import gradio as gr from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification import torch tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("alibidaran/Symptom2disease") model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("alibidaran/Symptom2disease") label_2id={'Psoriasis': 0, 'Varicose Veins': 1, 'Typhoid': 2, 'Chicken pox': 3, 'Impetigo': 4, 'Dengue': 5, 'Fungal infection': 6, 'Common Cold': 7, 'Pneumonia': 8, 'Dimorphic Hemorrhoids': 9, 'Arthritis': 10, 'Acne': 11, 'Bronchial Asthma': 12, 'Hypertension': 13, 'Migraine': 14, 'Cervical spondylosis': 15, 'Jaundice': 16, 'Malaria': 17, 'urinary tract infection': 18, 'allergy': 19, 'gastroesophageal reflux disease': 20, 'drug reaction': 21, 'peptic ulcer disease': 22, 'diabetes': 23} def detect_symptom(symptoms): inputs_id=tokenizer(symptoms,padding=True,truncation=True,return_tensors="pt") output=model(inputs_id['input_ids']) preds=torch.nn.functional.softmax(output.logits,-1).topk(5) results={id2_label[preds.indices[0][i].item()]:preds.values[0][i].item() for i in range(5)} return results demo=gr.Interface(fn=detect_symptom,inputs='text',outputs=gr.Label(num_top_classes=5), examples=["I can't stop sneezing and I feel really tired and crummy. My throat is really sore", "I have been experiencing a severe headache that is accompanied by pain behind my eyes.", "There are small red spots all over my body that I can't explain. It's worrying me.", "I've been having a really hard time going to the bathroom lately. It's really painful"]) demo.launch()