from model.base_model import SummModel import argparse import os import torch import gzip import json from model.third_party.HMNet.Models.Trainers.HMNetTrainer import HMNetTrainer from model.third_party.HMNet.Utils.Arguments import Arguments import spacy nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm", disable=["parser"]) # tagger = nlp.get_pipe('tagger') # ner = nlp.get_pipe('ner') # POS = {w: i for i, w in enumerate([''] + list(tagger.labels))} # ENT = {w: i for i, w in enumerate([''] + list(ner.move_names))} # These two dicts are adapted from SpaCy 2.3.1, since HMNet's embedding for POS and ENT is fixed POS = { "": 0, "$": 1, "''": 2, ",": 3, "-LRB-": 4, "-RRB-": 5, ".": 6, ":": 7, "ADD": 8, "AFX": 9, "CC": 10, "CD": 11, "DT": 12, "EX": 13, "FW": 14, "HYPH": 15, "IN": 16, "JJ": 17, "JJR": 18, "JJS": 19, "LS": 20, "MD": 21, "NFP": 22, "NN": 23, "NNP": 24, "NNPS": 25, "NNS": 26, "PDT": 27, "POS": 28, "PRP": 29, "PRP$": 30, "RB": 31, "RBR": 32, "RBS": 33, "RP": 34, "SYM": 35, "TO": 36, "UH": 37, "VB": 38, "VBD": 39, "VBG": 40, "VBN": 41, "VBP": 42, "VBZ": 43, "WDT": 44, "WP": 45, "WP$": 46, "WRB": 47, "XX": 48, "_SP": 49, "``": 50, } ENT = { "": 0, "B-ORG": 1, "B-DATE": 2, "B-PERSON": 3, "B-GPE": 4, "B-MONEY": 5, "B-CARDINAL": 6, "B-NORP": 7, "B-PERCENT": 8, "B-WORK_OF_ART": 9, "B-LOC": 10, "B-TIME": 11, "B-QUANTITY": 12, "B-FAC": 13, "B-EVENT": 14, "B-ORDINAL": 15, "B-PRODUCT": 16, "B-LAW": 17, "B-LANGUAGE": 18, "I-ORG": 19, "I-DATE": 20, "I-PERSON": 21, "I-GPE": 22, "I-MONEY": 23, "I-CARDINAL": 24, "I-NORP": 25, "I-PERCENT": 26, "I-WORK_OF_ART": 27, "I-LOC": 28, "I-TIME": 29, "I-QUANTITY": 30, "I-FAC": 31, "I-EVENT": 32, "I-ORDINAL": 33, "I-PRODUCT": 34, "I-LAW": 35, "I-LANGUAGE": 36, "L-ORG": 37, "L-DATE": 38, "L-PERSON": 39, "L-GPE": 40, "L-MONEY": 41, "L-CARDINAL": 42, "L-NORP": 43, "L-PERCENT": 44, "L-WORK_OF_ART": 45, "L-LOC": 46, "L-TIME": 47, "L-QUANTITY": 48, "L-FAC": 49, "L-EVENT": 50, "L-ORDINAL": 51, "L-PRODUCT": 52, "L-LAW": 53, "L-LANGUAGE": 54, "U-ORG": 55, "U-DATE": 56, "U-PERSON": 57, "U-GPE": 58, "U-MONEY": 59, "U-CARDINAL": 60, "U-NORP": 61, "U-PERCENT": 62, "U-WORK_OF_ART": 63, "U-LOC": 64, "U-TIME": 65, "U-QUANTITY": 66, "U-FAC": 67, "U-EVENT": 68, "U-ORDINAL": 69, "U-PRODUCT": 70, "U-LAW": 71, "U-LANGUAGE": 72, "O": 73, } class HMNetModel(SummModel): # static variables model_name = "HMNET" is_extractive = False is_neural = True is_dialogue_based = True def __init__( self, min_gen_length: int = 10, max_gen_length: int = 300, beam_width: int = 6, **kwargs, ): """ Create a summarization model with HMNet backbone. In the default setting, the inference speed will be 10s/sample (on one GPU), however, if one can tune these three parameters properly, e.g. min_gen_length=10, max_gen_length=100, and beam_width=2, the inference speed will increase to 2s/sample (on one GPU). Args: min_gen_length (int): minimum generation length of the decoder max_gen_length (int): maximum generation length of the decoder beam_width (int): width of the beam when doing beam search in the decoding process kwargs: the other valid parameters. The valid parameters can be found in model/dialogue/hmnet/config/dialogue.conf . You can use either lower case or upper case for parameter name. The valid parameter name is one of the following args, however, we do not encourage you to modify them, since some unexpected, untested errors might be triggered: ['MODEL', 'TASK', 'CRITERION', 'SEED', 'MAX_NUM_EPOCHS', 'EVAL_PER_UPDATE_NUM' , 'UPDATES_PER_EPOCH', 'OPTIMIZER', 'START_LEARNING_RATE', 'LR_SCHEDULER', 'WARMUP_STEPS', 'WARMUP_INIT_LR', 'WARMUP_END_LR', 'GRADIENT_ACCUMULATE_STEP', 'GRAD_CLIPPING', 'USE_REL_DATA_PATH', 'TRAIN_FILE', 'DEV_FILE', 'TEST_FILE', 'ROLE_DICT_FILE', 'MINI_BATCH', 'MAX_PADDING_RATIO', 'BATCH_READ_AHEAD', 'DOC_SHUFFLE_BUF_SIZE', 'SAMPLE_SHUFFLE_BUFFER_SIZE', 'BATCH_SHUFFLE_BUFFER_SIZE', 'MAX_TRANSCRIPT_WORD', 'MAX_SENT_LEN', 'MAX_SENT_NUM', 'DROPOUT', 'VOCAB_DIM', 'ROLE_SIZE', 'ROLE_DIM', 'POS_DIM', 'ENT_DIM', 'USE_ROLE', 'USE_POSENT', 'USE_BOS_TOKEN', 'USE_EOS_TOKEN', 'TRANSFORMER_EMBED_DROPOUT', 'TRANSFORMER_RESIDUAL_DROPOUT', 'TRANSFORMER_ATTENTION_DROPOUT', 'TRANSFORMER_LAYER', 'TRANSFORMER_HEAD', 'TRANSFORMER_POS_DISCOUNT', 'PRE_TOKENIZER', 'PRE_TOKENIZER_PATH', 'PYLEARN_MODEL', 'EXTRA_IDS', 'BEAM_WIDTH', 'EVAL_TOKENIZED', 'EVAL_LOWERCASE', 'MAX_GEN_LENGTH', 'MIN_GEN_LENGTH', 'NO_REPEAT_NGRAM_SIZE'] Return an instance of HMNet model for dialogue summarization. """ super(HMNetModel, self).__init__() self.root_path = self._get_root() # we leave the most influential params with prompt and the others as hidden kwargs kwargs["MIN_GEN_LENGTH"] = min_gen_length kwargs["MAX_GEN_LENGTH"] = max_gen_length kwargs["BEAM_WIDTH"] = beam_width self.opt = self._parse_args(kwargs) self.model = HMNetTrainer(self.opt) def _get_root(self): root_path = os.getcwd() while "model" not in os.listdir(root_path): root_path = os.path.dirname(root_path) root_path = os.path.join(root_path, "model/dialogue") return root_path def _parse_args(self, kwargs): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="HMNet: Pretrain or fine-tune models for HMNet model." ) parser.add_argument( "--command", default="evaluate", help="Command: train/evaluate" ) parser.add_argument( "--conf_file", default=os.path.join(self.root_path, "hmnet/config/dialogue.conf"), help="Path to the BigLearn conf file.", ) parser.add_argument( "--PYLEARN_MODEL", help="Overrides this option from the conf file." ) parser.add_argument( "--master_port", help="Overrides this option default", default=None ) parser.add_argument("--cluster", help="local, philly or aml", default="local") parser.add_argument( "--dist_init_path", help="Distributed init path for AML", default="./tmp" ) parser.add_argument( "--fp16", action="store_true", help="Whether to use 16-bit float precision instead of 32-bit", ) parser.add_argument( "--fp16_opt_level", type=str, default="O1", help="For fp16: Apex AMP optimization level selected in ['O0', 'O1', 'O2', and 'O3']." "See details at", ) parser.add_argument("--no_cuda", action="store_true", help="Disable cuda.") parser.add_argument( "--config_overrides", help="Override parameters on config, VAR=val;VAR=val;...", ) cmdline_args = parser.parse_args() command = cmdline_args.command conf_file = cmdline_args.conf_file conf_args = Arguments(conf_file) opt = conf_args.readArguments() if cmdline_args.config_overrides: for config_override in cmdline_args.config_overrides.split(";"): config_override = config_override.strip() if config_override: var_val = config_override.split("=") assert ( len(var_val) == 2 ), f"Config override '{var_val}' does not have the form 'VAR=val'" conf_args.add_opt(opt, var_val[0], var_val[1], force_override=True) opt["cuda"] = torch.cuda.is_available() and not cmdline_args.no_cuda opt["confFile"] = conf_file if "datadir" not in opt: opt["datadir"] = os.path.dirname( conf_file ) # conf_file specifies where the data folder is opt["basename"] = os.path.basename( conf_file ) # conf_file specifies where the name of save folder is opt["command"] = command # combine cmdline_args into opt dictionary for key, val in cmdline_args.__dict__.items(): # if val is not None and key not in ['command', 'conf_file']: if val is not None: opt[key] = val # combine kwargs into opt dictionary (we allow lower case) for key, val in kwargs.items(): valid_keys = [x for x in opt.keys() if x.upper() == x] if key.upper() not in valid_keys: print("WARNING: {} is not a valid key in HMNet.".format(key)) print("The valid keys are:", valid_keys) continue if val is not None: opt[key.upper()] = val return opt def summarize(self, corpus, queries=None): print(f"HMNet model: processing document of {corpus.__len__()} samples") # transform the original dataset to "dialogue" input # we only use test set path for evaluation data_folder = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.opt["datadir"]), "ExampleRawData/meeting_summarization/AMI_proprec/test", ) self._create_datafolder(data_folder) self._preprocess(corpus, data_folder) # return self.model.eval() results = self._evaluate() return results def _evaluate(self): if self.opt["rank"] == 0: self.model.log("-----------------------------------------------") self.model.log("Evaluating model ... ") self.model.set_up_model() eval_dataset = "test" batch_generator_eval = self.model.get_batch_generator(eval_dataset) predictions = self._eval_batches( self.model.module, batch_generator_eval, self.model.saveFolder, eval_dataset ) return predictions def _eval_batches(self, module, dev_batches, save_folder, label=""): max_sent_len = int(self.opt["MAX_GEN_LENGTH"]) print("Decoding current model ... \nSaving folder is {}".format(save_folder)) print("Each sample will cost about 10 second.") import time start_time = time.time() predictions = [] # prediction of tokens from model if not isinstance(module.tokenizer, list): decoder_tokenizer = module.tokenizer elif len(module.tokenizer) == 1: decoder_tokenizer = module.tokenizer[0] elif len(module.tokenizer) == 2: decoder_tokenizer = module.tokenizer[1] else: assert False, "len(module.tokenizer) > 2" with torch.no_grad(): for j, dev_batch in enumerate(dev_batches): for b in dev_batch: if torch.is_tensor(dev_batch[b]): dev_batch[b] = dev_batch[b].to(self.opt["device"]) beam_search_res = module( dev_batch, beam_search=True, max_sent_len=max_sent_len ) pred = [ [t[0] for t in x] if len(x) > 0 else [[]] for x in beam_search_res ] predictions.extend( [ [ self._convert_tokens_to_string(decoder_tokenizer, tt) for tt in t ] for t in pred ] ) if ( "DEBUG" in self.opt and j >= 10 ) or j >= self.model.task.evaluator.eval_batches_num: # in debug mode (decode first 10 batches) ortherwise decode first self.eval_batches_num bathes break top1_predictions = [x[0] for x in predictions] print("Total time for inference:", time.time() - start_time) return top1_predictions def _convert_tokens_to_string(self, tokenizer, tokens): if "EVAL_TOKENIZED" in self.opt: tokens = [t for t in tokens if t not in tokenizer.all_special_tokens] if "EVAL_LOWERCASE" in self.opt: tokens = [t.lower() for t in tokens] if "EVAL_TOKENIZED" in self.opt: return " ".join(tokens) else: return tokenizer.decode( tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens), skip_special_tokens=True ) def _preprocess(self, corpus, test_path): samples = [] for i, sample in enumerate(corpus): new_sample = {"id": i, "meeting": [], "summary": []} if isinstance(sample, str): raise RuntimeError( "Error: the input of HMNet should be dialogues, rather than documents." ) # add all the turns one by one for turn in sample: turn = [x.strip() for x in turn.split(":")] if len(turn) < 2: continue tokenized_turn = nlp(turn[1]) # In case we can't find proper entity in move_names ent_id = [] pos_id = [] for token in tokenized_turn: ent = ( token.ent_iob_ + "-" + token.ent_type_ if token.ent_iob_ != "O" else "O" ) ent_id.append(ENT[ent] if ent in ENT else ENT[""]) pos = token.tag_ pos_id.append(POS[pos] if pos in POS else POS[""]) new_sample["meeting"].append( { "speaker": turn[0], "role": "", "utt": { "word": [str(token) for token in tokenized_turn], "pos_id": pos_id, "ent_id": ent_id, }, } ) new_sample["summary"].append( "This is a dummy summary. HMNet will filter out the sample w/o summary!" ) samples.append(new_sample) # save to the gzip file_path = os.path.join(test_path, "split_{}.jsonl.gz".format(i)) with, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(json.dumps(new_sample)) def _clean_datafolder(self, data_folder): for name in os.listdir(data_folder): name = os.path.join(data_folder, name) if ".gz" in name: os.remove(name) def _create_datafolder(self, data_folder): if os.path.exists(data_folder): self._clean_datafolder(data_folder) else: os.makedirs(data_folder) with open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(data_folder), "test_ami.json"), "w", encoding="utf-8", ) as file: json.dump( [ { "source": { "dataset": "../ExampleRawData/meeting_summarization/AMI_proprec/test/" }, "task": "meeting", "name": "ami", } ], file, ) with open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(data_folder)), "role_dict_ext.json" ), "w", ) as file: json.dump({}, file) @classmethod def show_capability(cls) -> None: basic_description = cls.generate_basic_description() more_details = ( "A HMNet model finetuned on CNN-DM dataset for summarization.\n\n" "Strengths:\n - High performance on dialogue summarization task.\n\n" "Weaknesses:\n - Not suitable for datasets other than dialogues.\n\n" "Initialization arguments:\n " " - `corpus`: Unlabelled corpus of documents.\n" ) print(f"{basic_description} \n {'#' * 20} \n {more_details}")