom_fnlist[dom_str].append(fn) ###### # get informable and requestable slots statistics for domain in domains: info_ss = goals[domain].get("info", {}) book_ss = goals[domain].get("book", {}) req_ss = goals[domain].get("reqt", {}) for info_s in info_ss: all_domain_specific_slots.add(domain + "-" + info_s) if info_s not in info_slots[domain]: info_slots[domain] += [info_s] for book_s in book_ss: if "book_" + book_s not in info_slots[domain] and book_s not in [ "invalid", "pre_invalid", ]: all_domain_specific_slots.add(domain + "-" + book_s) info_slots[domain] += ["book_" + book_s] for req_s in req_ss: if req_s not in req_slots[domain]: req_slots[domain] += [req_s] # result statistics if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.mkdir(save_path) if not os.path.exists(save_path_exp): os.mkdir(save_path_exp) with open(save_path + "req_slots.json", "w") as sf: json.dump(req_slots, sf, indent=2) with open(save_path + "info_slots.json", "w") as sf: json.dump(info_slots, sf, indent=2) with open(save_path + "all_domain_specific_info_slots.json", "w") as sf: json.dump(list(all_domain_specific_slots), sf, indent=2) print("slot num:", len(list(all_domain_specific_slots))) with open(save_path + "goal_of_each_dials.json", "w") as sf: json.dump(goal_of_dials, sf, indent=2) with open(save_path + "compressed_data.json", "w") as sf: json.dump(compressed_raw_data, sf, indent=2) with open(save_path + "domain_count.json", "w") as sf: single_count = [d for d in dom_count.items() if "single" in d[0]] multi_count = [d for d in dom_count.items() if "multi" in d[0]] other_count = [d for d in dom_count.items() if "multi" not in d[0] and "single" not in d[0]] dom_count_od = OrderedDict(single_count + multi_count + other_count) json.dump(dom_count_od, sf, indent=2) with open(save_path_exp + "reference_no.json", "w") as sf: json.dump(ref_nos, sf, indent=2) with open(save_path_exp + "domain_files.json", "w") as sf: json.dump(dom_fnlist, sf, indent=2) if __name__ == "__main__": analysis()