from colorama import Fore, Style from import execute_command, get_command from import chat_with_ai, create_chat_message from autogpt.config import Config from autogpt.json_utils.json_fix_llm import fix_json_using_multiple_techniques from autogpt.json_utils.utilities import validate_json from autogpt.logs import logger, print_assistant_thoughts from autogpt.speech import say_text from autogpt.spinner import Spinner from autogpt.utils import clean_input class Agent: """Agent class for interacting with Auto-GPT. Attributes: ai_name: The name of the agent. memory: The memory object to use. full_message_history: The full message history. next_action_count: The number of actions to execute. system_prompt: The system prompt is the initial prompt that defines everything the AI needs to know to achieve its task successfully. Currently, the dynamic and customizable information in the system prompt are ai_name, description and goals. triggering_prompt: The last sentence the AI will see before answering. For Auto-GPT, this prompt is: Determine which next command to use, and respond using the format specified above: The triggering prompt is not part of the system prompt because between the system prompt and the triggering prompt we have contextual information that can distract the AI and make it forget that its goal is to find the next task to achieve. SYSTEM PROMPT CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION (memory, previous conversations, anything relevant) TRIGGERING PROMPT The triggering prompt reminds the AI about its short term meta task (defining the next task) """ def __init__( self, ai_name, memory, full_message_history, next_action_count, system_prompt, triggering_prompt, ): self.ai_name = ai_name self.memory = memory self.full_message_history = full_message_history self.next_action_count = next_action_count self.system_prompt = system_prompt self.triggering_prompt = triggering_prompt def start_interaction_loop(self): # Interaction Loop cfg = Config() loop_count = 0 command_name = None arguments = None user_input = "" while True: # Discontinue if continuous limit is reached loop_count += 1 if ( cfg.continuous_mode and cfg.continuous_limit > 0 and loop_count > cfg.continuous_limit ): logger.typewriter_log( "Continuous Limit Reached: ", Fore.YELLOW, f"{cfg.continuous_limit}" ) break # Send message to AI, get response with Spinner("Thinking... "): assistant_reply = chat_with_ai( self.system_prompt, self.triggering_prompt, self.full_message_history, self.memory, cfg.fast_token_limit, ) # TODO: This hardcodes the model to use GPT3.5. Make this an argument assistant_reply_json = fix_json_using_multiple_techniques(assistant_reply) # Print Assistant thoughts if assistant_reply_json != {}: validate_json(assistant_reply_json, "llm_response_format_1") # Get command name and arguments try: print_assistant_thoughts(self.ai_name, assistant_reply_json) command_name, arguments = get_command(assistant_reply_json) # command_name, arguments = assistant_reply_json_valid["command"]["name"], assistant_reply_json_valid["command"]["args"] if cfg.speak_mode: say_text(f"I want to execute {command_name}") except Exception as e: logger.error("Error: \n", str(e)) if not cfg.continuous_mode and self.next_action_count == 0: ### GET USER AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE COMMAND ### # Get key press: Prompt the user to press enter to continue or escape # to exit logger.typewriter_log( "NEXT ACTION: ", Fore.CYAN, f"COMMAND = {Fore.CYAN}{command_name}{Style.RESET_ALL} " f"ARGUMENTS = {Fore.CYAN}{arguments}{Style.RESET_ALL}", ) print( "Enter 'y' to authorise command, 'y -N' to run N continuous " "commands, 'n' to exit program, or enter feedback for " f"{self.ai_name}...", flush=True, ) while True: console_input = clean_input( Fore.MAGENTA + "Input:" + Style.RESET_ALL ) if console_input.lower().strip() == "y": user_input = "GENERATE NEXT COMMAND JSON" break elif console_input.lower().strip() == "": print("Invalid input format.") continue elif console_input.lower().startswith("y -"): try: self.next_action_count = abs( int(console_input.split(" ")[1]) ) user_input = "GENERATE NEXT COMMAND JSON" except ValueError: print( "Invalid input format. Please enter 'y -n' where n is" " the number of continuous tasks." ) continue break elif console_input.lower() == "n": user_input = "EXIT" break else: user_input = console_input command_name = "human_feedback" break if user_input == "GENERATE NEXT COMMAND JSON": logger.typewriter_log( "-=-=-=-=-=-=-= COMMAND AUTHORISED BY USER -=-=-=-=-=-=-=", Fore.MAGENTA, "", ) elif user_input == "EXIT": print("Exiting...", flush=True) break else: # Print command logger.typewriter_log( "NEXT ACTION: ", Fore.CYAN, f"COMMAND = {Fore.CYAN}{command_name}{Style.RESET_ALL}" f" ARGUMENTS = {Fore.CYAN}{arguments}{Style.RESET_ALL}", ) # Execute command if command_name is not None and command_name.lower().startswith("error"): result = ( f"Command {command_name} threw the following error: {arguments}" ) elif command_name == "human_feedback": result = f"Human feedback: {user_input}" else: result = ( f"Command {command_name} returned: " f"{execute_command(command_name, arguments)}" ) if self.next_action_count > 0: self.next_action_count -= 1 memory_to_add = ( f"Assistant Reply: {assistant_reply} " f"\nResult: {result} " f"\nHuman Feedback: {user_input} " ) self.memory.add(memory_to_add) # Check if there's a result from the command append it to the message # history if result is not None: self.full_message_history.append(create_chat_message("system", result)) logger.typewriter_log("SYSTEM: ", Fore.YELLOW, result) else: self.full_message_history.append( create_chat_message("system", "Unable to execute command") ) logger.typewriter_log( "SYSTEM: ", Fore.YELLOW, "Unable to execute command" )